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“Gaby, come on, let's take a picture,” Pixie said as she hovered over  Gaby. 

“Yeah! Good idea” she answered “It will be a nice memory of the New  Year's party” 

“I want to be in the picture too!” Caty said as she sat down next to  Gaby “Britt, come here!”

"I'm going, I'm going... am I okay here?” Britt said as she settled  behind Caty. 

"Can we join too?" Eri said as she walked over with Nagi. 

"YEAH! OF COURSE!” Gaby enthused. 

“Hey Britt, you're covering Eri” Caty said. 

“Okay, okay... I'll fix it right away,” Britt said. She took her head  off from her shoulders and hold it in her hand, next to Gaby. 

“Okay, let me set the timer,” Pixie said. She adjusted her phone and  then flew towards her friends. “3…2…1, CHEESE!”




Aaaah! They all look so good! Thank you so much, Access. Thank you for believing in yourself. Thank you for believing in the art you wanted to make and the stories you wanted to tell. Thank you for believing you could make it happen. And thank you for believing in us. Thank you for believing that we would be here to support you in this work. And thank you for believing in the members of your team. Thank you to the team, because this project would not be the same without your contributions. Thank you for another wonderful year of your art and your stories. I have greatly enjoyed your work in this last year and I will be looking forward to seeing more of your work in the new year. Happy new year, Access. May it be a happy time for you.

Максим Петюшка

Happy New year 🎉 I want to wish a peaceful sky for all of us, heath for Access team and inspiration for yours art.


Happy New Year. I ll always be a supporter to everything you do Access.^^