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“Come on, Phil, it'll be fun,” Quinn said excitedly as she clapped all four of her hands together. “We're the best of friends, we get along well and hardly fight. We will be the best roomies!”

“Well, that's true but…” I paused trying to find the words. “…it could be complicated.”

Quinn looked at me with questioning yellow eyes. “What? Do you think your girlfriend will be jealous? Haven't you already told her that you weren't attracted to mutants, let alone animal mutants?"

“Yeah, but living together under the same roof can still be an issue,” I told her. I couldn’t really explain how, but something told me it could be. “I'm not just saying this because of my girlfriend. I really don't want to ruin our friendship.”

“I get you. But we need to save money and it would be the perfect option,” Quinn insisted. She stretched out her long pinky finger. “Let's make a promise to avoid making each other uncomfortable at all costs. Our goal is to be the best roomies and still remain best friends.”

I stared for a moment at her outstretched finger. She had a point in that we both needed to save money. And it was true that I was not particularly attracted to mutants, so my girlfriend had no cause to be jealous. Living with a friend could be great fun too.

"Ok, deal,” I said and hooked my pinky with hers.

Now, a year later, we together live in a modest two-bedroom apartment that is close to the university. We work part-time jobs and manage to survive as comfortably as possible for a couple of college students.

Though my romantic life was not going so well. My girlfriend didn't think a finger promise was enough to guarantee her that nothing was going on between me and Quinn, and she soon became very jealous. It led to a lot of fights and hurtful words, and eventually we had no choice but to break up. Quinn felt very guilty, but I told her it wasn’t her fault.

However, for the past couple of days things have gotten a little weird. Quinn spends most of her time in her bedroom and when we're having dinner together, her eyes are distant.

I was in the kitchen making sandwiches when I got this feeling like someone was watching me. I glanced at Quinn out of the corner of my eye and saw she was watching my every move like an animal before it pounces on its prey. She was so engrossed that she didn't realize that I had noticed her.

“Quinn,” I said aloud.

"Huh? What?” she said snapping out of her trance.

"Is there something going on? You’ve been acting a little strangely lately.”

“N-no, it's okay, it's just… it must be the change of season. I feel a little weird."

"That's weird, I don't remember this ever happening to you before," I told her as I handed over her sandwich. When I passed it to her, our hands brushed lightly and she recoiled faster than she usually would.

“T-Thank you, I…I'll go to my room,” she said and fled down the hall before I could say anything.

"What is going on?" I wondered. “Did I do something?”

Quinn spent the rest of the afternoon locked in her room. She had her tv turned up so loud I could hear it over mine. I doubted she was studying with that much noise, but she seemed to want some space so I decided not to say anything.

After a few hours, I knocked on her door to let her know dinner had arrived. I had ordered her favorite Chinese food and was hoping to talk to her and figure out what was wrong.

“Quinn… dinner is ready. Come out,” I told her from outside her room.

"Be right there! Just give me a second to…er…change clothes," she said.

“Change clothes? To eat Chinese food in our living room?” things were getting weirder and weirder.

It was almost a half an hour later when Quinn emerged. She was wearing light make up and a rather tight dress, one that she only wore to go out dancing. Strangely, she was also wearing high heels. She never wore shoes when we were at home. I swore she was swaying her hips more than usual when she walked over to the couch to sit down, too.

"That looks good, I'm starving," she said as she opened her food.

"Y-yeah, me too," I stammered, still surprised by her look. "Quinn, why are you so dressed up?”

"Uh, what do you mean? Do I look bad?” she asked.

"Not at all. You look… you look very good!” I said very sincerely.

Quinn’s ears and tail flicked a little, a small sign that she liked what I’d said. “You really think so?” she said with a big smile. “I mean sometimes I just like to dress up, you know?”

“You are pretty, very pretty!” I said.

Quinn blushed a bit. I couldn’t help the way my eyes traveled down to her six breasts, noting the way her nipples stood out beneath her tight dress. She sighed deeply and then said. “GOD, I can't take it anymore!”

“What do you mean? What’s wrong?" I said worried.

“Phil… I think I'm in heat,” she said trying to look away.

"In heat? But how, all of sudden?" I asked.

“It’s happened before, but I’ve always been able to control it. It’s just now, there are two things that make it a bit…harder for me,” she paused as she took another breath. “The first is that I'm living with a man, which is a constant reminder that I’m in heat. But also… I like you. I like you a lot…”

“Quinn, I… I don't know what to say,” I said as I tried to process her words.

“I know we made that promise, and I don't want to mess things up in case you want to get back with your ex…” she was so nervous she could barely sit still.

"I'm not getting back together with her," I told her dryly.

“How can you be sure you're not going to want to in the future?” Quinn said.

“Because she said that instead of living with you, I should have adopted a dog if I wanted a pet that much. That's why I ended it with her."

Quinn's face fell, her nervousness slowly being replaced by anger. “Did that damn idiot really say that? And to think that I suppressed everything I felt out of respect for her… even when you were done with her. UGGHH, I hate her!”

I had never seen Quinn so angry. "I'm sorry. That was the last conversation I had with her. After that I broke up with her and we haven't spoken again and frankly I have no desire to do so."

“…thank you,” she said, looking down. “Now I feel a little calmer, but I'm sorry that I was the cause of your breakup.”

“I broke up with her not just because she was mutaphobic but because when she said that I… I realized I really like you. As more than just a friend I mean,” I said.

“W-What… are you serious? Why didn't you tell me?” she asked as she stared at me, jaw agape.

“Because of our promise,” I said with a goofy smile.

“The one where we promised to not bother each other, be the best roommates and that I wouldn't make your girlfriend jealous,” Quinn said with a laugh.

"Well, we are the best roomies, I don't have a girlfriend who gets jealous anymore, and honestly, I don't think we're bothering each other, right?"

She scooted closer to me, leaned over, and licked me on my cheek. “Does that bother you?”

"No, quite the opposite,” I said and gave her a kiss on her lips that she tenderly returned. “Does that make you uncomfortable?”

“No. In fact… I like it. And how about this?” she said as she took my hands with her lower arms and brought them to her butt. I could feel the roundness of it as her tail skimmed across my hands.

"No, this feels great," I said with a blush.

She smiled and dragged me to my room where we immediately undressed. I barely had time to put the condom on before Quinn pounced on me. That was the best sex I'd ever had in my life.

A while later Quinn was still lying beside me, hugging me lovingly while I stroked her fur, deep in thought.

“Everything alright?” she asked.

"Yeah, it’s great," I said. "I just wonder what we are going to be like now, especially once your heat is over."

She giggled a little. “Silly. I liked you before. Heat just made it so I couldn’t hide it any longer,” she said as she hugged me tight. "I'd love to take a picture of us right now to send to your jerk ex."

"You wouldn't," I laughed.

"Nah, I’m not that petty," she said.

“So, you’re my girlfriend now?” I said as I hugged her.

She just smiled as she held up one of her pinkies. "Deal."




This is another lovely story! :D However, one observation: In the discussion of the breakup, "ended up with her" should be "ended it with her". I try not to be *that guy* with minor typos, but that one confused me a lot for a few seconds.

Juniper Skunktaur

Quinn is a dog girl? The story doesn’t say anything about her kind of species.