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By all outward appearances Kellie was a fairly normal girl. She had just graduated high school and was taking a gap year before entering university. She mostly spent her time at her part time job at the coffee shop, or musing over what she would do with her future.

But then, something odd started to happen. At first it was barely noticeable, just a neon pink coloration in the back of her throat that could have been mistaken for a bit of leftover toothpaste. Nothing to worry about.

Then she noticed her spit started to become pinker too. That was a bit more concerning. And when she mastu rbated she noticed her fingers were covered in a thick pink goo.

At the time she just thought she was mutating. Small mutations were apparently much more common than people thought and her mutation was just a small change to the color of her bodily fluids, then she was one of the lucky ones.

Unfortunately, the weirdness kept coming. Her fluids just became thicker, and pinker. Eventually she delayed going to university again, worried that something was wrong with her, that a bigger mutation would be coming. She instead got a place to herself, and began to focus more on her job. A year passed, and Kellie waited every day with anticipation for a greater mutation to come.

But no, it was just more thick, pink bodily fluids.

After she had lived on her own for about a year, she had begun to give up on anything else happening to her. At this point her fluids were thick and gel-like, thick enough that they did not wash down the drain easily.

And then one night, after a particularly intense session of self pleasure, she noticed that these strange fluids were more abundant, thick, shiny. Even more so when she tried to clean them up they seemed to follow her around. After a bit of experimentation she managed to get them to move and twitch a bit.

Over the next few weeks she experimented with her goo a bit more. Every time she masturbated she tried to control the goo that came out of her, and she got better and better at it. She eventually was able to extend a tentacle of goo from her vagina.

Perhaps she was becoming an interesting mutant after all.

Things escalated very quickly when she accidentally cut herself at her job. She barely even noticed it. The kitchen knife put a deep cut in her pointer finger and the thick ooze was coming out. No blood. Just thick neon pink ooze. She looked at it strangely and simply willed the ooze to go back inside her, and it did, sealing up the wound like it was nothing.

Over the next days she began experimenting a little bit more, using the kitchen knives at her job in private to cut herself deeper and deeper. It didn’t seem to matter where she cut herself. She felt no pain. No injury. She could move just fine. All that happened was ooze kept seeping out of her, but the wound would go away just as quick.

Her obsession with her body grew more and more as the days continued, until one day at work, she took it too far. She took the kitchen knife, like she always did, leveled it at her hand, and cut a finger right off.

Pink ooze spilled out, but it still didn’t hurt. Her finger seemed to be able to move, even when it was separated from her body, but the insides were hollow, except for the goo that was. There was no flesh, no bone, just ooze and skin, and both seemed to be able to move whether they were attached to her or not.

Unfortunately, she simply did not have enough privacy to experiment much more at work. In fact, her boss nearly walked in on her, and she didn’t really want to explain how she cut her own finger off. At the very least it would be a health code violation.

So instead, she rushed home, taking the rest of the day off, severed finger still in her hand, willing her ooze to stay inside her.

When back in the privacy of her own home, Kellie stared at her severed but still moving finger long and hard. What was she? Her body was a mystery. Should she call mutant services? Was she some sort of NBM or Goo Girl?

She decided to experiment again. If she was an NBM girl she could separate her body at will right? So she grabbed herself at the waist and tugged…


No matter how hard she pulled, her body felt just like it always did.

Then she thought of the knife. Maybe the knife was the key. She ran to the kitchen and got the sharpest knife she had, and with a bit of terrifying impulse, stabbed it into her abdomen.

Again, it did not hurt. In fact, it felt quite pleasurable to have something… penetrate her like that. Her body shivered and she had to stifle a moan as she moved the knife around her body. In an almost orgasmic rush of adrenaline soon the two halves of her body separated and the pink goo gushed everywhere.

She couldn’t believe her eyes. She was literally split in two. Her legs lied on the floor to one side of her. She tried to move them and felt them kick. She was definitely still in control.

She tentatively reached inside the cavity that was her body. Again, no organs. No bones. Just pink goo. She wondered if the goo was allk she was.

She concentrated, wondered what she could do with all this goo inside her let loose. She willed it to all come out of her body, collecting to one side of her and slowly it did. Thick, viscous, like something out of a horror movie.

As it came together it began to take an odd shape. Slowly it started to look vaguely humanoid. She saw her own features start to form, as the slime shaped into arms, legs, a head. Soon the slime was a perfect copy of her.

“Wow, I’m a Goo Girl,” her old flesh body said.

“Wow, I’m a Goo Girl,” her new goo body said.

Both of the bodies were thinking with the same mind, but seeing through two sets of eyes, moving with two sets of limbs. She moved her goo body in front of the mirror to look at herself. Meanwhile, the flesh Kellie connected herself at the waist again and felt the cut seal up.

She had two bodies, an NBM body which… needed a little coaxing… and a Goo body.

She reached out to touch her goo self and felt a small tingle. She remembered all the nights mastu rbating when the goo would rush out of her. As if guided by instinct she felt her two bodies, the NBM and the Goo body embrase each other, and then slowly kiss.

Within moments her Goo body threw her NBM body onto the bed and spread her legs. Her goo body began to reform itself, growing a perfect penis from it’s pelvis. Within moments she was on top of herself, thrusting into her own body. She couldn’t believe she was actually fuc king herself, but then again there was no one who knew what she liked like herself.

The night of passion continued in earnest. Both of the Kellies exploring each other’s bodies. Goo flying everywhere sloshing over flesh. It felt so good as Kellie entered herself. It was crazy, practically the most pleasure she had ever felt in her life.

In fact, she got a little, too excited. During her session of fooling around her Goo self grabbed the knife that was left by the beside and chopped her flesh head clean off! Soon she felt her goo half start to fill her hollow flesh half until the goo body had her old head on top of itself. It was so bizarre and felt so strange.

Her goo body kept cutting up her flesh body and took every piece, starting to fill it up. Her legs were like pants. Her arms were like gloves. Every stage of the bizarre process looked amazing to her as she was half goo half flesh. Soon, she was once again whole. No goo anywhere.

“That was surreal,” she said. “This opens up so many possibilities. But for now…

She threw herself on the bed and spread her legs growing a big pink goo penis, as she cut a slash in the middle of her chest to have her goo head extend to kiss her. “I still have more exploring to do.




An absolutely wild story. Wonderful :D


Awesome! Two fav mutations in one! Love it!


This is so fucking awesome, I love it! I'd love to hear more from her.