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I was sitting on my couch watching TV after a long day at work. My eyelids were heavy and I was dozing off to the sound of commercials until a text alert made me jump awake.

It was from Hanna, my childhood friend.

“Hi! How are you doing?”

Fairly simple. Recently we had started to go out a bit more often. Get dinner and such. I thought it was just platonic fun but last week she confessed her love to me.

And me? Well I didn’t give her an answer. I have to admit that my personality is usually a little bit cold. I’m a little shy and have never been particularly good at relationships. So, I never gave her a clear answer.

Though, to my surprise this did not dissuade her. Rather, she got excited. It was as if she found my non committal nature cute or charming. Like I was some prize to be won.

Over the next few days, Hanna continued with the same energetic attitude, flirting with me nearly every day. If I had to admit… I kinda liked it.

“Hey I saw you read the message!” Hanna’s next message said. “You aren’t ignoring me are you?”

“Sorry,” I replied. “I got distracted. I’m exhausted. Work really took it out of me.”

“Oh, shame, because I have amazing news to tell you!”

“You can tell me even if I’m exhausted.”

“No, no this is different. Something happened that will for sure make you fall in love with me!”

I mean, I would probably say that I am already in love, just… that I don’t know how to admit it.

I shook my head. “Oh really? What happened?”

“I mutated a few hours ago!” she sent to me with a barrage of emotes.

I didn’t know what to say.

“Hellooooooo” she sent. “You aren’t ignoring me again are you? Or did I just leave you speachless. Oh is it that you aren’t really a fan of mutants? Guess I’ll have to keep my new body a secret then.”

“No it’s not that,” I quickly sent back. “It’s just that I’ve never been particularly excited by them. I just don’t have that sorta kink.”

Hanna’s next text didn’t need any words. She just send a photo of herself and it blew me away.

Her face was barely visible but her body looked incredible. She was naked. Her torso was full of breasts, five of them and of a considerable size. There were two extra arms under her original ones that she using to pose and touch her new acquisitions. Her tongue was out of her mouth, it was much longer and she was practically searching for one of her beautiful nipples. After, when those many sexy parts allowed me to look a bit lower in her body, I found that she had two vaginas in her groin.

“What do you think? Does my new body fit me?”

“Hanna you are naked!” I texted back.

“Well you know how it is,” she said. “The mutation ripped my clothes and I haven’t exactly had an opportunity to go clothes shopping. Plus I’m also feeling hypersensitive right now so the feeling of cloth against my skin isn’t great. I’m also reeeeeeally horny. Anyway I trust you. Don’t go sharing my nudes all over the internet!”

“I can… come over to help… if you need it.” I texted. I’m not even sure why.

“Really? But aren’t you exhausted from work?” she replied.

“You know I have stamina,” I replied. I must have sounded like such a dork.

“Well come over then, I want to explore how BIG that stamina of yours is.” Lots of eggplant emojis came with this one. “Let’s explore my new body together.”

“Who said I wanted to explore your body?” I replied. “I just want to help you get some new clothes.

“Sure sure champion, I’ll wait for you here.”

That night Hanna made me realize how incredible mutants really are.



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