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“And what’s the purpose of this” Valentina asked, taking a puff on her cigarette from her cigarette holder.

“Mama’s orders,” the doctor said. She was a peculiar mutant, one with eight legs arranged on her back and tipped with handfeet covered in dark black latex gloves. She walked like an insect and wore a white labcoat and a black top which stretched over her eight breasts, along with dark black goggles held atop her frazzled and messy hair. She had a distinct, “mad scientist” vibe to her, but what else was new when it came to Mama’s handpicked scientists.

“I understand that, but why measurements?” Valentina said, standing in front of a wall marked off in meters. “I don’t see what is particularly important about how tall I am or how big my breasts are.”

“It’s to keep track of the product,” the scientist said.

“Oh?” Valentina said curiously, taking another puff.

“Mama does her best job to keep tabs on everyone, but even she has limitations. She’s still just a person, where as computers, they can be incredibly accurate.”

“And how does having incredibly accurate measurements help us keep track of product?” Valentina said, with a small bit of boredom and frustration.

“It’s simple,” the scientist said tapping away at several computers at once. “We are in the mutagen trade, yes, and at the end of every month our supply should add up perfectly.”

“And my guess is, it’s not,” said Valentina.

“If it was, then we wouldn’t be doing this now would we?”

“You still haven’t explained how this is going to help us keep track of product,” Valentina said rolling her eyes.

“Simple! Mutagen takes a lot of special equipment to store and use. So if someone is taking mutagen from our supply to either use themselves or sell on the black market, it likely will have affected them in certain ways. Maybe it made them a little taller? Maybe it increased their bust size a bit. Small nearly imperceptible mutations that you wouldn’t be able to see with the untrained eye, but that the right equipment can see clear as day!” She seemed to revel in her work.

“Ah, so if my proportions are off-”

“Then the source of the mutagen shortage can be traced to you, or at least, someone in your employ. Now please, stand up straight.”

“Um, straight?” Valentina said, dropping her cigarette. A small blush crept up in her cheeks, one she hadn’t felt in a while.

“Yes, straight, is there something wrong?” the scientist asked.

“It’s just, I haven’t really stood up straight since my mutation. It’s not, particularly comfortable you know,” Valentina said nervously.

“The ceiling has supports if you need it, now please. Stand up straight.” The scientist insisted.

Valentina sighed, “Well, OK.” She began to rise to her feet, with the sound of cracking of joints that haven’t been forced to stretch this much in ages. She rose higher and higher on the scale, eventually past it. By the time all of her eight legs were fully extended her head was pressed against the ceiling uncomfortably, her body hunched over just to keep her in the room.

“Oh… I see,” the scientist said. “Perhaps our equipment was not prepared for-”

“You think?” Valentina said slowly lowering herself to a more comfortable stance once more.

“I’ll… just put in an estimate and we can continue testing at a later time,” the scientists said.

“Feh, thanks,” Valentina said taking out another pack of cigarettes and lighting one up with an ornate lighter. “Hey doc, what’s your name?”

“Amadeus…” the scientist said.

Valentina stifled a laugh.

“I don’t see what’s funny about-”

“Amy,” Valentina said. “I’m gonna call you Amy. Look Amy if you find any discrepancies in the data for any of my girls? You come straight to me OK?”

“I’ve been ordered quite clearly to bring the data to-”

“No no, don’t worry your pretty little head about that,” Valentina said bending down and gently stroking a finger across Amy’s cheek.

Amy swallowed hard, a blush forming on her face now.

Valentina turned on her sultry voice. “Mama is busy and besides, she has a direct line to all of her enforcers, if you know what I mean. So let’s not bother her and let me deal with my girls. And I’ll be sure to make it worth your while.” She bent down low to whisper the last part in a deep whisper right in Amy’s ear, while simultaneously stuffing a wad of cash into her coat pocket.

“Pleasure doing business with you Amy,” Valentina said with a small laugh as she walked out of the lab.

Amy looked at the cash in her pocket and felt a bead of sweat drip from her brow. She had a feeling that she just got in the middle of something… complicated.




Exactly what I wanted to see. Great stuff! And a nice bit of intrigue inside the organisation to boot. Good stuff, team!


Holy moly, those legs!


Wow. Shes beautiful


I'd like to see more of Amy too. I like her form :)


How long are her legs? Or how tall is she in that form?