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I have an idea for the comic but maybe at this time cant accept changes. As saw at pevious page, the woman than warning to her daughter about contagious mutations. Would be a good condiment (also add some drama if want) than mutations adquired after birth, those yes, be like a virus and can be contagious. But sure no by air or simple visual contact. Would be by sex or by breastfeeding, or some other more ovbious means


having it happen TO that woman in a way that can't be surgically removed would also be good, like, say, another head.


Wouldn't her eye colour count as a mutation as well?


yes, but it might not be related to her other mutation. it's called Heterochromia, btw. Mila Kunis has it. her eyes are green and hazel, respectively. Angelina Jolie also is a case of it, but it's more how her eyes change color towards her pupils, rather than each eye being different.