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“Aaaand… the move is done!” Diana yelled as she threw away the last empty box. She was a curvy girl with furious red hair, impressive breasts, and a huge twelve inch penis.

"Finally…,” Alana said stretching out her muscles. Alana’s breasts were smaller but her penis was massive, almost 25 inches long with four fully functional testicles. “I thought it would never end.”

Both girls had met on a special app where futanari girls could look for a partner. They both came looking for a guy but ended up finding that they had a lot in common. Sure, dating another girl was an experiment for both of them, but they had similar tastes in just about everything, from room décor to TV programs. Plus, they were both very well endowed and had… let’s say above average “adaptability” when it came to being on the receiving end. They also were very honest that eventually they wanted to have children. The thought of bringing a new life into this world was something rare among futa girls, who mostly just wanted to use their “additions” for fun, but these two were family women.

Their casual hookup quickly blossomed into a friendship and finally into true love and marriage. The two had just moved into their first home. The unpacking had taken forever, and they were happy to be done. They flopped on the couch and shared a kiss. The kiss turned to making out and before the two knew it both of them where undressed. This was fairly common for the two. Basically everything ended up with a naked make out session.

But all things come to an end of course, and Diana got up to take a small inventory of the kitchen.

Alana grabber her wrist, stopping her in her tracks.

“Baby, what's up?” Diana said in surprise.

“Uh… I don’t know it just suddenly felt really bad to not have you by my side.”

“Hah, love I always want to be your side, but there’s still some work left to be done. At night we can have all the sex you want?” She gave Alana a wink and headed toward the couch.

Alana, on the other hand, seemed to be in a trance. She stared at her wife’s hips, more than usual. There was a strange feeling inside her. A pull. A desire. More than the standard love and sexual desire she felt. She just…. Needed to be close to her. Closer… closer than she ever was. Her eyes hazed over as she developed a monstrous erec tion.

"Diana…. Diana…. I need to join Diana.”

Diana, on the other hand, was counting the dishes in the cupboard, as Alana entered the kitchen almost like a zombie. “I’m just finishing up in here honey,” she said not even looking at her. “Is your work almost done?”

Alana said nothing. She approached Diana and wrapped her arms around her, like a predator natching up it’s prey. She began to kiss her on the back, hold her hips, and it made Diana moan with pleasure.

“Hey, not wasting any time right?” said Diana, already wet with arousal. Alana, moving almost as if possessed, simply shoved her cock into Diana’s pussy, stretching her wide. The sheer force caused her to stumble, her legs buckling under the sheer force of Alana’s sexual conquest. She felt Alana begin to move rhythmically in and out of her, causing Diana to moan in pleasure.

“Y… you’re being v-very i-intense today,” Diana said between moans.

“Together… forever… together… forever,” Alana said in an unnatural trance. Her torso arched with an unnatural CRRAACK and he breasts pushed against her wife’s back, where they started to stick. With a strange slurpiung sound she felt her breasts begin to sink into her wife, their flesh merging and mingling.

“Oh f-fuck, oh god Alana what’s going on!” Diana said as she tried to pull away, but Alana held her tight.

“Together, “ Alana said, still in a trance. She pushed her body harder against dianas feeling their torsos sink into each other. With a large SNAP she felt her arms merge together on Diana’s body, snapping into place behind hers. They immediately begun rubbing over their new fusing body.

“Alana, stop we, MMMPH, we are fusing NNNGH” Diana said as she felt Alana’s head climb up her back.

“Together, forever” Alana said. “TOGETHER FOREVER!”

For a second the two of their minds touched. While their body continued to merge, Diana could hear Alana in her thoughts. “I’m sorry” she thought. “I guess, I wasn’t done mutating, but I didn’t think I was going to drag you into this.”

“When is it going to stop?” Diana thought.

“I don’t think it is going to stop,” Alana said. “I can feel my mind getting hazy… I don’t think either of us are going to come out of this one.”

“You mean, we are going to become one person?” Diana thought.

“A new person, yeah… are you scared?” Alana thought, even as their bodies fused deeper, their strange self fucking body settling into a humantaur configuration.

“I should be, but at this point… I just can’t help but… want it. I want to be with you… together forever.”

“Together forever,” the two of them started to think together as the boundaries between their minds started to fade, and independent thought began to dissapear.

Alana’s head was pressed against the back of Diana’s neck as the two of them let lose a cry of pleasure as the two heads began to fuse into one. They felt their eyes mix, their mouths fuse but retaining two tongues, their hair looking like a combination of Alana’s frizzy hair and Diana’s long hair.

The woman did not awaken until much later, after it had already gotten dark out. She shakily rose to her feet and looked at her reflection in the chrome refrigerator.

Standing on her four beautiful legs, a mighty humantaur towered over 6 feet. A huge penis with a conspicuous sac dangled between her back legs, while another thick penis was on her front legs. Below it, a sem en-filled vagina still dripped overflowing. Two huge pairs of breasts, a G cup and an E cup filled her front, while four toned and feminine arms traced her anatomy. Her face was a mixture of Diana and Alana's features, as well as her hair. She stuck her tongue out at her and could see how she had two rather long tongues sticking out of her mouth. She instinctively pulled herself into a tight hug as her tongues played inside her mouth.

“This… feels great,” she said in a voice that was a perfect conjunction of the voices of the girls in her. “I should be scared, but… I feel so much love and pleasure. I feel so full."

She rubbed over her belly, and smiled, wondering if she would end up pregnant from this last passionate sexual encounter before she became the woman she was.

“If I am pregnant, the child will be beautiful,” she said tenderly.

She then went about cleaning her new kitchen of the cu m that splattered everywhere from her fusion. Her four arms made quick work of the task. Later, she went up to her bedroom, lying on her king size bed.

“Today is self-exploration night”, she told herself mischievously. Passing a mirror in the hallway, she winked and blew a kiss.

“Welcome to the world, Dilana”




Cant wait to see their fused form


Great story! Awesome to hear the full fusion process, it's a fave fetish!