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The alarm clock rang. It was Monday. I peeled open my eyes trying to collect my thoughts. What a crazy dream. Holly got into my bad and we had sex, the best sex I had ever had… the only sex I ever had. But that was crazy. Stuff like that couldn’t happen to nerds like me… right?

But a second later, I realized the dream wasn't just a dream. My bed was messy, there was green hair on my pillow, and my body ached as if I had just gotten done with a long workout. The memories came flooding back to me. The smells of Holly’s body the warmth of her skin.

It was real. I really lost my virginity last night.

I almost fainted from the shock.

I quickly got up, put on my father’s robe, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. My mind was racing with questions. Why had she done it? Was it pity? Gratitude? Some sort of weird joke? A lesson in training? Or… did she really like me? Was it as good for her as it was for me? Was I as pathetic in bed as I was in the gym?

I wanted to ask her, but I couldn’t find her anywhere. She wasn’t in my room, or on the couch, or in the kitchen. I knew she was going to move out but I didn’t expect her to do it before I woke up. The house without Holly felt, truthfully, kind of empty. The only trace of her was a note left on the nightstand in my room, the room she was staying in. All it said was “don’t tell anyone.”

… legit.

She had a reputation and all, and I was kind of a nerd. You know, if she wanted to keep this between just us, that’s OK. I wouldn’t even bring it up. I’d just act like things were normal and if she brought it up, then that’s fine.

I got breakfast and a snack from the kitchen, prepared my and Holly’s lunches like usual, and left for school. Even if she wanted to keep everything secret, did this mean I was her boyfriend? Her secret boyfriend? Or was this something more scandalous like that one romance anime where-

“A dollar for your thoughts?” Matt said from behind me, his head so close to my ear he was practically talking right into it.

“Goddamn it Matt, what did I tell you about personal space!” I said taking a few steps away from him. “Your whole existence is a jumpscare! I’m going to have a heart attack one of these days.”

“Well you are more agitated than usual,” he said, picking up a notebook and jotting down some notes as usual. “Usually it takes me sneaking up on you two or three times to get that reaction. What’s the matter, trouble with your owner, The Ogre?”

“What? No, no no no no nothing like that,” I answered nervously.

Matt stopped in his tracked and stared at me for about ten seconds before blurting out. “OH MY GOD YOU SLEPT WITH HOLLY!”

My face went pale. “WHAT! No of course not! You know I would never have a chance with her!” I said, doing my best to lie.

“No, you definitely did,” Matt said pointing at me. “You’ve lost your A.V. Field.”

“A.V. Field?”

“Yes!” Matt said pushing up his glasses, “The A.V. Field, the Field of Absolute Virginity. The field that every skinny little nerd like us has. It’s an aura that tells girls “I’m desperate” and ‘I’ve never seen a naked woman in my life.’ Why do you think they call us A.V. Nerds?

“Because we are part of the Audio Visual club Matt…”

“HAH!” he said interrupting. “That’s just a cover-up. This, my friend, is real science!”

“Look. I think you are just getting confused. Maybe I’m not putting off this ‘aura’ of yours because I’ve gained confidence through Holly’s training.”

Matt shook his head. “Look I understand if you want to keep it a secret but the A.V. Field never lies. Plus, I think if I told anyone, Holly would kill me. But I will say, HYPOTHETICALLY, if you had sex with Holly your very existence would be a beacon of hope for all the weakling nerds and virgins of the world. I would gladdly take it upon myself to be your herald, so that I can tell the next generation of losers there’s still a chance. You know. HYPOTHETICALLY.”

“Well, HYPOTHETICALLY, you can believe anything you want,” I said dryly.

“So, HYPOTHETICALLY, how hot is Holly naked.”

I swung a playful punch at Matt’s arm. He pulled away with an ‘OW’ rubbing it. I think I bruised him. Weird.. I didn’t even put any force behind it.

We made it to school, but something seemed different. Holly showed up on time today. She actually got there before me. She was in her seat when I got there, just staring off into the middle distance. She didn’t even look at me, or say hi… well I guess that’s normal but usually she makes a show about not paying attention to me. Now, it just seemed like she wasn’t paying attention to anyone.

The same thing happened in the halls. Holly didn’t pick on me, or anyone really. She just walked, from one class to another. It was like she was deep in thought. Nothing anyone said or did even reached her. I felt a pit of dread grow in my stomach. Was this because of me? How could I make this better? Should I hug her? No… Should I talk to her about it? No… gah! What was I supposed to do?

I met up with her for lunch at the usual spot. She, again was just staring off into the distance.

“Uh, hi Holly, here is your snack. I packed it with protein so we can train hard this afternoon,” I said with a fake smile, attempting to hide the worry on my face.

Holly looked up to me. Her eyes seemed empty, as if everything had just left her body. She sighed and hung her head. “There will be no more training, Ty.”

I didn’t like how she called me by my name there. It didn’t feel natural.

“What do you mean? Do you think I’m ready to take on Billy?” I asked.

“It’s not that, it’s just,” I saw her almost grit her teeth but just as quickly as the emotion began to fill her it left her, leaving her hollow again. “I won’t be training you anymore, Ty. You are no longer my pet.”

A shiver ran down my spin. I felt my knees tremble.

“I don’t understand,” I said scared.

“I think it’s better if we stop seeing each other,” she said dryly before getting up and walking away.




He is her bf but she doesn’t know how to deal with that…

Power Storm

Either that or something like a family matter is forcing her to leave maybe?

Power Storm

Also I understand that it takes a while to upload but could this by any chance be the next thing you upload Ivan Nemmed? You kind of left us on a big cliffhanger here