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 Hello friends. First of all, I want to thank you for the support you have given me all these months and that have allowed me to resume drawing.

Yesterday  in my "real" job I was informed that they would dispense with my  services on December 30th, so that I will be without work again.

Luckily,  and thanks to you, I can partially support myself thanks to PATREON's  income, but I still have to get another job that gives me a stable  salary.

I just hope to find a new job that will allow me to keep up with the rhythm of drawing that I have achieved with Patreon. The Accessland comic will remain the priority in the update, and don't worry, I'll continue to draw as much as I can.

I would love only to be able to dedicate myself to my Patreon, but the conditions for that are not yet given. Maybe in the future it will be. 



Mil dólares al mes (y seguramente se van a sumar más). Una buena plata. Aunque no soy quien para decir con cuanto "se puede vivir" además no sé si tenés esposa e hijos


Unfortunately I live in the most expensive area of ​​my country. I have several debts carried over from periods of previous unemployment. In order to fulfill my obligations and stay with a more comfortable delta I need to win around 1800 - 2000 dollars, unfortunately.