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"Rokuro...what?" Miranda asked.

"Rokurokubi! My God Miranda, it's almost general culture," Rachel said as she fixed her kimono.

"And what is that supposed to be?" Miranda asked a little annoyed.

"I'll show you right away," Rachel said as she began to stretch her neck out several feet, wriggling and curving.

"Oh…yeah, I already remembered that kind of Japanese…monster?" Miranda said.

"YOKAI, friend, it's a Yokai," Rachel said. She took a small plate with a wick.

"Hey, and what is that?"

"It's an oil lamp. I need it to perform the entire performance. The Rokurokubi drink the oil from the lamps," she said as she stuck out her tongue to suck on the oil. After a few seconds a disgusted expression formed on her face.

"Well?" Miranda asked.

"...I think my neck is enough for the performance," Rachel said quickly putting away the plate of oil.



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