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"You really shined in this costume!" Tiffany said as she modeled her sexy magician costume at the door of the Halloween party she was attending with her cousin. "You are really skilled for this."

"Well, my mom taught me how to sew and it came in handy when I wanted to dress me up as something. For Halloween! Of course," Jake said, wearing a white rabbit costume that matched his cousin's.

"You don't need to hide from me that you're a nerd," Tiffany teased, "I like you anyway," she added making Jake blush.

"I like you a lot too," Jake said, "Although I think I should have added more fabric. There are a lot of… parts that I can notice"

"Don't tell me you're going to get jealous because people look at your pretty cousin," said Tiffany, feigning annoyance, "Although yes, I must confess that it squeezes my chest a bit"

"Well yes, there are so many breasts contained there"

"You didn't complain about that last night," Tiffany said, blushing a little.

"How can I?" Jake said, clearing his throat a little, "But when I had to make the costume I was forced to be creative with the lack of fabric. Luckily your mother had some very old dresses from which I could get white fabric for you..."

Jake didn't get to finish the sentence when he heard the ripping noise of the fabric. The buttons flew off exposing the middle of her top row of breasts. The girl instinctively moved her top hat in front of her, covering her nakedness.

"S-SORRY! I think the fabric was too old," Jake said trying to apologize.

"It seems your accidents don't stop happening even on Halloween," Tiffany said sheepishly.

"If you want we can go home," Jake said sadly.

"No, I want to go to this party, and I have a solution in mind"

Minutes later, the couple entered the party before everyone's eyes. Jake was wearing his cousin's ripped pantyhose and leotard, which fit ridiculously tight on his body. Tiffany, on the other hand, came out dressed in her cousin's rabbit outfit. The laughs did not wait.

"At least now you'll be happy with me not showing any skin," she said mockingly.

"I don't think I'll ever recover from this humiliation," Jake said.

Tiffany walked over to him and placed a tender kiss on his lips. "Don't worry, I promise to make it up to you tonight," she said as she winked at him.

Jake just sighed, smiled and taking her hand they went to dance.



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