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VRRRRR the chainsaw roared as the murdered held it high over the victim’s head. She was backed against a brick wall, heart pounding as she tried to find a way to escape. Seeing no other option, she took off running, tripping over her tattered dress and falling to the ground in the process. The murdered grabbed her ankle and hoisted her up, dangling her in front of him as he slashed off her right leg.

“CUT!” The assistant director approached the actress who was happily jumping on one leg, while the “killer” turned off the electric saw. “That was brilliant!”

“I told you that a clay actress would be the best,” said the director to his assistant. “Special effects will add in some blood, and we’ll be good to go.”

"I'm glad you liked it," said the actress while she drank some water, then she turned to one of the guys who was moving some boxes. "Hey you, come here."

Steven put aside what he was carrying and timidly approached the beautiful young actress. "Yes, ma’am, how can I help you?"

"Hmm, I haven't seen you on set before," she said with a haughty tone.

“I'm just support staff for today. The truth is that I am studying and…”

“Ok, ok, you don't need to give me your resume,” said the actress dismissively. “I need you to bring my leg, now… hurry up.”

Steven quickly walked to the back of the set, where the actress's severed leg had been flung. “Damn, she's as beautiful as she is disturbing,” he thought as he searched a mountain of boxes. After several minutes, he finally found her leg. It was smooth, curvy, and definitely model-worthy, and still wearing the red heel from the scene. Steven blushed a little as he took such a beautiful leg in his hands.

"Here, it took me a moment, but I found it,” he said as he handed it to the actress. She looked at him angrily.

"It took too long. Look, I already started to grow a new leg,” she said while showing her stump that had already grown considerably about five centimeters. She took her severed leg, removed the heel, and handed it back to Steven. “Go and throw it away.”

“T-Throw it away? but… it's your leg,” he said surprised.

“A new one is already growing. I calculate that I will have it ready in an hour. So, it won't be long before that one dries up to dust,” she said as she got into a wheelchair and left without even saying goodbye.

Steven looked at the beautiful leg of the actress. He saw her perfect pedicure, her perfectly defined calf, it was almost an expression of art to him, and no way would he just throw it away. He acted like he went to a dumpster, but as soon as no one saw him he wrapped her leg in his jacket and hid it in the locker where he kept his things.

When he finished his day's work, Steven stormed off the building with his precious cargo, desperately trying to not run into someone. Fortunately, his apartment was close, so he walked in and left the leg on the table. It was still warm, though completely inert.

"Shit, I don't want it to disappear," he told himself as he frantically searched online for some way to keep it in a good state. "I guess it wasn't the best day to find out I have a foot fetish."

Multiple videos of NBM girls with meat and skin care tips began to appear. What to do in case of extreme cracking, glues, and aids to help maintain its structure. Suddenly, he found a video of a girl giving advice on how to keep separate body parts preserved. It was a small list of products such as hand creams, vaseline, water, among others, as well as a special supplement used by the NBM girls on very hot days.

Steven ran to the nearest pharmacy to buy the materials that the girl mentioned in the video. If he couldn’t find a specific ingredient, he replaced it with something very similar. He paid for his items and quickly ran to his apartment.

"Please, please, I hope it didn’t turn to dust yet," he begged.

When he entered his house, the leg was still there on the table, but it had a more parched appearance. Immediately, Steven prepared the bathtub and poured in all the ingredients he had bought as he gently submerged the leg.

Damn, she really did have beautiful legs, Steven thought as the actress's discarded leg floated in the middle of the tub. Steven couldn't help but feel excited by the sight of it. "Well, I'm in my bathroom and no one can see me," he said to himself before stroking his dick in front of the tub. He was so aroused that it didn't take long for him to cu m, dumping his load into the tub right on the leg.

"Oh shit," he lamented. "I hope that doesn't affect the mix."

Seeing that he could no longer do anything to prevent it, he left the bathroom and went to prepare a snack, while he thought about what he had done.

“What was I thinking?” he scolded himself. “I have a beautiful actress's leg in the bathtub who asked me to throw it out. If she finds out I'm keeping it for myself, I'll be in big trouble."

After about a half hour, Steven went to check on the leg in the bathroom. He calculated that by that time the leg should already have turned to dust in case all his efforts had been in vain. He was happily surprised when he saw the leg floating intact in the middle of the bathtub, without any signs of deterioration, as if it had been severed just a few moments ago.

“Yes! I made it, I was able to keep it!” he shouted with happiness as he carried the leg into his bedroom. He threw himself on the bed with it in his arms and began kissing the thigh tenderly. It wasn't long before sleep and exhaustion claimed him though.

Hours later, a heavy blow to the head woke Steven up. He started to open his eyes when he received another blow.

“Ouch, but what… oh shit,” Steven said when he saw the naked actress next to him while Steven was still holding her leg.

“How dare you?! Who are you? Are you some degenerate kidnapper?” she said completely flushed and furious. "I swear I'll scream so loud they'll find out in the neighboring state."

Steven swallowed hard. He knew that his life had gotten pretty complicated.



Holly Welsh

Would love a part 2


Probably won't look good on his resume


Now he has to tell her that she was just the leg and there are 2 of her now but no one else knows yet


It’s just a question of how she takes the news that she was just a leg and owes him her life


Part 2 is Requested