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Story by: Sophiee93

Edition: MyLifeIsaRPG

It'd already been a full year since I started my job as general manager of the company and my schedule had only picked up the pace. I’d developed a nice little routine of walking in the park when I got a chance and that helped relieve a lot of stress. In my walks I’d met a taur mutant who was also an avid walker and who was even known as “the walking mutant”. We’d formed a pretty close friendship over the year. Recently we’d even exchanged phone numbers.

She’d also told me that during the next few days she would not be in the park due to the high heat and would instead be going to the beach. There would be more people there and she could give more rides, and thus make more money, that way.

I have no idea what came over me, but the next day I called into work. I’m usually the person with perfect attendance who’s never even late, and yet here I was playing hooky to go to the beach. I changed into my swimsuit, jumped in my car, and drove straight to the local. Upon arrival, I noticed that the number of people was staggering. Way more than I would like there to be, although she would easily stand out among them.

It didn't take me more than a few minutes to find her. A teenager was getting down from the chair on her back, which seemed lighter and cooler than the one she would usually bring to the park. She innocently greeted the boy. Her bikini barely covered her body and the boy's eyes didn't miss any detail as he walked away from her.

"Centella!" I yelled at her, waving at her as I walked closer. She gave a small jump, even making her tail shiver. She turned to me totally flushed and gestured with her finger on her lips.

“Shh! Joel!! I told you not to mention my name aloud!” she told me when I caught up with her.

“Oops… sorry, I forgot. Although you never told me why…” I replied. My eyes moved slowly by themselves to her four breasts, making me swallow hard. It was the first time I had seen them so exposed, and they were much bigger than I imagined.

"M-My parents gave me that mare's name because of my appearance... and I don't like it at all," she said kind of sadly, ignoring my stare.

"Oh, so what would you prefer I call you?”

“I… I don't know, I'll think about it… but more important, what are you doing here? I had no idea you liked beaches," she asked as her ears twitched with curiosity.

I just shrugged. "Well... you weren't in the park and... the truth is that I need a ride."

“Oh! Of course, you are my special client… let me adjust my chair.”

“This time I'll give you fifteen dollars…” I told her, noticing how she struggled against the sand with her hooves.

“Joel… you are my friend. You don't need to pay me,” she said.

"Hey, I'm taking up your time, it's fair..."

She just averted her eyes and blushed. "O-Okay..."

Once seated comfortably in her saddle, she began to walk as we talked.

“You can go down the sidewalk if you want, that way you avoid the sand… it must be hard to walk with your hooves, isn’t it?” I asked.

She sighed in relief and headed for the sidewalk. The view of the beach was a bit obscured from the plants and such that lined it, but the air was still fresh. “Ugh… thank you. It really is… my legs hurt much more at the end of the day after walking in the sand.”

“Good then! So, how's business? Are you getting a lot of clients?”

“Yes, although they are mostly adults and teenagers... I still have no luck with children and for some reason, the passengers on the beach tend to hold onto me a lot tighter than they do in the park. It must be because of the sand. Maybe I’m not as balanced when I walk in it, what do you think?” she asked.

“Pff…” I tried to hold back my laugh “…I don't think it's because of that. I think the problem in both cases is your lack of clothes.”

"Eh?? What's wrong with my bikini? It's so hot... everyone is in bikinis. It's a beach!” she replied, totally oblivious.

“Yes… but not everyone has four sexy legs and four huge breasts,” I said without thinking. She stopped dead, causing my chest to slam against her upper back. She was silent for a few seconds and turned over her shoulder. Her face was red as a tomato.

"D-Do you really… d-do you think I'm s-sexy?" she said.

"Er... I-I..." dammit I hate it when I speak before I think. "Yeah, sorry... I didn't mean to upset you."

She just looked ahead and suddenly broke into a gallop. "Let me show you something…" she said, changing direction and running off the trail. I held on to her front hip as the path turned a bit steep. She took my hands and moved them up to her abdomen, brushing her lower breasts. "Hold on tight, this part is steep," she told me. I couldn't see her face, but I noticed the nervousness in her tone.

After crossing some large rocks, we found ourselves on a secluded beach away from everyone else. There was no one in sight and the water stretched all the way to the horizon.

“This is my favorite place. This is my favorite place to come hang out after a long day,” she said as she lowered her four legs so that I could get off her.

“Wow… this is awesome…” I reached into my swimsuit pocket to pull out my wallet.

"Joel..." she told me, stopping me. "... please don't pay me"

"But... you need the money," I told her worried.

She just laughed innocently. “Well, to tell you the truth… I don't need it as much as I used to. It's mostly for my personal expenses. Two of my brothers have found work so we are much better at home…”

“But then… why do you keep exposing yourself to this?”

Her eyes met mine for a second and then drifted back to the sand. “I-I…I don't know. Tell me, why do you keep visiting the park every day?”

Neither of us answered, we just stayed silent for a few seconds until I walked to her side and sat down.

“So…” I said to break the silence. “Can I have a special ride for myself? Let's say, you know… to a restaurant for dinner?”

She nodded sheepishly. "Yes… but I won't let you ride me inside a restaurant."

“Of course, I just want to walk by your side. Besides, then I'll have to find a good reason to 'hold on tight to you' other than galloping,” I said jokingly.

Centella giggled playing with her hair as she flapped her tail happily. "You are silly Joel!"

"Have you thought about what you want me to call you?" Joel asked.

She thought about it for a few seconds and then turned around with a big smile. "If our next ‘ride’ goes well, all you have to do is calling me darling."

"I already want to do it..." I told her, returning the smile.




Whoa Nelly! She's beautiful!

Master of Muffin

Yo, the muscle definition on those thighs though!