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First chapter 

Second chapter 

Day 5

It had been a few days since I got Vivian as a pet. Despite insisting that she is not human, her likes and needs are still those of a spoiled girl. I'm thinking of becoming a bit stricter, otherwise she will never give up this idea of ​​being a 'pet'.

“Hey, I'm bored,” she said as she lay on my couch fiddling with my phone.

"I have some tennis balls in case you want to catch them," I said wryly. "And you should give me back my phone, pets don't use smartphones."

“Are you afraid that I will find your po rn?” she said mischievously.

"You shouldn't mind, you're just a pet," I told her as I arranged some papers on my desk. I noticed a little annoyance on her face at my comment.

“Hey… I want to go out and see your ranch. I've been locked up here for 5 days,” she said annoyed.

"There's no way I can take a naked mutant girl out among my workers," I told her.

"But it's part of the responsibility of pet ownership to exercise the animal,” she said with puppy eyes.

I couldn't refute that argument and after all I had agreed to act as if she were my pet, and I was a responsible owner.

"Ok… fine, we'll go out when my workers leave," I said.

“YES, finally!” she said as she jumped for joy making her breasts bounce and bump against each other. I had to use all my willpower to avoid the bad thoughts.

Later that afternoon, when my workers went home, I approached Vivian to take her out for a walk.

“It will do me good to get some fresh air and stretch my legs,” she said as she stood up.

“I agree, but first you will put this on,” I said taking out a leather harness that I had prepared that afternoon, as well as a necklace.

She looked at them, surprised. “W-what is that?”

“Well, since you are my pet and you are still in training, as a responsible owner I must take you out on a harness,” I said. “Unless you think you are not an animal.”

"Of course, I'm an animal, I'm your pet," she insisted. "J-just put that thing on me."

I stood behind her and put her harness on. Luckily, I had measured it just right and her many breasts passed between the straps easily. I firmly tightened the strap behind her, and Vivian gave a little cry when I did.

“Hic!” she let out a shrill shriek.

"Are you ok? Did I squeeze something?” I asked.

“N-no, everything's fine,” she told me slightly embarrassed. Then I walked over to her and put a leather collar around her neck with a small name tag on it. Although I intended for her to be embarrassed by it, she just stared at the plaque with her name and my phone number written behind it with a smile on her face.

"It's just in the hypothetical case that you get lost,'" I told her.

“Yes, o-of course,” she said breaking out of her trance. “Let's go out!”

I attached a long strap to the harness and opened the door. Vivian walked happily out, but I kept the leash tight. As she ran, she felt the tug on her harness, and she screeched again.

“You sure you're okay?” I asked again.

“Yeah, I just haven't gotten used to the harness yet,” she said.

I gave her a tour of the facility, taking her through the cages with recovering animals, as well as the rescued ones. There were various animals from the surrounding forests and some other exotic ones.

"Wow, you have a lot of animals here," Vivian said. "Should I consider them my colleagues or something?"

"They are not my pets, they are animals that we will treat and will release back into their natural habitat later if it’s possible," I told her, although in reality, it was exactly what I intended to do with her.

"It’s clear that you do a very important job," she said, with a more serious tone than usual.

"I do what I can. Now come on, let's go,” I said as I gave her leash a little tug. She gave a small moan again and we continued.

During the rest of the afternoon, I showed her the rest of the facilities. Although the walk was calm, every so often she moved further away than usual, tightening the leash, to which she responded with a strange short squeal.

“I think it's time to go back,” I told her when I noticed that it was getting dark. “I don't have the same night vision as you.”

"Yes, I think it would be good to go back, too," she said with a slightly strange tone. I noticed that she was quite flushed. Could she have an allergy?

We got to the cabin, and I started to get Vivian out of her harness. As soon as she was free of it, Vivian ran out into the hallway.

"Hey, where are you going?" I said.

“I-I…I need to go wash my paws,” she said as she locked herself in the bathroom.

"Since when does she care about that?" I asked myself. I approached the bathroom carefully and could hear Vivian moaning with great pleasure from inside.

“Shit… is she… mastur bating?” I thought to myself full of surprise, but I remembered the series of weird squeaks and moans that she made while she was wearing the harness and it only made sense. I quickly left the bathroom and went into the living room.

A few minutes later Vivian came out of the bathroom with a very relaxed expression. She was still wearing her necklace with her badge.

"You won't take off your necklace?" I asked.

"Nope. I like that it says my name and that it says my owner's name on the back,” she said with a mischievous expression. “Will you take me out tomorrow, too?”

“I think so… although I don't think you'll need the harness anymore,” I told her as I sipped my cup of coffee.

“Don't be an irresponsible owner. I still need the harness,” she insisted. “It makes me feel more… safe.’

"I'll think about it," I said, getting up hastily and heading out into the hallway.

"Where are you going?" she asked in surprise.

"...I'm going to the bathroom," I replied as I left the room trying to hide my erection.




Hah! Vivian in a harness and collar. Perfect. A great continuation of their story.


Seems almost like she enjoys being owned, wonder if those are part of her animal instincts