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“Hey, do you want me to make you some coffee?” Jane asked Mark excitedly. The energetic mutant had gone to visit her childhood friend.

"Yes of course. Coffee would be great,” Mark said as he browsed Netflix looking for something to watch. Jane jumped to her feet and walked happily into the kitchen. Mark couldn't help but see how the anatomy of his friend moved sensually with each little movement.

They had been friends for years and even though Mark had dated many girls there was a strange barrier that prevented him from going any further with Jane. He obviously found her very attractive, those slight animal features, her curves and beautiful figure and mainly her cute personality had him captivated, but he was afraid of ruining their friendship.

“Shit… why am I so chickened out with her?” he thought to himself.

He was lost in his thoughts when Jane came back with two cups of coffee that she put on the table.

"I forgot to ask you if you want yours with milk," she said.

"Oh yeah, sure… I like it with milk," he said.

Jane smiled coquettishly as she stripped off the double top that covered her breasts, leaving herself topless before Mark's stunned gaze. She used all four of her hands to cup each of her breasts.

“Well… in this one I have a very light milk, almost skim. From this other one I get a more traditional one, but just as delicious, I've tried it! This bottom right one, has a slightly sweet taste and finally my lower left one produces a thicker, almost creamy milk. CHOOSE!" Jane explained everything with surprising ease as she held up her huge breasts in front of Mark.

Mark's mind almost went blank as he stared at Jane's four breasts. They had been friends for a long time, but he had never seen her naked.

“Uh, well, I…I don't know…I'd have to try it,” he said as he didn't take his eyes off them.

Jane smiled and sat on Mark’s lap. She could feel her friend's erection pressing against her crotch. She brought a breast close to Mark's face and said, "You must taste it from the source, then"

Mark froze for a second, but then he leaned to suck on Jane's chest as she began to moan loudly. As Mark drank, she began to affectionately stroke his head. After a few seconds, Mark released the nipple savoring the taste.

“Wow, that was… wow”, he said completely excited.

"Do not stop. I want you to be my milk sommelier,” Jane said as she brought another breast closer, “And then… I want to taste your ‘milk’ from the source too,” she said in a very sexy voice.

Mark looked at her in surprise. “Jane, are you…?”

"I had to take the initiative," she said bringing her lips closer to Mark's, "I like you a lot."

Mark kissed her passionately as he stood up, carrying Jane in his arms towards the bedroom, leaving the coffees abandoned on the table. They were too busy drinking something else now.



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