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“I don't know how you do it,” Patricia told Skylar as they walked away from the meeting room.

“What do you mean?” Skylar asked.

“I mean you are… or at least seem completely relaxed. The meeting was horrible, but you look like nothing happened.”

“Oh, well, I knew I did my job well, so I didn’t feel like I had anything to worry about,” Skylar said as the two rounded a corner.

"Mmm, for a moment I thought you would tell me 'I have good sex every day' or something like that," Patricia said mockingly.

“Welllll….” Skylar answered with a coy smile on her face.

"Really? Why have I not heard of this boyfriend?”

“He’s not my boyfriend, although he is… close. It’s hard to explain,” Skylar said trying to avoid the conversation. They arrived at the office and Skylar opened the door. “If you'll excuse me, I have a lot of work to complete now. See you later,” she said and shut the door in Patricia’s face.

"Wow, she's a workaholic," Patricia mumbled to herself and walked away.

Inside the office, Skylar leaned against the door panting as her legs began to tremble, a huge org asm sweeping through her, forcing her to use all of her willpower not to let out a cry of pleasure. She bit her lower lip to silence herself.

“Oh God, I could barely hold it in,” she gasped. “And trying to just made me c um harder.”

She quickly unbuttoned her skirt and tossed it onto the sofa in her spacious office, revealing a huge, thick penis that was literally being swallowed by a large mouth that took the place of her vagina. Her mouth was still hungrily sucking on her massive member.

“Mmm, I taste so good,” she said aloud. “I just have to be careful to make sure I drink it all so no one notices anything.”

When she finished sucking her own cock, Skylar loosened her second mouth to let it out. “That was a good meal,” she sat down at her desk and started work.

Skylar had already made "self-fuc king" a routine that she considered very healthy. Since she mutated several years ago, she found it fascinating that she was able to have sex with herself constantly and without anyone noticing her. She did it at the movie theaters, in store fitting rooms, during her college classes, and now as a top executive at a big-name company. She even did it during meetings, when she has had to make presentations in front of managers. She got lost in thought and work, and before she knew it the day was almost over.

“Great, there's still half an hour left in my day, and I've finished all my work,” she said, congratulating herself. “And it's all thanks to you two.”

“Thanks to you!” she spoke to herself through her vagina-mouth. She loved how her own voice was heard through her vagina, with a deeper tone.

Skylar stood up to get her skirt when she noticed that she was hard once again.

“Well, what could be a better use of this last half hour than a little self-satisfaction,” she thought. “Although I will take advantage of being alone to be a little more ‘romantic’ with myself.”

She sat on the sofa and began to caress her breasts gently, while she ran the fingers of one of her hands along her already throbbing shaft. She took out her long tongue from her mouth-vagina and began to lick the lower part of her penis with it. Waves of electric sensations hit Skylar.

"Oh yeah, that's amazing," she said, her eyes fluttering closed. Although she greatly enjoyed having sex behind the scenes in public, it was really nice having privacy and being able to just enjoy herself too.

When she felt herself on the edge of org asm, she sucked her penis into her vagina mouth again. “OH, this is the best feeling!” she said as waves of ecstasy hit her. She brought one of her breasts to her mouth and began to suck hard on it. As she did so she began to taste a strange liquid starting to come out of it.

“That’s weird, am I lactating?” she wondered as she continued to drink greedily. She began to notice that her nipples grew and began to change shape as well, and there was a weird ache and slurp in her sides.

"How strange, this nipple feels like a penis," she said to herself. Suddenly a wave of lust, accompanied by a daze hit her. Skylar’s body felt weird, but she was in the midst of an orga sm and stopping wasn't an option. She took her other breast and began to suck on it as well.

“How strange, I feel like I'm sucking on both my breasts at the same time… from different mouths,” Skylar thought through her daze. She moaned as she felt her sides contorting as pleasure swept through her entire body.

While all three of her mouths took each of her penises, Skylar used her new pair of hands to grasp her new pair of breasts that were beginning to grow. She massaged them gently and erotically as they grew to a size slightly smaller than her original pair.

Skylar was completely dizzy as her head changed, barely allowing her to visualize her own changes. Suddenly, a powerful triple org asm hit her hard. Waves of c um filled all three of her mouths as her body convulsed out of control. The org asm was so strong that Skylar fell unconscious afterwards.

"Oh shit, what happened?" Skylar exclaimed.

"I think it was a giant org asm," Skylar replied to herself.

Skylar froze as she felt heard herself respond. Waking up from her lethargy just to be able to notice the changes of her mutation.

Skylar now, in addition to her penis and her vagina-mouth, had four breasts and four arms. Her top pair of breasts had dicknipples of a respectable size. However, her head was the most shocking part as she had undergone what appeared to be a partial mitosis.

“Is…is this real?” Skylar said.

“Apparently yes. And we are two girls now?” she answered herself.

“It must just be our brain that grew. It must be adapting and synchroni…. Mmmmm,” Skylar closed all three of her eyes as she brought a pair of hands to her forehead. After a moment she opened all three of her eyes as she gasped for breath.

“Damn, that was intense, but it looks like I'm in sync now. It was a bit odd being two people for a minute.” She stood up and headed towards her private bathroom. In front of her mirror, she was able to see the magnitude of her changes. “This… this is going to be very difficult to hide,” she told herself. “I think I have a lot of legal paperwork ahead of me.”

She turned this way and that in front of the mirror, adjusting her formal blouse and jacket as best she could with her new parts and prepared to leave her office. However, before she did, she took her penis right into her own vagina mouth and started sucking greedily.

“Well, I’m not going to lose my good habits after all,” Skyler told herself as she walked out into the hallway. All of her coworkers let out a collective gasp.



