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“Hey babe, so I was thinking we could have a little fun now, if you’re up for it?” Rob said.

Roxy, a beautiful humantaur with four arms, large breasts, and a decent sized penis above her second vagina, looked up from where she was sprawled on the bed reading a magazine. She was somewhat perplexed at his question. Rob wasn’t bad in bed, but he was a bit…routine. And this was a bit out of routine for him. “Why the sudden interest though?” she asked as she began to undress, shedding all of her clothing except her high heels.

“Let's just say I was watching an interesting show and it gave me some ideas,” Rob said as he undressed.

Roxy licked her lips in anticipation as she saw Rob’s dick already standing at attention. She lay back on the bed spreading all four of her legs. “Which vagina do you want to use today?” she asked. “I’m wet all over so take your pick.”

“I need you to get on your hands and knees,” Rob said.

“Oooh, mixing it up. I like this!” Roxy said with a smile and did as requested. Suddenly, she felt her rear pair of legs being lifted violently. Rob lifted her entire second torso with his strong arms, putting his head on Roxy's rear crotch, while he brought his penis closer to Roxy's front vagina. It happened so fast Roxy barely had time to react.

Before his girlfriend could say anything, Rob pushed his penis inside Roxy's front vagina, and at the same time took Roxy's penis into his mouth. The humantaur gave a loud moan of uncontrollable pleasure. It was rare that Rob ever paid attention to Roxy’s penis so the sudden interest and attention to it drove her wild.

“R-Rob… god… oh yeah, keep it up!” Roxy gasped. She began to knead her gigantic breasts with her rear arms. She could feel each powerful thrust in her front vagina, and the simultaneous sucking of her penis. The insane amount of pleasure was intoxicating.

“I-I… Rob… I can't take it anymore… I'm going to go crazy,” Roxy said between moans of pleasure. “I… I… OH GOD.”

Roxy's body shuddered as a powerful org asm rocked her. She unloaded a powerful spurt into Rob's mouth, who did the same in her vagina.

They both fell exhausted on the bed and remained silent for a few seconds while they tried to recover.

"That was amazing," said Roxy, visibly flushed and smiling. "Thank you, I know you're not very attracted to my penis."

"I think I'm getting over it. It wasn't that bad really,” Rob said as he caught his breath.

“What was it you watched earlier anyway? Because wow,” Roxy asked.

“I saw a mutant yoga program featuring a humantaur,” Rob's said.

Roxy couldn’t help but giggle. "I wasn't expecting that," she said. "I guess I'll just have to watch it and get some ideas."

Roxy laid her head on Rob's chest as she hugged him. Seems Rob was no longer routine, and she was more than fine with that.




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