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Madison woke up slowly. She had had a very intense night partying, drinking, a bit of weed and a LOT of sex with her best friend with benefits. This was more than enough to make her pass out, but when she awoke, she felt like she couldn’t move. She just lay there with a disturbingly numb, tingly body.

"Shit, what time is it?" she thought as she tried in vain to turn her head. It didn't respond.

"Shit, why can't I... ooohhh," she didn't quite finish her sentence as she felt a strange shiver of excitement. Her mouth felt moist and pasty. She found that she could speak, but could not move.

"Mmfmmf," Maeve grumbled tryinig to continue to sleep. She rolled onto her side and Madison felt her roll too. She was staring straight at the mirror and could see Maeve, sleeping naked. And just above her pubes two small eyes.

“Holy crap,” Madison said, noticing Maeve's vagina twitch in tandem with her voice, “I-I…. I AM MAEVE'S PUSSY!"

Maeve grumbled again, responding to the movement between her legs, but preferring the sweet embrace of sleep.

"How did this happen? I remember yesterday was super intense. There was a lot of heat, a lot of sex, and then… nothing… I blacked out..." Madison said-. “God, I'm a vagina now, my best friend's vagina… this is… this is…. IT'S GREAT!"

The situation would have driven most girls mad, or at the very least given them something to worry about, but Madison was different. She was what could be called a "free spirit", maybe too free. She was more than willing to rush into any dumb and dangerous situation, and it was sometimes too much for Maeve. To Madison, mutating like this was just another possibility.

Madison began playing with her tongue, running it over her lips, making Maeve moan in her sleep. She stuck her tongue out and saw it unfurl, almost like a long and prehensile tentacle.. As it extended even longer the tip of it parted, exposing a small appendage that looked like a tip of a penis.

“Wow, this has potential”, she thought, “I’m gonna break some boys… or girls… hearts with this. Now if only I could make Maeve come out of her shell..."

Madison flicked her tongue around, teasing at Maeve’s butt, which slowly roused her from her sleep.

"M-mmmmph? Madison?" she asked still sleepy, sore, and hungover. When her eyes landed on her crotch she almost passed out from shock.


“I know!” Madison answered from her crotch causing Maeve to wince “Now I'm your new vagina!”

"W-What!?" Maeve exclaimed terrified, "It can't be! Why are you so calm?"

"I don't know, you don’t need to worry about a lot when you are someone’s genitals," Madison mused, "Besides, for a sex addict this is pretty cool."

“BUT YOU ARE A VAGINA”, shouted Maeve again, “and you are glued to me”

“That only makes it better. We're going to have a lot of fun together now,” Madison said with a twisted joy..

"This is a lot to process," Maeve said, "I don't know what to do"

“What you have to do now is go to the bathroom,” Maeve looked confused. “What? I can feel it.”

Maeve walked to the bathroom and lifted the lid with trepidation."I don't know how this works now," she said in front of the toilet.

“Don’t worry, I got it,” Madison stuck her tongue out as far as it would go, exposing the tip inside it. A powerful jet of liquid was discharged into the toilet.

"Ta-Da," she said once she was done, "Isn't that great, now you can pee standing up."

"Yeah… just what I always wanted" Maeve said sarcastically.

"Cheer up! We are gonna be fine," Madison said, "Look at the perks, I'm not even hungover!"

" I think I'm hungover enough for the both of us," Maeve said as she splashed water on her face, "I think I'll go buy some aspirin."

Maeve began to dress but was stopped by Madison as she was ready to leave.

"Wait, I want you to look in the mirror," Madison said.

"What?,” Maeve said. She suddenly realized, that although she was wearing her usual T-shirt, she had chosen a very short skirt from Madison, which exposed her friend's eyes, just as she had also put on Madison's platform heels.

“Shit! Why did I wear your clothes?” she said to herself in surprise, “I look…”

“Sexy? Yes, you look sexy. I think I added some curves in there,” Madison said causing Maeve to shudder a little, “I think you absorbed quite a bit of me”

"As long as I haven't absorbed your laziness," Maeve said annoyed as she looked at how long and curvy her legs looked.

“I am sure you have only the best of me”

“God… I can’t get sex out of my head,” Maeve said.

“See, like I said… the best of me,” Madison laughed.

Maeve just shook her head smiling and walked out of her apartment.



Oni Destiny

awesome. more of her