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"I'm mutating!" the cousin shouted on the verge of tears as her body shook. Her cousin barged into the room, hearing her cries.

“Oh God, I… calm down, calm down”, the boy repeated, “God, what should I do. Wait, I'll get hot water"

“I'm mutating, I'm not going to give birth!” the girl said angrily, “Itfeels weird, I'm scared. Just stay close to me"

The boy ran his hands around her shoulders and hugged her tenderly as he rubbed her head.

"I don't know if this will really help," said the boy.

“…Believe it or not, it helps a lot. Just… ARRGG”, her cousin exclaimed.

“What's happening!?” the boy exclaimed, pulling away.

But his cousin kept holding him close. "Hug me! Just do that, I don't want you to watch my body mutate," she said.

The boy hugged her again, resting his head on her. The scent of her cousin's hair was intoxicating, as was the texture of her skin.

"It's been a while since we hugged," the boy said trying to calm his cousin down.

“Well… that’s because we grew up," said the cousin, in a much less harsh tone than usual.

“Sometimes I think you hate me a little, you know, because I’m so clumsy," the boy said. Holding his cousin tighter.

“I don't hate you… I couldn't. It's just…,” she said.

“Just what?”

“It's because… AARRGG…”, her cousin yelled, “My chest, aaaagh it’s on fire”, she said nervously. She could feel, underneath her original trio of breasts, a pair was starting to push out stretching her skin.

"Breasts? How many…?” the boy pulled back but his cousin gave him a little smack with her tail on the forehead.

"Don't look at me, I told you!" She shouted.

"Sorry!” said the embarrassed boy, "Does it hurt?"

"A little” she said, “it’s strange… you feel your skin stretching, it's very hot”

“Is it… over?” the boy asked.

"I don't think so, I still feel very hot", said her cousin, "AAAA..."

"What’s happening" the boy asked as he his cousin's shoulder blades began to move and stretch with sick crunching sounds.

"OK, this… this hurts.. alot", said his cousin, hugging the boy even tighter. The boy was having a hard time fighting down his arousal with concern. His nose even bled a little as he felt her five breasts pushed against his chest, the lower pair still growing and pulsing.

And now he was watching as new arms were forming, new bones and joints and hands and fingers, struggling to push themselves out of his cousin.

"Just hold on, it’s almost over," said the boy trying to calm his cousin.

“Y-yes… at least… extra hands will be useful”, said his cousin between sobs, “Now I'll look more like mam…. OH GOD NO”, the girl yelled.

"W-What's going on?!" the boy asked in alarm.

“M-my penis… it feels weird”, said the girl, “No, no, nooo, I don't want it to change, I don't want it to grow, I like it to be small, I don't want this”.

"But you’ve had a penis for years… you're used to it," said the boy.

"But if it changes or gets bigger... I’ll look like such a freak. There won’t be any hope," the girl sobbed.

“Hope for what?” asked the boy.

"That you’ll like me," said the girl before bursting into tears.

The boy was silent for a moment trying to process the words of his cousin.

“Wait… WHAT?” shouted the boy.

"When my penis first grew you made fun of me," said the girl sobbing.

“But… I was 12 years old, I was biologically an asshole,” said the boy, “Look, your penis isn’t a big deal OK? I’m sorry I made fun of you back then but is now really the time-"

"Are you serious?" asked the girl. She squeezed the boy hard as she felt her penis begin to change. "I don't know what's happening to me, I'm afraid to look."

“Do you want me to look?” the boy said, but a gentle swipe of his cousin's tail stopped him.

"Look away, I don't want you to see," she said as she maneuvered her still clumsy new arms to lift her skirt.

"Well... what happened?" asked the boy.

"...It split... now I have two," said his cousin.

"For real? Did they grow?”

"No, they are actually smaller than the original," said his cousin.

“Well, that's good… right? Is it good?" the boy said in a confused but loving tone.

“…Thank you” the girl said as she moved her new arms to hug the boy as well.

“And honestly, how could you think I didn’t like you. I ALWAYS liked you”, said the boy, “Although you drive me a little crazy sometimes. I mean I thought you didn’t like me! You were tormenting me!”

“I think I was projecting my anger onto you,” the girls said “And it wasn’t always me. You really are that clumsy. It just wasn't a good combination. Sorry”

The two remained in each other's arms while the cousin's body stabilized. She began to feel the heat of the mutation ebbing as more and more sensation flooded her new arms.

"I think... it's over now," the relieved girl said.

The boy squeezed his cousin tight. “I love you Tiffany!” he said with near tears in his eyes.

The girl lifted her face and looked at her cousin with a soft but surprised smile. “I love you too, Jake”

"ABOUT TIME!" shouted the boy's aunt entering the room with a robe in her hands.

“MOM!!! What are you doing here?” exclaimed Tiffany, her face blushing beat red in embarrassment.

"I’m so glad you decided to stop all those nonsense accidents and just come out and sday it," said the aunt, "God it’s been years, years watching this bad soap opera every day."

“So… Aunt Virginia… you knew?” Jake asked.

“I’m not dumb. It was evident that the two were dying for each other. EVERYONE knew! I tried to speed things up by conveniently hiding towels and messing with Tiff’s clothes but your skull is as thick as concrete boy”, said her aunt as she put a long robe on Tiffany, “Now get out of here while we report Tiff’s new mutation, and plan a new wardrobe. She’s going to need a lot of new clothes.”

“I think so,” Tiff said as she waved her new arms, “Jake… will you come clothes shopping with me?”

"Yes, of course," he said sheepishly.

“Perfect! Finally a date”, said his aunt, “Now get out of here! We need to take some pictures.”

The boy left the room. His heart was practically beating out of his chest… but it was different this time. A huge weight was taken off his shoulders and how he couldn’t wait to spend time with Tiffany and finally be honest with how he felt.




Cute ending, hope to see more


I'd really like to see what she looks like now!


Don't worry!, there will obviously be an epilogue.


It must feel good to finally have names for these characters, I find its quite a challenge to resist addressing characters directly through names as I write.