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It's been a month since I moved to study at university. My mother arranged to put me up with, Bessy, a friend of hers so that I could save some money. She had a big house, lived alone and worked from her home office.

I expected her to be the same age as my mom, but imagine my surprise when I was met with a mutant woman only a few years older than me. She was an animal mutant, cow to be exact. She had hooves on her feet, pale skin with dark spots and tail that swished behind her, small horns and cute animal ears. Her face, though primarily human, had a slightly animalistic look. She had four arms and many, many pairs of breasts, which were quite noticeable despite the baggy dress she wore.

"Hi, you must be Aiden," she gushed, "Your mom didn't tell me you were so handsome"

“I… thank you,” I said, blushing at her unexpected compliment, “Are you Bessy? I... didn't expect-"

“Didn’t expect a mutant?” she asked frankly.

"No, I mean... I just didn't expect you to be so young,” I said sheepishly.

“Oh, I'm not as young as you, although I'm not quite as old as your mom. We met a while ago when I was working part time to pay for my education and your mom was my boss,” she said as she took me by the arm and ushered me in. "Make yourself comfortable."

Bessy's house was not only comfortable and cozy, but also sparkling clean. And Bessy was an amazing cook. Her deserts were particularly delicious.

But one thing made me nervous. Bessy’s demeanor combined subtle motherly gestures and racy flirtations. She liked to caress me on the head when she fed me, sometimes she tucked me in, kept me warm at night and worried that I wasn’t eating enough. On the other hand, she dressed like a po rn star. She wore shorter and tighter clothes, making it impossible for me not to look at her in… that way. I would be up all night thinking about her… and thinking led to mast urbation…

After waking up one Sunday I went down to the dining room to prepare breakfast. Imagine my surprise when I saw Bessy completely naked on the dining room table.

"Oh jesus," I exclaimed in surprise as I looked away, "Mrs. Bessy… I… I didn’t mean to..."

“Come on Aiden, call me just Bessy or you'll make me feel like an old hag,” she said as she struck a sexy pose. "Are you thirsty?"

"Y-yeah, I came downstairs to get something to drink," I said.

"How about some milk?" Bessy took one of her lower breasts and quickly filled a cup with her milk. "Here, I ‘m sure you’ll like it"

I drank the milk without hesitating while still somewhat dazed by the luscious, curvaceous sight of her in front of me. Suddenly I could distinguish a familiar flavor. “Mis… I mean, Bessy, is this milk…?”

“You found out my secret, even though it was obvious. Would you like to drink straight from the source?” she said as she took one of udders in her hands.

"YES... I mean, maybe, but... why are you doing this? I don't understand," I said, holding back my urges.

"I've been feeling very lonely for a while and I really like you," she said, adopting a sweeter expression, "I tried to focus on treating you in a more motherly way, but it's no use. I think that would have worked better if we were further apart in age.”

"I… I can’t. I’ll ruin your friendship with mom"

"Oh, Don't worry, she's OK with this," she said with a huge smile on her face.

“Ah, in that case then…. WAIT! My mother what???”, I asked surprised.

“I told her that I liked you and she encouraged me to act on it. She said you were a bit…slow”, she said holding back a laugh.

"Sounds like my mom," I said. Bessy laughed and sat down on the edge of the table.

"This is when you pick me up, take me to a bedroom and we have sex like the world is going to end," she said coquettishly.

I took her in my arms. She was much lighter than I thought. The scent of her was intoxicating and I could see little drops of milk coming out of her breasts as they pressed against my body. She clung to me with all four of her arms tightly and we headed to her bedroom.

"I guess I won't study today after all," I told her.

“Today you will study mutant anatomy,” she said before giving me a big kiss.




Wish I could have a breakfast that sexy!