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Ty woke up and noticed that it was extremely hot in his room, and a very loud noise was coming from his patio. Intrigued, he jumped out of bed, slipped on some slippers, and went outside to investigate.

When he opened his door to enter his yard, he found himself suddenly in the middle of the abandoned shed where he trained with Holly. The noise of clashing metals and stones had grown more intense. In the opposite corner of the shed, Ty spotted Holly, who was lifting heavy metal beams and throwing them to the ground. She, instead of her workout clothes, was wearing a top that barely contained her breasts, very short jeans and very sexy red heels. Ty swallowed a bit at the sight of Holly's curves.

“Ty, it's about time you got here,” Holly said.

“Sorry, I just woke up”, Ty said disoriented, “You look… good”

"Good? Do you like these babies?” Holly said as she flexed all four of her arms showing off her biceps.

“Yes, they... look great”

"Four? How about we up raise the bet?” she said as Ty watched as her lower arms began to migrate up behind her original arms. Suddenly, another pair just like the originals appeared on her back even wearing the same spiked bracelets.

"Wow… six arms, they look amazing but they must be hard to control," Ty gawked.

"You're right, I may need more brains," Holly said as her shoulders began to expand. Almost instantly two new heads, one on either side of the original, appeared on Holly's shoulders. Each wore the same hairstyle and makeup and shared the mischievous look of the original. "You are right… now moving is much easier"

"Hey… don't think you're mutating too much?" Ty said worriedly. “Is this normal?”

“Too much?” asked the right head.

"This isn't even my final form," said the left head, as the center head laughed.

Ty watched as Holly's tail split into three, all of which began to wag. Then he saw a bulge form in her pants.

“Oh, this is the final touch,” she chorused, as she opened her pants and revealed a huge, erect penis growing from her crotch.

“Shit Holly!” Ty said.

"Aren't you glad? You're going to have to teach me how to use it,” Holly said as she swung her hips toward Ty, who gulped at the sight of the ultra-mutated Amazon approaching him.

“HOLLY NO,” Ty yelled as he woke up in his bed in a sweat. He looked at his watch and it was still night.

“What a dream… nightmare? Dream?” he said to himself, “Maybe it wasn't a good idea to read those hentai before falling asleep” he said to himself before getting up to get a glass of milk.




Amazing. Love this version of Holly. Well done ^^


The tension is just getting to a boiling point.


Definitely enjoying this. Maybe this is in Holly's future??


Thank you. The Ogre has a ROMCOM structure, and for Holly to develop such a sexualized mutation doesn't fit with what was planned. later we will have other stories, with more risqué characters and situations.

Ian Brown

You had me until the penis showed up. I get that people like it and on some characters, it works. I just never saw Holly like that. At least it was just a hentai-induced fantasy moment.


So don't worry, Holly won't have a penis in the main story. (Spoiler) Ty will know very well in the next chapter.