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Story by: Sophiie93

“Dude, you look terrible… are you okay?” Tom said as he watched James finish his lunch in the office cafeteria. The guy seemed almost on autopilot.

“Y-Yeah, I'm just a little tired…” James said with a fake smile.

"I know you James, is everything okay at home?"

Before James could respond, they both saw Melany walk past the cafeteria on her way to the meeting room. She looked radiant, even in her formal work clothes. One of her heads saw them and offered a greeting from afar as she walked by. James waved back with a big smile and some of his spirit seemed to return to his body.

"Well… with that I can rule out that you didn’t have a fight with Melany. Or is it that a mutant is too much for my friend?" Tom asked waggling his eyebrows.

James laughed and shook his head. "No, she knows how to take care of me very well and she knows my limits."

"Ooohh," Tom said. "What an exemplary girlfriend."

"Yeah, maybe too much…" James said worriedly.

“What do you mean?” Tom asked, dropping the teasing bit.

James sighed. It was obvious that he had a lot on his mind. “Sorry, you know how I am…insecurities and stuff.”

"Like what?"

“Well, she is the most amazing woman I have ever met. She graduated in record time while working a full time job, and she’s made friends with everyone here…”

“James, are you…jealous?” Tom interrupted. "I promise you that although her and I talk a lot we do not have those kinds of feelings.”

"Tom, I know... I know you wouldn't do something like that..." James sighed. "Last night she asked me if I could teach her how to code, to help out on small projects where we're short on staff."

“Wow, that sounds fantastic,” said Tom. They both picked up their empty lunch trays and went for coffee as they continued to talk.

“Yeah, but… she already does everything by herself and now she wants to learn programming. What if she becomes a better programmer than me? What would happen if one day she stops needing me and walks away from me?”

“If she stops needing you? She already doesn't need you, James. She’s a strong, independent mutant as it is.”

“D-Do you think so?”

Tom ordered a coffee for both of them and took a sip of his. The silence made James panic a bit. "Tom... do you think she..."

"You really don't notice, do you?" Tom said as he smiled. James arched an eyebrow as he continued. "You know math mate, she hasn't needed you to take care of her for a long time... and yet she's still your girlfriend, right?"

James froze and then slowly nodded.

“Exaaaaaaactly! Do you know why she wants to learn coding?"

"Because she wants to help me?" James said.

Tom thought for a second and shrugged "Well, yes... but also because she admires you, can't you tell?"

“You may be right, thanks Tom…” A smile was slowly spreading across James’ face.

“That's what friends are for. Cheer up and drink your coffee. This is going to be a long meeting,” Tom said clapping James on the back. James took a sip trying to wake himself up.

Minutes later, they both arrived at the meeting room and shuffled to their seats around the large table covered in papers. Most people had beat them there. Right in front of them sat Melany, with one of her heads looking towards the CEO of the company, who had not yet started the meeting, while the other was staring at James.

James returned the smile and without looking away from her leaned towards Tom, murmuring "If she keeps looking at me like that everyone will realize we're dating..."

Tom had to contain his smile and replied quietly. “You’re kidding, right? Everyone already knows. Even the CEO knows about it."

“W-what!!? WHAT? How?” James said and nearly knocked over his coffee cup in surprise.

"Well for one she only ever calls you ‘darling’ around here.”

James felt very stupid at that moment. He could only say an “Ah, right.”

"Don't worry anyway, no one seems to mind, even though it's against the company rules... just don't kiss or anything around the office," Tom muttered, trying to stifle a laugh. James just punched his arm in response. Melany, on the other hand, tilted her head to the side, not understanding what the commotion was all about.

At that moment, the meeting began, and the CEO began explaining what all needed to be patched in the game they’d just released, and what potential expansions they could do down the road.

James still had half of his coffee, but he was struggling not to fall asleep. Luckily, the meeting had so many people talking that the CEO didn't notice, though Melany did. She was concerned since she knew that James had gotten some sleep last night. When she saw James had completely fallen asleep, she tried to inconspicuously get Tom’s attention so he could wake him. Her efforts were in vain, and she resorted to pulling out her phone to text James to wake him. Meanwhile her other head tried to pay attention to, and participate in, the meeting.

Seconds later James's phone vibrated on the table, twice, startling him awake. Melany just held her phone over her right mouth to hide her mischievous smile. Confused, James unlocked his phone to find two messages from his girlfriend.

"I love you! Cheer up (and wake up)!" said the first message. The second was what definitely woke James up. It was just a selfie of Melany sitting on the bed with a pillow between her legs and completely naked. Her six beautiful breasts completely exposed, and her six arms in different positions - some touching her breasts, some posing, and others on her sexy legs.

The image burned into James's mind and woke him up the way no coffee ever could. However, unfortunately for him, his mind didn't exactly focus on the meeting, and instead could only think of that picture.

James was only able to lock his phone and flip it before everything went black and his head hit the table. The voices of his coworkers and Melany echoed in his mind until he later woke up in the office’s clinic.

He remembered what had happened perfectly but didn't know what time it was. Looking beside him, he saw Melany sitting in a chair on one side of his bed, her heads resting on the bed. He reached for one her hands to hold it, though that didn't wake her up.

“I think we should both definitely slow down a bit…” James said to himself.




I keep meaning to ask: are her nails permanent claws, and are her fangs venomous?


Her fangs have no poison. Her nails tend to grow to that length. When she cuts them, in a short time they regain their length.