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My home life had become quite intense since Holly moved in. Frankly, she had come to view my place like home, since it gave her refuge from her mother. I had become used to seeing her clothes thrown about. We had begun eating meals together. We even started training on the outdoor patio. And in the time she spent with me the original image of her as some sort of hulking mammoth beast gave way to the truth, which was that Holly was a person. She might be an expert fighter, but she’s also highly intelligent, creative, independent, a budding writer and singer…

I guess people really do have layers…

Gah… I need to stop making Shrek references.


“So… your grandpa taught you how to fight?” I asked Holly as we went through some early morning stretches.

“He got me started. He has quite the career in MMA back in the day. He was the only one in my family who saw my mutation as a blessing, not a curse. Taught me how to use it, you know? Also gave me a place to vent my anger… and I had a lot of anger.” Holly stopped stretching for a minute sighing deeply. “I really miss him.”

“I’m sorry Ho-”

“PLEASE! Stop apologizing worm. When you say you are sorry after every little thing then it loses all meaning. You don’t want your apologies to be worthless do you?”

“N-no ma’am!”

“Good, now we have training to do!”


Holly was… trying… to teach me how to punch. I never thought there was much intricacy in punching, just throw your fist at the other guy… but….

“Worm, please, put more strength into it!” Holly said as she blocked my punches with ease.

“I’m trying to! You are just… so strong…” I said, tossing fist after fist her way.

“Strength has nothing to do with it,” Holly said. “I’m strong and you are a wuss, but the right form can let weaklings triumph over giants. Your form is all wrong!”

She easily caught my next punch and threw me across the yard. I hit the ground, tumbling a short distance, before lying there and catching my breath.

“I really * cough * felt that one,” I said, as Holly walked over to me, extending a hand to help me up.

“In your current state, Billy would tear you apart,” Holly said as she tugged me to my feet.

“Billy wouldn’t dare do anything to me as long as I’m your pet,” I said with a smirk.

“Yeah, but I cant be there to save you all the time, and if he corners you alone you’ll go from being my pet to his dog.”

“Hah, you wouldn’t leave me alone though, right?” I said confidently.

Holly said nothing.

“Holly? You aren’t going to leave or anything… right?”

“I’m not going anywhere! Or at least not because I want to. But I’ve been kicked out of school before. And who knows when my Mom is gonna kick me out. And I’m probably not gonna be able to stay here forever right?” Holly said laughing.

“Why not?” I said honestly.

Holly couldn’t help but laugh. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a foolish boy you are. I appreciate the sentiment, but I think I knocked your brains loose. Your Dad would never be OK with that. Now focus! Or can you after having seen a glimpse of these?” she said cupping her breasts. “How about some motivation, if you can score a clean hit on me just once then I’ll let you touch one for five seconds.”

“Really! You mean it? I mean… ahem… you don’t need to offer me something so unseemly,” I said trying to sound sophisticated.

“Do you want to touch or not?” Holly said giving me a “friendly” punch to the gut.

“Oof! Y-yes ma’am I do!” I replied staggering back.

“Then come at me. Let’s see if you have learned anything.”


I hate to admit it, but her little offer motivated me way, WAY more than I thought it would. I came at her with a ferocity that I never knew I had in me. However, even with my renewed vigor she effortlessly blocked my punches. She never even had to move. She was just unspeakably stronger and faster than me, and she had four arms! … not that that mattered because she was blocking me with only one.

I threw another punch directly at her face. She caught it effortlessly. Since she was only using one arm I threw another, thinking I could take her by surprise, but she twisted and caught my second hand in her elbow! I was totally tied up and she only used one arm!

“What’s the matter worm!? What are you going to do without your arms?” she said laughing.

I did the only thing I can think of doing. I reeled my head back and smashed my forehead into hers.

She just stood there, like a steel wall, as I fell backward, and a small trickle of blood fell down my face.

Not even a scratch.

“Y-you headbutted me!?” she said in amazement, before finally laughing. “Holy crap, worm, I had no idea you had it in you! Though I think you did more damage to yourself than me.

“I think… I did…” I said, dizzily stumbling backward and falling on my ass.

Holly walked over to me. I held out my hand expecting her to help me up again. Instead, she leaned forward and stuck my hand under her shirt, placing my hand on her lower left breast.

“A deal’s a deal worm.”

I felt like I was going to pass out. It was soft, warm, but also electric. My hand wandered, feeling over her nipple. I was so aroused my nose started bleeding. Oh wait no… no… that’s just the damage from the headbutt.

“Don’t get used to it worm!” she said pulling back.

“That was… smooth,” I said, in a daze.

“Smooth… right…” said Holly, a small blush rising in her cheeks.


After we went inside, the day passed without surprises. I spent most of the day recovering from my injuries and when we were positive I didn’t have a concussion, me and Holly studied a bit. She was a fantastic literature and history tutor, while I helped her out in math. After dinner we just relaxed and played some video games.

“So,” Holly said as she clicked away at the analog sticks of the controller. “What are you gonna study, you know, after you get out of high school, Ty?

“I don’t know,” I said clicking right back. “I was thinking of computer science, or digital animation.”

Holly rolled her eyes. “Typical,” she said with a bit of a scoff. “Let me guess, you want to design video games for a living, or go to Japan to work in an anime studio.”

“Is it really that silly?” I said.

“Hah, not silly, just you know every nerd wants to do that and none of them ever do.”

“Well, I really really want to so…”

“Nah, you don’t have to explain it to me,” she said. “I get it. Everyone has a dream. It’s nice that you believe so strongly in your dream… even if it’s just… very… very… stereotypical.”

“What about you? I think you are amazing enough to be anything you want,” I said staring at the screen. “You are pretty much the most amazing girl I ever met.”

Holly blushed as I continued to focus on the game. “Would you stop fawning over me worm, I don’t need your praise and-”

“Pay attention to the game Holly!” I said interrupting her for once. “You are gonna die!”

She gave me a smile and picked her controller back up, and we both played until the pizza ran out.

Another day living with Holly, passed out, bruised, but happy.

Tomorrow was another… I wonder what awaited me.




Haven't heard from you for a bit hope you're doing well