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“Mrs. Principal, she’s outside," said the secretary entering the office of the Principal of the University.

“Well, before you bring her in I'd like you to describe her to me, so I'm not taken by surprise, at least not any more than it already has been,” said the elegant and stern woman behind the desk.

“Well then… I think she's about 15 feet tall. She has a pair of elf ears in addition with another pair of furry ears. A pair of horns, four eyes, four huge breasts, and four arms. She has three legs and seem to have seen certain… lumps under the fabric that she wears for clothing, so it is presumable that she has a penis in each crotch”

The principal did a face palm. “It seems that she is not subtle at all. Okay, let's get to the point. Let her in.”

When the door opened, a huge mutant girl entered. She had a look of fear on her face and she was clothed with what appeared to be a large curtain. She was unable to walk upright, even under the wide ceiling of the principal's office, she had no choice but to move bent over.

"M-Mrs. Principal, here I am," she said in a strange voice that sounded like a highly synchronized choir of female voices.

“Please have a seat,” said the Principal. The giant girl tried to sit on the largest chair in the room, which creaked under her weight.

“I'm sorry, it's just that I… I don't know how heavy I am now,” the girl said embarrassed.

"... We will ignore it" the principal said, bringing her hand to her forehead, "What is your name?"

“I really don't know. Many names come to mind,” the girl said, looking down, before looking up and replying, “I am the Iota Beta Chi Sorority.”

"So it is true. You are the fusion of the members of the Sorority”, said the principal touching her chin with one hand. "I had a feeling it wasn't a good idea to have an exclusive sorority of mutant girls. Can you explain to me how this happened?"

The giant girl took a deep breath before beginning her story. “We were having a private party, among the members that were left in the sorority. We were discussing strategies to attract new members.”

"Who was at the party?"

“Well, there was Patrice, the girl with horns, Amber, a girl with animal ears. Also Natalie, an elf girl with four breasts. Liz, a futanari. Mary, also a futanari with four arms. Roxy, the tripod girl, and Veronica, a girl with several eyes, plus Susan, who didn't have a visible mutation, but her mutant gene was active."

“Hmm, possibly the fusion was triggered by Susan, though the scale of the fusion is… ridiculous,” said the Principal as she pointed to the giant's body. "And how did it happen?"

"After the meeting we started drinking and having fun, something very natural."

“Did you consumed any illicit substance?” asked the principal.

"Well, maybe some weed... and something else soft," the giant girl said as she glanced to the side.

“A soft thing? The University officials who found you lying in the middle of the sorority house reported finding a bottle with some small samples of green liquid”, said the Principal as she threw some photos on the table. "So I would like to know, which of the girls brought Elixir to the party?"

The giant fusion panicked. “I-it was Liz. She said that she would help us relax and that she would make Susan speed up her mutation.”

"Student Elizabeth Brown was always a problem, but I wasn't expect her to be in drugs like that," said the Principal, annoyed, "And what happened?"

“Well, we poured a dash of Elixir into our drinks and drank it. In a moment, we begin to feel strange and we… mutated a little more. It was as if our characteristics were amplified. Susan took much more of the Elixir. She started to get really wild and well… we all got pretty excited and…”

“And then you had an orgy?” asked the Principal.

The giant only nodded her head a little embarrassed. “We got really wild and Susan was the most… horny one. In a moment we were all on top of each other, with Susan at the center, and without realizing it, she mutated”

“How was her mutation?” asked the Principal.

“She… began to spread out and engulf all the girls. Soon we all became a single mass and then darkness. The next memory I have is me waking up in the middle of the room today.”

The Principal walked around the room for a while in silence while the fusion looked at her nervously. She herself had only a few hours to live and a pretty big mental mess with the minds of eight different girls inside her.

"Ok miss... Iota Beta Chi", said the Principal, "The students that made up the sorority, in strict legal rigor, no longer exist. Therefore, it would not be fair to punish you for the mistakes of your...' ingredients', so to speak. To continue in the university you will have to assume a new identity, as well as choose to continue with one of the careers that the girls that make up you were studying”

"That means can I continue studying here?" Iota said excitedly.

“Yes, I don't want to hurt you even more than what you're going through right now. I will recommend you to go to the student support area. I must assume that dealing with your situation is complicated and you will need to start all the legal paperwork,” said the Principal as she placed a hand on the giant girl's knee, “Also, we need to communicate with your relatives.”

"Oh damn!" exclaimed Iota, "I have 16 parents! And three boyfriends and a girlfriend!"

“Like I said, you're going to have a lot to deal with. Now go to the sewing area, to get help with your clothes and a renew of your wardrobe,” said the Principal as she opened the door for her

The girl almost crawled out of the office. The Principal’s secretary was waiting for her outside.

“How it went?” she asked.

“I guess better than expected. Although I have many decisions to make”, she said as she stood up taking advantage of the high halls of the University, “I will go to do the paperwork and new identity papers”

“And don't forget to buy clothes. I don't think it's very dignified for you to use curtains to dress yourself. And have you thought of a name yet?” asked the secretary.

"Iota, but you can call me Chi," said the giant girl with a tender smile. She knew that a new stage in her life was now beginning.




It's a great idea. I hope to see the pre-fusion story later.