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Friends, I am working full right now to fulfill my obligations different drawing. I have had a horrible week in my "real work", but now I dedicate myself to catch up. Thank you for your patience.

I have a question and what age you started with these fetishes? The truth is that I have memories from 5 years I felt strangely attracted by the NBM, and at age 13 with multi-limbs and multi-breasted. Other fetishes were deriving from those two.And you?



Unusual Unity

I first became enamored with the idea of multis in my teens


When I was in my early teens I saw the cover of a CYOA book called "Light On Quests Mountain" featuring a 2-headed, 4-armed character wielding a sword. It is still a wonderful picture. The first I ever saw of futanari was actually your work, Access. Probably that pic of Ashley and Natalie. I slowly realised that I was very interested in seeing more.


<a href="https://36.media.tumblr.com/f1d9e192da744d97290dc72dc0054608/tumblr_nlfxz48Kz41s39ha8o1_540.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://36.media.tumblr.com/f1d9e192da744d97290dc72dc0054608/tumblr_nlfxz48Kz41s39ha8o1_540.jpg</a> this?


It's actually your fault Access. I stumbled on your art on Deviantart when I was 17. I had never seen multi art before and I was hooked instantly.


It's hard to say what my earliest inclination of my weird fetishes was. I suspect it may have been from the Disney's Aladdin animated series. I do however know the path that I took to get sucked into all of this nonsense specifically. I first read some very particular episodes on Bast's Anime Addventure. That somehow lead me to Nada's Den, Bastianmage's and some other websites, most of which are now defunct. I stumbled onto Conjoined Dreams for a while. Somehow that lead me to the tangled nest of Yahoo Groups that existed back in the early 2000s, and I believe that the first 'dedicated' Multi artist/collection I ever stumbled across was you Access. If memory serves, this was after most of your original comic was drawn up, but before the last page you did for it.


Too young to remember. When I was young I looked at pictures of siamese twins and unusual bodies in Ripley's Believe it or Not. It was sexier than porn for me.


Well since I was young I've always been fascinated by characters with two heads or more, in cartoons or books, games. Then of course years passed and my interests switched to girls. One day, when I was 15, I typed Samiese Twins to see if they exist or not. It's when I came across a picture from Dr.Mercurious website. It's from there that it all started. I was amazed by all the pictures I found and fought conjoined girls were so hot. In the links, I found other artists that were into those kind of drawings. You were one of them Access. that's right, I know you for about 14 years now. It's also here that I found other artists like Gamera and other well known in the domain. Since that day, I've become a hardcore fan of conjoinment art.


kinda have watching the Sinbad movies as a kid, and half having seen the Hensel Twins when they were on Oprah. Then i Stumbled onto the MBAP when i was 13.


Well, I was fascinated by NBM and abnormal women from a younger age. Back in 1992 when Death Becomes Her was coming out and they shown the scene with the one characters head on backwards. I felt something and I didn't know what it was. I would watch all manner of TV shows and documentaries about freakshows and sex changes and I wouldn't know what to do with myself. When I was 18 I stumbled across Dr.Mercurious' website. From there it grew to other interests from conjoined twins to head swaps, extra limbs and NBM. I guess enjoying material with both genders would make me a bisexual (Even though it's about a 70% attraction to women and 30% to men.).


Hm for me i was 8 and I saw an old cartoon Hokey Wolf where a witch conjoined him and his sidekick.