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The Ovidium is a new elixir that use rich young to get high. It is very expensive and only few people can afford.

To consume, cause and random incredible metamorphosis in the human body, with emphasis on sexual attributes. Its effects last from 2 to 6 hours.

Trisha is a wealthy girl who has developed an addiction to Ovidium, she enjoys once or twice a week. Now, transformed expects his flatmate got to test their new skills.




wishes i was her flatmate


Oh, I absolutely love this idea. :) Such an elixir sounds like lots of fun. Does it also let you grow additional heads?


It is absolutely random. Users do not know how it will affect their bodies. Heads, limbs, genitals, anything can happen.


Yay. This sounds like a nice idea for a story... I haven't written anything for a long time now, but this sounds really interesting. If you don't mind, of course.