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It was almost noon when robin finished laying the last chocolate egg for the Easter party. Last her Snow had given her only one day to lay 30 eggs, and that took a toll on both her mind and body. This year, Robin thought ahead.

“two weeks eating chocolate and I didn’t gain a pound. God bless these mutant genes,” Robin said to herself happily.

She put the egg in the fridge along with the other 30 she had already laid. Snow was coming today to pain them before the yearly Easter party that she held for the local orphanage.

“Snow’s a pain in the ass sometimes,” thought Robin, “but at least her heart is in the right place.

Suddenly, Robin heard a strange noise from outside, as if something heavy was dragging on the floor.

“Robin! Birdy! Care to open up for me?” Came snows voice from the other side. Opening the door Robin found Snow holding a cooler bag that was almost the same size as her!

“Snow! What the heck? What is this thing?” Robin said in surprise.

“This? Huuurgh…” she said hefting it. “Well, you know. Last year I maaaay have left you with a whole lot of work last minute…”

“More like definitely-“

“Well anyways,” Snow said, “I felt real bad about it and I thought I’d put in just as much work this year. Thing is, I don’t have your superpower to lay chocolate eggs.”

“It’s not really a superpower, Snow-“

“ANYWAY! Huff huff” she said standing up the bag. “This is my contribution this year, TAAADAAAA!”

With a pull of a string the bag opened revealing a life sized chocolate sculpture of snow. Although her face was a little strange and unclear, her body was perfect, right down to her curves and measurements.

“What? How? When?!” Robin muttered.

“I made a mold with my own body! Well, I had some help. OK, I paid a sculptor off Craigslist. The point is, I made a full body mold and then all I had to do was pour the chocolate in it! I spent a looooot of money on chocolate, but in the end it was worth it! A chocolate snow!”

“That must have cost a fortune!!!” exclaimed Robin.

“Well the chocolate hurt the most. The sculptor said he was fine as long as he could keep the mold. Hmmm… I wonder what he’s going to use it for?”

“Don’t… you think this is a little… um… graphic for the children?” said robin.

“What do you mean?” asked Snow.

“Well, I mean, look at your crotch, and your breasts! It’s as clearly molded as a sex doll. It’s more appropriate for a bachelor party than an Easter party.”

“Bachelor party, huh? Weird you mention that. The sculptor said the same thing. You think that’s what he’s gonna use the mold for?” said Snow curiously, quirking an ear.

“I uh… I think we should just focus on the eggs this year,” Robin said, putting a hand on Snow’s shoulder.

“But I used so much chocolate!” Snow said with a sad nod.

“Well, wait you know that guy? The one who is always giving you things? Being nice to you? Asking you to ‘show feet?’”

“Stu? Sure, but I don’t see what he has to do with all this?”

“I have a hunch he might want to buy this sculpture for quite the pretty penny,” said Robin.

“You think so? I don’t know. I mean he never mentioned he was a chocolate fanatic,” answered Snow.

Robin took a picture of the full body chocolate Snow and sent a WhatsApp to Stu. Soon, her phone was lighting up with notifications, brighter than any Easter decoration.

“I bet he’ll be a chocolate fanatic soon enough,” robin said, flashing a mischievous smile. “But let’s get to work. These eggs won’t paint themselves.” 



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