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Jesse was in the old train station in the city waiting for Tiffany, his childhood friend. He had known her since they were 5 years old and although her parents constantly pestered them saying they would end up married they had never taken their relationship beyond friendship. In fact, Jesse practically considered Tiffany just one of the guys. When Tiffany turned 14, her parents moved away and with time, they had lost touch. That is why a call from her to let him know that she was coming to visit was a pleasant surprise. Jesse even invited her to stay with him.

“It's been 10 years since she left…” thought Jesse. “How much has she changed? She was always pretty, but I'm dying to see how she looks now." He hadn't had any luck finding current photos of her online. It was as if all her social media were frozen a decade ago.

“Jesse, is that you?”

Jesse heard a recognizable female voice behind him. He turned around and saw Tiffany standing there. She had shoulder length hair that framed her beautiful wide-eyed face, and she was wearing a beautiful vibrant yellow summer dress. Her long, shapely legs stood on 4-inch wedge heels. But what was really amazing was her breasts…her four breasts…her four huge, full breasts arranged in two rows of two, forming a cute double cleavage.

Jesse stared at Tiff's chest mesmerized for a moment. He had seen mutants before, but his childhood friend being one caught him off guard.

"My eyes are up here, silly," said Tiffany annoyed.

"Oh yeah…. Yes of course. How are you?” Jesse said, his cheeks turning red. “You look beautiful and full of… curves.”

"Don't be awkward goofball," Tiffany said with a laugh. "You don't seem to know how to handle your ugly duckling friend turning into some kind of mutant swan."

"I didn't imagine that you were a mutant, or that you had... those," he said as he pointed at her breasts.

“I always had four breasts, but I didn't tell you. Back then they hadn’t even developed."

"That's not fair, I thought we had no secrets back then," Jesse said as he loaded Tiffany's luggage into the trunk of his car.

"I was a girl, and I was just developing, I wasn't comfortable with the idea of ​​telling my perverted best friend 'Hey Jesse, I have four tits'” Tiffany said as she got into the car. “The thing is, I kept them hidden until I was 20 years old.”

“Why until 20?” Jesse asked.

“Because when I was 20 years old, I went from an underdeveloped ‘A’ cup to ridiculous E-size mounds. I’m glad that the mutation also gave me a strong back.”

Once in the car, Jesse headed for his parents' ranch. As they traveled down the roads in town, they took the opportunity to catch up on their lives and laugh a little about their old adventures.

“Eyes on the road! We don't want you to get distracted and crash,” Tiffany said when she noticed Jesse once again staring at her cleavage.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jesse said a little nervously. "I'm just driving.”

"5 times…"

“5 times?”

“I caught you looking at my tits five times,” Tiffany said laughing. “But don't worry, I don't mind you looking at them. I was wondering if you were going to find them attractive or disgusting.”

“Well… breasts are breasts, so I think the more the better. It's the most logical concept, isn't it?

"You'd be really surprised," Tiffany said.

“And… are they uncomfortable?” Jesse said, blushing a bit.

"Not so much. As I told you I have a strong back, although jumping and running becomes an almost seismic situation,” Tiffany laughed a little. “Though that’s not the weirdest thing…”

“What's the weirdest thing?” Jesse asked.

"Nothing, just forget it," Tiff replied.

"I don't think I can forget it. Come on… tell me before curiosity kills me.”

Tiffany sighed heavily and looked up at the roof of the car, as if her answer was written on it. “Ok, I'll tell you, but don't tell anyone. If you do, I will hit you in your balls so hard that your children will come out deformed!”

“Okay, okay, I understand. Just tell me…” Jesse said a little impatiently.

"It's what comes out of my breasts," Tiff said.

"Your breasts? You mean milk?" Jesse said.

“Kinda..not exactly. It's more like… whipped cream,” Tiff said with a little blush.

"Really? I don't believe you," Jesse said skeptically.

"I’m not joking. It only started a few weeks ago. It was like a remnant of my mutation that hadn't shown up. Sometimes it happens to mutants."

"Well, it's still hard for me to believe," Jesse said.

Tiffany frowned and slipped her left hand into her lower cleavage. It was hard for Jesse to pay attention to the road while his childhood friend was massaging herself under her dress. She suddenly pulled her hand out with a small amount of a fluffy white substance.

"Are you serious?" Jesse said, widening his eyes. "How does it taste?"

“I don't know if I should say it myself, but it’s great. It's one of the yummiest things I've ever tasted,” Tiffany said as she stared at her fingers. She immediately took them to her mouth and began to swallow the cream.

"Hey, that's not fair, I wanted to try," Jess said angrily.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you taste my cream."

"Why? We've been friends for a long time, and it's just a taste," said Jesse.

Tiffany snorted and rolled her eyes. “Okay, just a little bit. But don't be weird,” she said as she put her hand down her dress and then pulled out her finger once again covered in the white substance.

"Okay, suck on my finger… but don't make any gross noises," Tiffany said.

Jesse licked Tiffany's cream from her fingers and fireworks exploded in his mouth. It was so good! Smooth and delicious texture, and it had a light comforting sweetness to it, it was the best thing he had ever tasted in her whole fucking life. "Oh my god, it's great," Jesse said trying to keep his composure.

"Thanks, I guess," Tiffany replied.

They drove on in silence. Jesse began to stare down the road with total concentration trying to forget the taste that was still filling his mouth. He was almost there when a little suckling sound caught him off guard and pulled him from his thoughts. Jesse watched out of the corner of his eye as Tiffany pulled out one of her upper breasts and shoved the entire nipple into her mouth, sucking on it frantically.

“What the…!?” Jesse almost jumped out of the street in surprise.

“Hey… fofus on the foad,” said Tiffany without letting go of her breast.

Jesse pulled to the side before risking an accident. At all times Tiffany continued to eat her rich cream.

"Are you crazy? You can't do that while I'm driving,” Jesse yelled.

"But I'm not friving," said Tiffany, still with her nipple in her mouth.

"It's an irresistible distraction to have a beauty sucking on a breast next to you while you're driving, especially if she's drinking that cream of the gods," Jesse said angrily.

Tiffany released her nipple and smirked. "You had said that 'it was great' nothing more."

"I lied, it wasn't just ‘great', it is a delicacy, a delicacy of the gods and I can still feel its texture in my mouth. Also, I think it comes in the best packaging in the world,” said Jesse as he clutched his head with two hands.

“Hey, chill, I know it can be a little addictive,” Tiffany said as she straightened. She turned to Jesse and with a quick movement, she untied the knot that was tying her necklines, leaving her four beautiful breasts free in front of Jesse. “How about we have a little picnic? My treat,” she said before slipping a top nipple back into her mouth.

Jesse's eyes almost bugged out of his head at the sight of Tiffany's gorgeous, cream-filled breasts. “B-but are you sure…?” He didn't get to finish asking when Tiffany grabbed his head and guided him to her breasts.

Jesse took a lower nipple in his mouth and began to drink deeply. The taste was even better than before, possibly because he was getting it as fresh as possible. The mix of flavors, plus Tiffany's softness, her warmth and scent, was making him lose his mind.

Suddenly, Jesse felt Tiffany begin to moan. It was lightly at first, then louder and louder, in an incredibly erotic way. Before he was aware, Tiffany had propped one of her long legs behind his back. The situation was getting more and more erotic by the second and neither of them had any intention of stopping.

Suddenly, a wave of successive orgasms rocked Tiffany and she cried out in pleasure. The cream pooled on the tips of her nipples. Jesse found himself trapped by Tiff's legs, which jerked out of control and was pushing him into her four soft, luscious breasts.

After almost falling unconscious, Tiffany was lying in the passenger seat with a huge smile on her face, while Jesse was quick to clean up any remaining traces of cream on her breasts.

“We definitely have to repeat that,” Tiffany said still exhausted.

“I'm absolutely up for it,” Jess said, still licking his lips.

“I hope you have condoms at home. We're going to need them,” Tiffany said.

Once recovered and with their hunger sated, they hit the road back on their way to Jesse's house. Suddenly, Jesse noticed that Tiffany was a bit uncomfortable.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked her.

"Yeah, I just think I got too wet, or something," Tiff said a little embarrassed.

“It was that much?” Jesse asked indelicately.

“Not really... I just overlubed,” Tiff said as she reached under her dress. Suddenly, she made a funny look on her face and took her hand from her crotch covered in a golden, gelatinous substance.

“Hey, what's that?” Jess asked as he glanced at Tiff’s hand. Tiffany didn't respond and just licked her fingers curiously. A big flirtatious smile formed on her face.

"Hey Jesse, do you like honey?"



Master of Muffin

My boy Jesse found the promised land, and it's flowing with milk and honey


I like how you make a story out of even the most mundane of mutations.