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"What the hell?" Rita said as her coffee cup flew out of her hand unexpectedly. Rita didn’t know why but she was suddenly waving her hand as if to greet someone.

"Oh! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't notice you had something in your hand!" A voice from below said.

Rita sighed, angry. "You know that if you want to use any of my limbs you have to ask my permission, Penny,” she said to the head that was attached to her groin. It moved on a long fleshy tube around in front of her so they were looking at each other. "Just because you’re a part of my body doesn’t mean you have the right to use other parts without my consent.”

“I'm really sorry,” Penny said, lowering her head.

"And also, who were you waving to?"

"N-no one in particular."

Rita scanned the university cafeteria until she found Pete, a boy from her class smiling in their direction. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Penny returning his blushing smile.

“Are you serious?” Rita asked indignantly. “Were you waving at Pete? I don't know what you see in him."

"He just... he's sweet with me," Penny said still blushing. "He talked to me, and he doesn't treat me like just an... appendage, you know."

Rita noticed that Penny was salivating more than normal, and her vagina was growing moist. "Damn, not only did you use another part of my body, but now you're also making me horny?!" Rita said angrily. "It's very annoying to feel horny when my mind is on other things," she immediately stood up.

“W-where are we going?” Penny asked.

"To the bathroom. I'm not going to walk into class with a three-foot-long bon er." She chose the one at the farthest end of the building, one that hardly anyone used because it was so inconveniently placed. She locked the stall door and began to undress.

“I’m… sorry about earlier,” Penny said, obviously excited.

"Oh, shut up and let's get started," Rita said grabbing Penny by the head before giving her a deep french kiss. Rita's breasts had swollen almost a full cup size and her nipples were hard as could be. It didn’t take much at all for her to start lactating.

"Dessert time," Rita said, her voice thick with lust. She brought one of her breasts to her mouth while Penny took care of the other. The taste of her own milk had always fascinated her and in moments of extreme arousal her lactation became uncontrollable.

Suddenly, Penny released her breast and moved to Rita's crotch. With her teeth, she tugged at her panties to expose Rita's dripping wet vagina, which was glistening in anticipation.

Without a word, Penny began to lick furiously. She sucked and took small bites as she kissed the lips. Then her tongue circled her clit rhythmically, back and forth. Rita almost lost her balance, barely holding onto the walls of the stall. At one point, a teacher even walked into the bathroom and Rita had to fight hard not to let out a moan. Luckily, the teacher left before Rita felt that Penny was filling up with c um.

“Rita, I… I'm going to…” Penny managed to say before Rita grabbed her head tightly and pushed her against her vagina. A huge spurt of c um was deposited inside herself, while her legs trembled from the huge climax.

Penny hung exhausted to Rita’s knees as more c um dripped from her crotch and her milk still oozed from her breasts.

"Oh, wow. That was more intense than normal,” Rita said almost in a trance with excitement.

“Maybe it was because I was more aroused than… cough… usual,” Penny said as she coughed up what was left of c um in her throat.

"Yeah, maybe," Rita said blushing, "Now help me clean up, class will start soon."

After getting out of the bathroom and cleaning up her little mess, Rita headed toward their next class.

"What's happening? You're too quiet,” Rita asked.

“I want to apologize for what happened in the cafeteria. I overdid it, but…”

“But what?” asked Rita.

“But I have my own thoughts and I can't help it. I like Pete,” Penny said.

“Come on, you can't like someone just because they treat you well,” Rita said. “You know, it's my fault anyway… I can't expect you to not have thoughts of your own if it's been clear since my mutation that you are your own person. I even gave you a name and all.”

"Actually, Penny is a bit obvious for a penis," Penny said with a blush. "But I still appreciate you giving it to me."

Rita sighed deeply as she looked out the hall window.

“Hey, I'll try to talk to Pete more and be nicer to him. But you gotta learn to control your excitement."

Penny perked up excitedly. “I will!” she almost shouted. “Thank you. I'm sure you'll like him, too."

"Well, he's not ugly," Rita said. "Maybe we can go out to dinner sometime."

“A double date?! That would be amazing,” Penny said.

“What do you mean by double date?” Rita asked.

"Well… you and penis, I mean me, and Pete and his dick."

"You know, I think that escalated inappropriately quickly," Rita said with a poker face. "Let's start with having lunch together in the cafeteria."

Penny nodded, blushing. Rita smiled and walked quickly to the classroom.




It would be really funny if Pete inspired Penny to become more confident in herself which then leads her to taking control of the body permanently to be with Pete.


I think it would be interesting to see Pete and Penny get into a serious relationship but Rita is still single and trying to focus on other things, like school, all the while having her life constantly interrupted by Penny and Pete's relationship.


Wouldn't be that funny, given Rita would be raped.