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Mandy was sitting in the university courtyard putting the finishing touches on a report she and her best friend, Chocola, had to deliver. As usual Chocola was running late. She slipped on a hoodie when a chill wind blew around her. It was really too cold to be working outside, but Chocola had managed to get them banned from the library, so they didn’t have too many options.

“Hey, Mandy!” Chocola said as she bounded up to her. The chocolate girl’s pink hair stood out. Her current flavor must have been cherry.

“Wow, only a half an hour late,” Mandy said and tried to not to sound perturbed. “Aren’t you cold?” She asked as she noted Chocola’s short trench coat, bare legs, and high heeled sandals.

Chocola looked down at herself and smirked. “You mean the trench? Nah, I wore this specifically because of a surprise I prepared.”

"Surprise? What are you talking about? You were supposed to finish your part of this project. It’s supposed to be done tomorrow.” Mandy couldn’t keep the annoyance from her voice.

"Don't worry, I'll finish it as soon as I get home," Chocola said.

"I don't know why that doesn't reassure me," Mandy said.

A loud commotion interrupted their conversation as several students came pouring out of the school building to congregate in the courtyard. Class had let out and there was awhile before the next one started, so they were all milling about and enjoying the sunshine. Mandy noticed how Chocola was watching the crowd almost like she was looking for someone in particular.

“Who are you looking for?” Mandy asked.

"Huh? Oh, no one in particular,” answered Chocola. Her innocent look quickly became a mischievous smile when Phil appeared though. Not long ago he’d boldly stated that he didn’t like chocolate and Chocola, being a girl made of chocolate, hadn’t forgotten it.

“Oh my god, can you let that go already?” Mandy said, rolling her eyes.

"No. I want to prove a point," Chocola said. She stood on the picnic table pushing Mandy's papers aside and addressed the crowd. “Hello everyone! It’s your one and only favorite student!” she said as she waved her arms to get everyone’s attention. “You might recall that Valentine’s Day was just a few days ago. So, I wanted to give you a gift of the best chocolate in the world: ME!” She dropped her trench coat revealing…not much underneath. She had on a micro bikini, but it was so small it wasn’t even worth mentioning. The crowd went wild and ran over to where she and Mandy were.

Mandy huffed and rolled her eyes again. Their project was not going to get done at this rate, and Chocola didn’t seem to care about it at all. All she cared about was striking various poses on the table and letting the entire student body ogle her. Mandy had gotten lost in her thoughts when she suddenly found Chocola handing her her head. She blinked as she realized Chocola had torn her own head off, and gingerly took it. Whatever Chocola was doing she hoped it would be over soon.

She was wrong.

Chocola laid back on the table, arms stretched above her head. “And now my assistant will distribute my chocolate among you. Don’t worry, there’s enough for everyone!”

“I’m your assistant now?!” Mandy said low enough only Chocola could hear her. She didn’t make any attempt to hide how perturbed she was though.

“Pleeeaaaaase, you have to help me!” Chocola gave Mandy the biggest puppy dog eyes she was capable of.

“Fine, but you owe me big time!” Mandy set Chocola’s head to the side and got up to give the students whatever part of Chocola’s body they asked for.

“Oh,” Chocola whispered in the middle of the distribution, “make sure you save my pussy for Phil when he inevitably comes over.”

"You're so desperate," said Mandy rolling her eyes.

A lot of students came over to taste Chocola. Some ordered her fingers and toes wanting that extra sweetness of her sugary nails. Some wanted to bite directly into her body. Mandy told them to scram. Little by little Chocola was becoming nothing more than a head on some books.

The entire time Chocola was watching everyone, waiting for that one person to come over. It took him awhile, he lingered back unsure if he wanted to come over, but in the end even he couldn’t resist. Chocola smiled widely when she saw Phil finally walking over. “Yes, that’s it. Come fall into my little trap.”

But even as she said that the students that had their chocolate were walking away, and Phil turned around and followed them. He was leaving.

"What? Hey... HEY!" Chocola began to shout. Phil didn’t seem to hear her. "Come back here, I was saving my vagina for you."

The entire crowd froze when they heard that. Several students turned around and started heading back as they were very interested in that particular piece of her. They were all glaring at her like hungry wild animals.

"Vagina you say? Love it. Let me have it!” one student shouted.

"Of course not. If anyone eats that part of her, it’ll be me,” another challenged.

"Who do you think you are, dude?"

A brawl soon broke out between various boys and girls at the table. Luckily, Mandy managed to get Chocola's head off the table before it was stolen. After a while everything, including the papers for their report, had been knocked off the table.

"They took everything," Mandy said as she looked around and tried to gather things. "Even your bikini and heels."

"Why? They aren’t even edible!" Chocola said.

Mandy just glared at Chocola. “Do I really need to answer that?”

“Okay fair point,” Chocola said. “But damn, I can't believe that asshole didn’t even want my vagina.”

“Well, to be fair, I don't think he knew you were saving it for him. He just saw a line of people eating chocolate and remember he doesn't like chocolate."

"That phrase still doesn't make sense to me," Chocola said.

"Anyway, you're disembodied again, so I hope you've done your part of the project," Mandy said.

“Hmm… about that, I didn't get too far but I have a written summary… well, it's more like a list of ideas… of preliminary ideas… VERY preliminary…” she sighed. “The truth is that I didn't write them down, I just thought them. But I remember almost all of them,” said Chocola trying to justify herself.

Mandy sighed heavily and turned her back to Chocola as she reached into her bag. “Fine. If you’re going to make me do this entire project by myself then guess what?” She shoved Chocola’s chocolate vagina into her mouth.

"Hey! Don't eat my vagina!" Chocola said embarrassed.

“Mmm, yep cherry,” Mandy said as she licked her lips. “I'll need a lot of sugar tonight to finish the job by myself. So, pray that I don't even think of eating what's left of you.” Mandy said as she picked up Chocola's head. “We’re going to my house to finish the project, and you’re going to tell me every single one of your ideas and forget about Phil.”

“…I'll try,” Chocola said with a pout.

Mandy rolled her eyes again as she left the courtyard, Chocola and all her hard work in tow.




I really like this character, I hope to see more