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Story by Leena (@MyLifeIsARPG)

Greetings mutant lovers one and all! It is my pleasure to introduce you to Port Solei’s newest mutant idol group, the sensation that’s sweeping the nation, the Pokegirls!

What’s that you say? Pokémon mutations? How can this be!? Pokémon aren’t real!

Well we appreciate your curiosity dear viewer, and you are right! Pokémon aren’t real, so mutating into one is practically unheard of. But mutating into something that’s close to a Pokémon isn’t so unheard of, and from that point on it’s just a matter of hair styling, costume work, and knockout performances.

Like Valerie! Our resident Vaporeon girl. Her mutation gave her aspects of dogs, cats, and aquatic animals. All it took was a little blue hair dye and a dazzling costume to recapture that feeling of everyone’s favorite Eeveelution. And she knows it too, as she’s a bit of a primadonna.

Skylar is the groups Scolipede, showing off her many legs to represent bug type Pokémon. Believe it or not, she is the acrobat of the group. How does she manage to do high flying flips with all those legs? Just wait till she gets on stage.

Megan is our Machamp girl, and of course she would be with those four arms. A professional body builder by trade, she shows off immense feats of strength that any fighting type Pokémon would be jealous of.

Deidre is our Ditto girl. Slime mutations are quite rare, but slime mutations with an absolute encyclopedic knowledge of Pokémon and Pokémon lore? Now that’s even rarer. Deidre will mold and shape her body into any shape you want, any Pokémon you can think of. But you can’t stump her!

What would a Pokegirl idol group be without a resident Pikachu! Peggy was just a mutant with mouse like features, but she has a voice of an angel. So of course we had to pick her for the leader of the group. Then again, with a voice that wonderful, maybe we should have cast her as Jigglypuff!

Odette is our Oddish representative, an SWB that is willing to show that even tiny little radishes like her can get things done. Odette is definitely consider the “cute one” of the group, her innocent charm being her quality that she is best known for.

Shirley is our first Legendary Pokémon, representing the legendary horse from Sword and Shield, Spectrier. This taur’s ghoooostly talents involve a penchant for trickery and sleight of hand magic. Watch in wonder as she amazes you with power granted to her from the spirit world!

Charlie is our Charizard, and she is bigger than life! A lizard mutant with a massive size mutation, Charlie, appropriately enough, performs with fire. Fire dancing, fire juggling, fire eating, fire spinning, if fire is involved she is an expert. Just don’t get too close, because it’s not just the fire that’s hot about this blazing beauty.

And finally we have DeeDee, a multiheaded beauty with avian features who of course would be a shoo-in for the role of a Dodrio. While this bird may be flightless, she acts as the caretaker of the group, the mother to all our other wonderful girls. No one keeps the nest warm and ready like her, and if you want a motherly touch in the way only a mother hen can provide, then DeeDee will provide it for you.

Yes, the Port Solei Pokegirls, touring for a limited time as a special promotion for the release of Pokémon Legends Arceus. Each ticket to their concert will come with a free copy of the game for the Nintendo Switch, while supplies last. And after the concert there will be a charity auction allowing you to take one of our lucky idols on a date. So if you’ve ever wanted to date a Pokémon (and we have seen your Lopunny and Gardevoir fan art so we know you do) then this is your chance!

The Pokegirls! Come to Port Solei and see them live while tickets last, or until Nintendo sues us for copyright infringement!




Hopefully we get to meet the whole group at some point

John Wallace

Given that mutants are a minority who probably still suffer from persecution in many cases around the world, Nintendo might not dare take action. Something kind of similar has happened in real life! Back during the NES era, Nintendo refused to send games to stores that sold unlicensed NES games. But one unlicensed game company had an idea - make religious games and sell them to Christian bookshops. And it worked! Not only did these bookshops not sell any other games, Nintendo taking action against them would have made them look really bad.