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Story by Sophiie93

“Knock Knooooock!” came a voice at the door which, together with a firm rapping drew the attention of everyone in the apartment.

“That must be Molly! It’s about time,” said Daisy, a sporty looking brunette, opening the door. On the other side was a short black haired woman, eyed hidden behind glasses, bundled up in a winter coat and holding a package. “How can you be late to your own celebration!” Daisy exclaimed.

“I’m sorry! You just live so far away!” Molly said, taking off her gloves and beanie. “Hey girls!” She called out to the two other guests, hovering around a table filled with drinks and food. Sharon was a tall blonde with a pair of breasts anyone would be jealous of, especially because everything she wore showed them off prominently, and Erika’s curly red hair stood out only as much as the colorful dresses she wore. “I got a package for you! It was outside Molly’s door which one of you was expecting?”

“I wasn’t…” said Daisy, taking the package and shaking it to feel its weight. “It’s not food and it’s got no return address.”

“I wasn’t expecting anything,” said Sharon. “Erika did you get Molly a present or something?”

“The present’s the party!” Erika said. “Now would you two stop talking in the doorway and come in already!?”

Molly laughed, tossing the box on the couch, as she finished taking off her coat. Meanwhile, Erika poured several tall glasses of champagne. “A toast, to Molly, for finally getting that promotion. Congratulations… boooooss” she said in a singsong voice.

“Oh please,” Molly said waving her hand. “You are my friends, don’t call me boss, especially outside the office.” They raised their classes and clinked them together in a toast. “To Molly!” they all said, before happily drinking.

Many hours later the girls were slightly tipsy and full of food. Sharon poked and prodded at the odd package as background noise played on the TV. “So what is this package anyway? None of us ordered it.”

“Maybe Molly has a secret admirer,” Erika said whimsically.

“Stop it guys!” Molly said, blushing heavily. “You are embarrassing me.”

“Well, why don’t we open it?” Sharon said, tugging at the cardboard.

“Stop it!” Daisy protested. “What if it’s a bomb!”

“Oh come on, you know you aren’t important enough to be sent a bomb,” Sharon laughed, tearing open the straps of the package.

“What if it’s someone else’s package?” Daisy said.

“With your address on it?” Erika said. “Come on, Daisy, don’t be a buzzkill at Molly’s party.”

“Got it!” Sharon exclaimed as the cardboard fell to pieces revealing what looked like an old Polaroid camera, a stack of Polaroid film, and a list of instructions.

“Wow it looks ancient,” Erika said.

“I bet you could sell this for a fortune,” Sharon said, picking it up and looking it over. She shook it a bit. It felt flimsy. “Then again… maybe not. Who would send you something like this?”

“I don’t know!” Daisy shrugged.

“Why are there instructions?” Erika said.

“Maybe whoever sent it thinks we don’t know how to use it?” Molly said picking up the long folded sheet of paper. “This is one of those old cameras that reveals the picture instantly, right? Let’s see… Magic Mutant Camera?”

Eria laughed, “What? What a weird brand name.”

“Congratulations on your acquisition,” Molly said, continuing to read the instructions. “Now you can enjoy your very own glimpse into the future!”

“Huh?” the girls all said at once.

“Basic rules, 1: Take a full body image of a woman. 2: Wait for the photo to develop. If the woman in the picture has the mutant gene the picture will show her fully mutated and naked.” Molly said with palpable confusion.

Sharon couldn’t help but laugh. “This is the weirdest prank I have ever seen.”

“It’s pretty elaborate for a prank,” Daisy said. “I mean, sending the old camera and all.”

“Well, why don’t we try it!” Erika said excited.

The rest of the girls fell silent.

“I mean what’s the worst that can happen?” Erika argued. “We get a few neat photos?” She picked up the camera and pushed Daisy to the center of the room. “Now strike a pose Daisy!”

“Hey, hey wait I-“

Click, whirrrrrr, the camera slowly churned out a photo which slowly started to fade into view. Nothing. She wasn’t naked. And she wasn’t mutated. She was just frantically trying to cover up her face and protest the photo.

“Nothing…” Erika said.

“Well at least the camera works,” Sharon said, dropping the camera into Molly’s hands.

“Well, hold on,” said Erika. “It could still be real. What if Daisy just isn’t fated to be a mutant.”

Sharon shrugged.” Mutants are rare after all. What the heck, try taking a picture of me!” She strutted to the center of the room and put on her best model pose.

Click! Whirrrrr. Another photo came into focus. Completely normal, just like the last one.

“Nuts, well at least it’s a good photo. Maybe I’ll frame it,” Sharon said, looking it over. “Your turn Erika!”

“What? Me Oh no, I uh… I don’t think that’s a good idea. See my grandmother was a mutant so I probably have the mutant gene. And my doctors said I’ll probably mutate in the future so like, I don’t wanna be the only one who shows up naked in the-“

Click! Whirrrr. Too late. Molly already took the photo.

“Molly!” Erika said, blushing heavily.

“Oh come on, you were so excited to see everyone else get their picture taken, and now you want to back out? Call it an order from your boss.” Molly said with a smirk.

“Don’t let that power go to your head,” Erika replied. “Oh god I don’t wanna look.

Sharon took the photo and shook it as it faded into view. Nothing. Another normal photo.

“What a ripoff!” Sharon said. “If any of us are going to mutate it’s going to be Erika. This is obviously just a fake.”

“Well should we do Molly next?” Erika saked.

“What’s the point?” Molly said. “We already know it’s a fake, and besides, I don’t wanna be photographed in these dumb work clothes.”

“But then you’ll be the only one of us that didn’t get their picture taken!” Sharon said. “We have to finish the set!” She said, before snatching the camera out of Molly’s hands.

And before she knew it.

Click! Whrrrrr. Another photo came out.

“Haha, are you happy now guys, I probably look a mess,” Molly said.

“Woah….” Sharon said.

Erika blushed fiercely,”Holy crap!”

“Molly? Are you a mutant?” Daisy asked.

Molly began to sweat. “Come on girls. Don’t joke about that.”

“What a body!” Sharon said.

“Oh we are going to love you when you mutate!” Erika said.

“I’m almost jealous!” Daisy said.

“Let me see the photo guys!” Molly said, trying to snatch it.

“So those shoes you just got?” Sharon said. “If you don’t need them anymore, can I have them?”

“We promise, this won’t change the way we treat you,” Erika said.

“Shut up! I’m not going to mutate!” Molly said. “There are no mutants in my family. This is a prank remember, a prank!”

“You are right!” Daisy said snatching the photo and ripping it up, tossing it in the garbage. “This is a party for Molly and we are upsetting her. It’s time we stopped talking about this. Who’s up for drinks!?”

“Here here!” shouted Erika.

“Here here!” shouted Sharon.

“Here here…” shouted Molly feeling awkward.

“Hey look,” Daisy said putting an arm around Molly’s shoulders. “No matter what happens, we are gonna be your friends, OK boss?”

“Don’t call me boss,” Molly said with a short smile.

The girls laughed and poured another round of champagne. Meanwhile, in the trash, was a torn up photo of a naked mutant with silky raven hair, four breasts, four arms, and perhaps most strange of all, an identical mirrored torso from the waist down. A “queen” mutation as it were. An appropriate mutation for a boss.

But perhaps most interesting was the date that showed up in the corner of the picture, only a few weeks from now.

Molly’s life was about to get very interesting indeed.




So would she be one person with two heads then or two people bei g conjoined? :)