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Story by Leena (@MyLifeIsARPG)

You may know of Valentina Bellabra. You know the rumors. You know the tales. If you’ve been on the streets, you know not to cross her. You also may know that she bakes a mean cookie, provided that you won’t mind a few side effects.

Valentina is a figure bigger than life itself, a face of the Mutant Mafia. She lends credibility for its businesses and ruthlessly runs its warehouses. She is not someone to take lightly.

But did you know it was not always that way? Valentina was once just a girl, a young girl coming from a family of mutant bakers with a long lineage that stretches back to Italy. They came here to America, and originally set up shop in New York City, in good old Little Italy, hoping that they could sell their good to the wealthy residents of Manhattan.

And unfortunately, things don’t always work out as you plan.

Valentina’s family quickly found themselves falling on hard times. Their baked goods were tasty enough, but they were but one shop in a row of many, and taxes in New York were extremely high. Try as they might, they simply could not make enough money to get ahead.

It was only a matter of time before they found themselves in debt to some… unsavory people. The New York branch of the Mutant Mafia is infamous. Little Italy was known for its connection to major crime families, families that went down in the history books as names that shaped the history of our culture. The families didn’t care if you were a mutant. They only cared that you were loyal… and Italian. It helped if you were full blooded Italian.

Every month the family bakery found itself more and more in debt. Word of mouth spread and the bakery became more and more popular, but the mob raised the price on their loans again and again. It was an endless cycle of debt that Valentina’s family simply could not get around.

Valentina had to find some way to help her family. She went to the police, but they didn’t listen to her. At the time, Valentina only had a small mutation, the mouths on her hands. It was what helped her be such a good baker. She could taste as she made and kneaded the dough.

But New York was not a particularly accepting place in Valentina’s childhood, and seeing the mouths on her hands made the cops immediately ignore her. She could have covered them, but she was never ashamed of herself, or her family.

When all seemed lost, salvation came to her in an unexpected form. His name was Barry, a young cop that just signed up with the force.., and he was gorgeous. Strong features. Big muscles. Just enough stubble on his face to give him a rugged manly look. Even just looking at him made Valentina blush.

He had been coming to her bakery for a while. The two would exchange glances, flirt, slowly get to know each other. It didn’t take long for Valentina to fall for him hard, and he did the same for her. They started going on dates, sneaking up to the apartment over the bakery to have sex. Oh was the sex good. Valentina would use her handmouths to give Barry blowjobs, and Barry’s tongue knew his way around a woman’s sensitive regions.

Valentina felt alive, more alive than ever, with only the incessant worry of the looming pay dates for her family’s loans over her head, keeping her from reveling in the happiness of it all.

Then Barry had an idea. He said that he would wire the house up for surveillance. They could catch Valentina’s parents talking to their mafia contacts and that would be enough to bust the whole ring. The mafia goes to jail, her parents end up relieved of their debt, and everything works out.

Valentina’s parents were very against the idea. They said they got themselves into this mess and it was up to them to get themselves out. But it had been months, years, and they were still in debt. She had to do something. She had to help them.

So without them knowing, she agreed to Barry’s plan and set up wireless receivers around the shop and the apartment. The clandestine meetings with the mafia were recorded, first for a few weeks. Then a few months.

Then… the day came. Barry said that he would have a surprise for Valentina on Valentine’s day, a gift for her and her family.

He pulled up to the store, walked inside, and with a stone face announced that they were under arrest.

Valentina felt heartbroken. What was going on? Wasn’t Barry going to help her?

Barry just laughed. He said he got what he wanted from her. He needed proof of the mafia’s illicit dealings and how he had it.

Valentina pleaded with him. They had been together for so long. They were in love! How could he do this to her.

And then, Barry said something that would forever scar Valentina forever. “How could anyone love an ugly mutant like you?” he said. “I can’t believe I had to fuck you just to get this info. Luckily, you gave me the information I needed to deport you and anyone else of your kind that even thinks of sneezing wrong on the streets of New York.”

Valentina’s heart just… stopped. She felt numb inside. She was sweating. Her face turned pale. Her vision turned red. No… How was this happening to her? She trusted him. She really believed he was going to save her. She saw him grab her mother, and cuff her arms behind her back. Her mother’s mouth-hands screamed for help. She didn’t know what to do. Her Mom kept screaming, as her father attempted to pull Barry off of her, but was just knocked to the ground. Everything was in slow motion as Barry pulled out a taser, ready to jab it into Valentina’s Mom, until.

She snapped.

She jumped on Barry and did the only thing she could do, punch him. She punched him hard. The insides of her mouth hands hurt as her fingers curled inside them to make fists. She climbed on top of him and screamed, punching him, fighting against him.

And that’s when she felt a change in herself begin to happen. Her legs began to grow… and thicken… straining against her pants. She continued to assault barry as her legs grew longer and longer, her pants RIIIIPING apart at the seams. She kneed Barry in the crotch and then SCREAMED as her legs started to rip apart, dividing into much longer, much stronger legs. She kneed him again. Kicked him again, even as she changed, even as more legs grew out of her body. She cracked his ribs with her feet, stepped on his neck, and by the time everything was over, Valentina had mutated into the powerful multi-legged mob-boss you know her as today, and Barry was unconscious.

“Happy Valentine’s Day…” Valentina said, numbly. She rushed over to her parent’s side and hugged them. She could not believe she put them in such danger. They understood. They always just loved her and wanted her to be happy. All of this, was always done for her.

But now they had an unconscious cop to worry about. What were they going to do? Well, her parents did the only thing they could do. They called the Mafia, the only people they ever relied on to bail them out in a pinch.

Needless to say, the local enforcers were impressed. Few people had the guts to jump a New York City cop, and few others had the strength to demolish one so thoroughly. Only one problem, the cops don’t forget. Even if they could get rid of all the evidence, they would hold a grudge, and that meant they would make something stick. They would find some excuse to put them behind bars forever, or worse, off them in “self defense.”

New York wasn’t safe for her and her family anymore, not even with the Mafia’s protection. They were going to have to go back to Italy, give up their new life. The only problem… they had no money… and the mob wasn’t about to just hand out charity again.

Valentina said she would do anything to help, ANYTHING and well, the mafia was never one to turn down a resource. So they made her a deal. They would relocate her mother and father back to Italy, IF, she helped them out with a small project they had overseas. They were setting up new mutagen warehouses in Port Solei. It would be a great opportunity for a mutant girl like her. No more bigotry or prejudice, and a good fat paycheck. The only downside? If their ring got busted, Valentina would have to take the fall.

Though her parents protested, Valentina accepted without a moment’s notice. Within the day her parents would be on a plane back to Italy while she would hop a plane to Port Solei, leaving her entire old life behind. The mob even set her up with a new set of clothes, though it was a bit more sexy, revealing and… for lack of a better world… evil villainess looking than her modest old clothes.

But what would happen to Barry? The mob enforcers told her not to worry about it. He would have to disappear if she was ever going to remain safe… and the family’s scientists just so happened to have a new mutagen compound they were working on.

And so Valentina made her way here, got set up with a new apartment, and opened Bellabra’s Baked Goods, all while working for the Mafia. She remembers the lesson she learned that Valentine’s Day even now.




…. Or at least that’s what I heard. You never know how accurate these stories are. But uh, if anyone comes snooping around asking where you heard this? You didn’t hear it from me, capisce?



