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“AND… DONE!” Judy said as she finished placing the last painting in her small tattoo studio.

"Ugh, I thought we’d never finish," Scott, her boyfriend, said as he brought in the tattoo table and a stool.

“Do you regret supporting me and my wild idea?” she asked.

“You know I love you and will always support you. Though I do think this is a bit of a risk."

Judy thought about that for a moment. She’d quit her office job to focus full time on being a tattoo artist. It’d been a dream of hers for a long time, and though she was terrified at first, she couldn’t put it off any longer.

“How does it feel to go from being a client to being the artist?” Scott asked as he cleaned up the work counter.

“Exciting, though nerve wracking. I was already a cartoonist and have always loved body art. It just made sense to combine the two loves. Also, I have you to thank, my friends, and my right leg for giving me places to practice,” Judy said.

"Still, putting up a studio by yourself was a great decision though a bit risky."

“I know, but I wanted to have a studio specifically for mutants. Women are sometimes treated differently, and made a bit uncomfortable, in tattoo parlors. It’s still a pretty male dominated space. Now imagine a mutant woman coming in, and all the ways she’d be treated differently and made uncomfortable. I want to give people like that a place where they feel safe and yet can get beautiful art on their body,” Judy said and crossed her four arms.

“Well, I can’t argue that,” Scott said. “I think you’re gonna do great though.”

"I hope so,” Judy said and glanced at her watch. “My first client will be here in half an hour. I’m going to start setting up and sterilizing the work station.”

Scott walked over to her, slipping his arms between Judy's two pairs, giving her a long and tight hug. “A big hug before I go. And you don’t need it because you’re going to do great, but good luck!"

"Mmm, I love your hugs,” Judy said as she leaned into him. They shared a tender kiss before he left.

Judy was just finishing setting up when a beautiful woman wearing dark sunglasses and a mask walked in the front door. “Hey there, be right with you!” she called. As she finished getting ready, she eyed the woman up and down from the corner of her eye. She had long dark hair that reached halfway down her back, and her strapless gown accentuated her amazing figure. It was her face that really drew Judy’s attention though. The woman had no nose on her face, and two eyes at the base of her collarbone.

"Hello, I'm here for my appointment," said the girl with a strange double voice, as if they were two people speaking in unison.

“Yes, please come in!” said Judy enthusiastically and led Jean back to the station they’d be working at. “Here’s the design you had requested. Sakura flowers on a branch with some leaves surrounding it. Do you know where you want it?”

"On my face," Jean said again with her double voice.

"On your face? Are you sure?” Judy said a little surprised.

Jean responded by removing her glasses and mask, revealing her entirely blank face. Her face was nothing but smooth skin completely devoid of any facial features whatsoever. As Judy watched her, she lowered her dress exposing her breasts where two lipples smiled at her. Right at her neckline a small, upturned nose peeked out. "As you can see, my 'face' already attracts a lot of attention. I have to go out with a mask and glasses because people stare at my blank face. If people are going to stare, I’d rather give them something to stare at.”

“Wow, I've seen a lot of mutants in my life, but your mutation is quite unique. This is going to be exciting,” Judy said. She was very surprised at first, but now was just excited to work on such a unique canvas. Judy handed Jean a mirror so she could see how she held up the design across the mutant’s face, allowing her to show exactly how and where she wanted it placed. Once they got it just right, Jean laid back on the table and Judy grabbed her needle.

“This is a delicate area to work on. If you need to take a break let me know,” Judy leaned over Jean and started filling in the lines of the tattoo design. She watched for signs of flinching and too much discomfort, but Jean seemed like she could handle things just fine.

“Do you think it’s weird that I want a tattoo on my head?” Jean asked.

“The truth is, if I had a blank face like yours, I’d probably tattoo it as well. Though with my tastes I’d probably go for something a bit creepier like a black hole or something,” Judy said while she concentrated on outlining.

"You know initially I thought the same, but then I thought that might make people too uncomfortable," Jean said, laughing in chorus from both breasts.

It took several hours to completely finish the tattoo, but at the end it looked great. “Sorry it took as long as it did. I’m still kind of new to this and I want to do my best work, so I take a little extra time to make sure everything is just right.”

“Oh, don’t apologize,” Jean said as she admired the new tattoo in a mirror. “I’m just grateful you opened this parlor and agreed to do it. I went to several others, and they all told me no. Some even looked almost repulsed.” Her lipples frowned as she talked about those memories. “It was…hard.”

"Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore. I'm here for you and any mutant who wants a little skin art."

Jean smiled "Thank you, seriously. That means a lot to me.”

Judy smiled in return. “So, what do you think of the tattoo?”

“It's…it's really beautiful,” Jean said as tears welled up in her eyes and ran down her cleavage. “I love it!” she exclaimed.

Judy let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. She had been so nervous to hear what Jean thought that she’d stopped breathing for a second. "Great! I’m glad you love it! You look absolutely beautiful.”

"I'm really happy," Jean said, looking at the tattoo a little closer and noticing all the fine details Judy added to the flowers. "Judy, can you come a little closer?"

Judy leaned down closer to Jean's real face, and Jean placed a tender kiss on Judy’s cheek with her right breast. "I hope you don't mind. I'm really happy and wanted to show my appreciation," Jean said.

"I’ve never received such a tender kiss in my life,” Judy said and smiled. She fixed a saniderm bandage over the fresh tattoo and handed Jean after care instructions and gave her a small tube of unscented lotion. “You’ll want this as scented lotions can irritate the skin.”

“Thanks! I’ll definitely recommend you to all my friends!” Jean said. She left the parlor with two huge smiles on her lipples, and without a mask or sunglasses on her face.

Judy dropped into her chair exhausted. She was grateful to have two sets of arms, which allowed her to alternate them as she worked, but she was definitely going to need to get faster as her craft. "At least this job went smoothly," she said. Suddenly her phone started ringing.

"Hi babe. All good? How did it go with your first client?” Scott asked.

“Excellent! Jean was a great first client,” answered Judy.

"How wonderful! I knew you were going to do well!” her Scott said. Judy could hear his smile through the phone.

“It was exhausting, but fantastic. And you know, today made me realize something."

“Oh? What?”

“That what I am doing is going to be important for a lot of people.”




I absolutely love her! I would also love to see the client, she sounds amazing as well :)