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And we follow the misadventures of poor Jean. Or we should talk in plural now? And what happens when the science of cloning is limited to only genetic?




Hey Accessworld! This is wonderful stuff! I enjoy the fact that the duplicate is a *natural* version of her, that is very well done. I’m happy now that we can support you in your fine work. I do have a few questions about them, however. Others can chime in as well. Who controls their legs? Does the original (clothed) Jean control both legs? Or does each control one leg? What about memory, does the newly formed Jean possess all the memories of the original Jean, up until the point of her creation? I’m curious to hear what you (all) think!


Let me try, I think each head controls the leg that is on her side because it will create more funny interactions between those two, like they have to learn to walk in their new condition. For the memories, I think the new Jean has all the memories the original Jean has. You can know it because just look at what she says immediately, she respond she is Jean and she knows that her hairs are not blonde anymore and that her breasts have their original size again. In fact, she knows exactly how she was before and what she isn't anymore. The potion created an exact duplicate of Jean, like going "mitosis" I should say. At least, it is funny to see that they are "two beings" but at the same time they are both Jean.