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Without a doubt, the worst time of year for Amelia was summer. Having six arms and three legs certainly helped in a lot of areas of life, and her six breasts definitely made dating more interesting, but having all those extra body parts in the heat of summer could be quite uncomfortable.

Luckily for her she had come across her grandmother’s collection of fans just the other day. She pulled them all out and refused to go anywhere without them. They were the only thing letting her survive in the heat of summer. Her arms got kind of tired though so one afternoon she decided to browse the internet for some battery powered fans.

“Ugh why do they have to be so expensive?” she muttered as she ordered six of them. “At least maybe my arms can get a rest once they get here. Guess for now it’s time for a cold shower.” She stripped out of her bikini and headed to the bathroom.

The next day her new battery powered fans arrived. She couldn’t help smiling when she noticed the delivery guy looking her up and down while she signed for her package.

"Thank you!" Amelia said holding the multiple packages in her hands while another hand closed the door. The delivery guy just stared at the closed door, mouth hanging open, as he held the documents. "My coworkers are not going to believe this," he whispered as he walked down the sidewalk to his truck.

"Finally, finally, finally!" Amelia said as all six of her hands ripped open the packages and got her new fans set up. Each fan was small enough to hold in each of her hands yet was powerful enough to give her a great breeze that cooled her down.

"These are perfect!" she said as she walked over to the couch and laid back with all fans pointed directly on her. As soon as she began to relax there was a knock at her door.

"Ameliaaa!! Are you at home?"

"We need your help!"

Recognizing the voices of her friends Amelia sprang up and ran to answer the front door. May and Cindy, a mutant that had one body but two heads, stood on the other side.

“Ooh w-wow,” Cindy said as she and May’s eyes both drifted over Amelia’s half naked body.

“This…uh…this heat really sucks, doesn’t it?” May added. One of their hands was fanning her face as beads of sweat dripped down the sides of it.

Amelia blushed. "Oh, this is just to help cool me down, you know," Amelia said a little embarrassed. She tugged at her bikini trying to make the fabric stretch to cover her a little more. It didn’t work.

Her friends laughed as Amelia lead them into the house. "I'm actually surprised you're not fully naked," Cindy said.

"Hey! Who do you think I am?" Amelia scoffed. "Anyway, what do you need my help for?"

Cindy and May pointed to their soaked clothes. "It's hot..." May said.

"You know the extra parts generate even more heat," added Cindy. She looked pointedly at Amelia’s six breasts.

"But... don't you have AC in your apartment?" Amelia said scratching her head.

"It’s broken!!" both girls whined.

"Well look I may look like a handyman,” Amelia waved all six of her hands, “but I don’t know how to fix an ac unit.”

"You don't have to repair it, but you are the only person we know that has six hands. Wes saw what you found in your grandmother’s closet. That picture you posted to your Instagram was really cute," Cindy said.

“What? I'm not your slave you know!" Amelia said.

"Please Amelia! We’re dying from this heat, and you have hands to spare!" May gave her best puppy dog eyes.

Amelia sighed and went to pick up the fans. “You’re lucky these arrived today.”

Cindy and May immediately ran over to enjoy the cool breeze the fans were blowing. “Oh, this feels so good!” they both said.

Amelia let them stay that way for a few minutes before she grew a bit impatient. “I’m hot too you know,” she said and turned all the fans on herself.

Cindy and May crossed their arms thoughtfully. "I have an idea," said Cindy, starting to walk towards the kitchen. May looked back over their shoulder with a confused look on her face. Seems not even she knew what her sister was thinking.

Amelia flopped back on the couch and spread out all her limbs as she desperately attempted to cool off. A moment later her friends walked back into the room carrying a bunch of wet towels.

“Here we go,” Cindy said.

"Ohhh! Wet towels, good idea! That will cool you two easy," Amelia said.

Cindy and May just laughed. “Oh, silly girl. These are for you,” they said as they started to place the towels over Amelia’s body.

Amelia just closed her eyes enjoying the feel of the cool cloths on her skin. "Oh! Oh yeah this feels great.”

"We'll wet and cool them again when they get dry,” said Cindy.

"As long as you aim those fans on us," May said.

“Deal?” both said in unison.

Without opening her eyes, Amelia smiled and directed all the fans towards the girls, subtly moving them from side to side. “Deal,” she said without even moving. The three girls stayed that way all night and had a good time talking and cooling off.

"Amelia is definitely a good human fan," May said. Cindy and Amelia laughed.



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