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I was making coffee in the kitchen when my girlfriend came in. My eyes immediately drifted over to her, and I watched her from the corner of them as I made coffee.

"TADAAAA! What do you think?” Cass said as she posed. She had on a red Christmas outfit with mistletoe accents. On her wrists were chains that reminded me of the rendition of Krampus that she usually performed each Christmas.

"Wow, that's really sexy," I said as I looked her up and down. I couldn’t help but appreciate the way the dress fit snuggly around her four breasts. "But you don’t normally put on the Krampus production til Christmas night, right?”

“Yeah, but I don't think I’m going to do it this year. I don’t need the money from it since my job is going so well, but secondly there’s been some uncomfortable comments about it.”

"Let me guess, the parents weren't too happy that the Krampus they hired was sexy as hell?"

“Exactly,” Cass said.

"Then why the outfit, my love? There’s nothing wrong with it, I’m just curious.”

"Because today is the Krampus Nacht party! And you can’t have a Krampus Nacht without a Krampus after all,” Cass said and gave me a sly smile.

“Oh, I’ve heard about that party, but I’ve never gone. Is it any good?” I asked and sipped my coffee.

"It’s the best! And I am the Krampus Nacht queen,” she said and pretended to look down her nose at me. I smiled as I watched her. “Tonight, you will have the honor of being my princely consort,” Cass said with a curtsy.

"It’d be my pleasure. I think everyone is going to howl when they see you dressed like that,” I said.

"Eh,” she shrugged. “I only care about how you howl when I undress," Cass said as she unfastened her double bra with two hands exposing her four perfect breasts.

"Wooooooooooof", I said spontaneously. Cass walked over, swaying her hips suggestively as she did. Her smile was wide enough to show off her sharp teeth.

"The party isn’t for several hours, how about this Krampus punishes her bad boy?"

"Actually, I've been good lately," I said without thinking.

"Silly, play along," Cass said laughing.

"Well, I have been bad for several years and…." I couldn't finish what I was saying. Cass cut me off with a deep kiss.

"Well then I think it’s beyond time for you to be punished", she said as she took my hand and led me to the bedroom.



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