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“Officially, all mutations are a natural biological process. Unofficially, there are some strange items in this world that have almost magic effects, like a knife that can cut you to pieces and yet keep you alive the whole time. These peculiar “artifacts” are usually kept from public knowledge, either controlled by government agencies or kept in small tightly knit communities. This series is meant to explain some of these near magical items to you.”


The Starfish earrings are an artifact of unknown origin, which in appearance is a simple and common pair of gold starfish shaped earrings made of some kind of surgical steel. When a person wears such earrings, their body undergoes a rapid mitosis turning the person into two identical individuals, each with only one of the earrings. Each of the new individuals is completely independent of the other, allowing them to multitask. If individuals reach more than 8 hours apart, an enormous urge to reunite will arise that will force them to meet and merge again into one being. Failure to do so can lead to catatonic, coma, or death.

It is important to mention that during the mitosis individuals can drink but not eat food in significant quantity. Otherwise, the result of the fusion will be imperfect due to the extra mass in one or both of the halves.

Regarding the last warning, we collect this testimony about the last user of this device, of which we will reserve their name.

I take this opportunity to give my testimony to warn other people about the use of these earrings. I apologize in advance if my story sounds confusing. I'm still dealing with living with my two semi-fused brains.

You can call me Linda and I am a Normie girl. Correction, it was more like a Normie girl. I have always liked to do many things and I continually dealt with not having enough time for my university studies, my boyfriend, work, etc.

I think more than once I said it aloud. You probably have heard that the phones "listen to us" well… in my social networks, I was constantly seeing ads about software to organize my time better. Until one day, an ad about these famous earrings showed up. For some unknown reason I joined at the store, where I could read the fantastic explanation of its capabilities. "Being on two places at the same time", that sounded like the solution to my problems.

The page was very mysterious, with no physical addresses or phone numbers. In addition, it only accepted payment with cryptocurrencies. Even so, I took a risk and made the purchase of the aforementioned earrings.

When the package arrived at my door, it was a closed and anonymous black box. It was perfectly packed. Inside there was a lot of protective padding surrounding a delicate box with the earrings inside. I checked them thoroughly but did not notice any electronic or mechanical elements in them. They looked like a pair of ordinary gold earrings. I didn't want to think about it anymore and I undressed following the instructions. For a moment, I thought I had fallen for a scam, but taking advantage of the fact that no one was seeing me at the time, I put on the earrings.

This is where it all gets a bit confusing for me. I felt my body stretch and tear. After some seconds, I was standing in my room looking at myself from two different perspectives. Now, I remember it as one person, but at that time they were two identical but independent people, looking at each other.

"This is truly fantastic," I said.

"More than fantastic, it is the solution to our problem," I replied.

I began to look at myself with a certain lust. It was only enough for my bodies to make eye contact to jump the two of them into bed and have the best possible lesbian sex, which makes sense when the two girls involved know exactly what each other likes. After a series of orgasms, we decided to stop, take a shower and consider what to do with the hours that we were apart. We cast to the luck what each one would do. The winner ‘me’ celebrated with excitement.

"Yes! It's my turn to go see our boyfriend,” she said.

“It's not fair, I will have to be in class. We don't even share feelings,” she said with a dazed gesture.

"Relax, when we rejoin we will be one person with the same memories”

Each of my selves dressed for the occasion. The one that was going to the college put on comfortable, casual clothes. While the ‘me’ who was going on a date with my boyfriend put on a tight dress and heels. We both left a few minutes apart.

The ‘me’ on my college had an ordinary day of classes and projects. At times, she remembered that her clone would be with her boyfriend at that time and boiled with jealousy and then remembered that they would soon be united again.

Meanwhile, the other me on the date gave free rein to her sensuality. She avoided going out to eat due to the earring restrictions, but she did accompany my boyfriend to his apartment where they had an hour of very intense se x. At one point, she gave my boyfriend an energetic blo wjob where he came into her mouth, causing her to swallow a good amount of it.

Hell, I hope this doesn't count as food, she thought at the time.

A few hours later, my two halves met at home. They watched television for a while, talked and caught up. The college me half complained all the time about how boring it was, while the one that was with my boyfriend didn't skimp on details about what happened. Although she mentioned the cu m part, none of my halves were alerted by what happened.

“I say again that it is unfair. You had great se x and I only had calculus classes,” one of the me’s said, crossing her arms and pouting.

"Relax… in a moment we will be one person again and the memories will be there," said the other. "Besides, I think we still have a few minutes to recreate," she said before throwing herself on the other her, who received her with open arms.

My two halves spent several minutes practicing various sexual positions. Just remembering it feels like my temperature rises. They continued like this for a while until they began to feel a strange electricity in their body, a sign that fusion was already approaching.

They finished undressing, put their respective earring in her ear and kissed passionately. I could feel how my bodies began to melt as fast as my consciousness. As the seconds ticked by, an echo in my brain told me that something was wrong. While I finished my fusion and opened my eyes, I could see with horror that my body had not fused well. My head now had two partially fused faces, with two mouths, two noses, and two eyes. I had two right hands at the end of my right arm, while my left arm was split in two at my forearm. My breasts were huge and partially divided, with a thin dividing line in the middle and two nipples on each of them. On my belly, you could see two navels and two pink and wet vaginas were located next to each other in my crotch. My legs looked normal, but on my left foot I could see six toes.

"WOW, WHAT THE FUCK!", I managed to exclaim in chorus with both my mouths. I tried to quickly find the packaging for the earrings that I had left on the table, but the packaging was missing. I removed the earrings so I could check them well, but as I did so they disintegrated in my hands, leaving me trapped in this state.

It's been a few months since my transformation. I have not been able to find the page where I purchased the earrings again, nor have I been able to track their sender. My boyfriend has been quite understanding of my new condition. I thought for a moment that he would be repulsed, but apparently he quite enjoys that his girlfriend has two vaginas.

The most annoying thing is having to deal with a certain echo in my mind. Apparently the product of having three cerebral hemispheres. In addition, the mutant clothes are not as massive as normal ones and they are more expensive.

Artifacts of this type are real. They may seem very attractive to use, but they are dangerous, I am a witness and proof of it. If you still want to take the risk, please follow the instructions.



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