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Story by Sophiie93

"Oh… Jessica won't be able to come today. She has a surprise client," Sophie said, looking at the message on the phone.

Lucy almost dropped the bowl of cereal she was eating, protesting “What? Seriously???"

"W-Watch out ... you're going to break something" said Sophie laughing and taking control of the hands Lucy was using to place the bowl on the table "Well, it's not her fault. She has been full of work lately… What should we do today then?"

Lucy looked up thinking as a hand controlled by Sophie wiped her lips with a napkin and then scooped a spoonful of cereal into Sophie's mouth. “What if we go to the mall? There’s some things I want to buy…” Lucy said with a wink.

"Knowing you... we'll go to a sex toy sto-" Sophie started to say but Lucy interrupted her "Hey! I don't always think about sex, you know?" she said, glancing at her sister.

Sophie stared at her for a few seconds, narrowing her eyes in doubt as she felt the libido of their shared body immediately raise "Well if you make me talk about it... I can't help it" Lucy said, relaxing and causing Sophie to laugh.

“Okay…” Sophie said, pushing the empty cereal bowl away “…seems like a good plan”

They both headed to their bedroom, donning some nice clothes and heels and set off for the mall. The number of people there was more than they expected, they even had to dodge people as they walked. Not to mention, the number of curious stares was even greater than usual.

"It's somewhat uncomfortable, I never get used to it..." Lucy said in a low voice, hugging their body with their lower hands.

“Yeaaah… me neither, but we'll be fine. Look! Let's go to that shop, okay?" Sophie said using one of their hands to point to a mutant lingerie store.

"And am I the one who always thinks about perverted stuff?" Lucy pouted.

"I'll gift you any garment you choose..." Sophie said placing their upper hands on their hips with pride. Lucy was silent looking at her in confusion and then raised a hand to gesture, "Excuse me... we only have one bank account, it's my money too."

"Yep! And I will also wear the lingerie you buy... so it seems fair to me" said Sophie holding back a laugh. Lucy looked away and then shrugged her shoulders nodding "It sounds better that way, yes" they both laughed and entered the store.

After debating and reviewing some lingerie, the two pairs of eyes turned to one in particular. They took it in their hands, looked at each other and without saying a word entered the fitting room. After undressing and trying it on, they observed themselves in the mirror, doing different poses. It was a black lace lingerie with straps, although this model did not cover their lower pair of breasts.

"Admit it sis… you're doing this to see me naked, you're not interested in the lingerie" Lucy said in a low voice. Sophie just turned and kissed her on the cheek "I know if I ask I can see you naked whenever I want... I don’t need an excuse"

Lucy laughed nodding and raising a lower hand to one of their breasts "Be glad that we are out in public, if not you know well how this conversation would end..." another hand immediately patted that hand away from their breast.

"Control yourself pervert!" Sophie said, "Then don't kiss me!" Lucy replied. They both looked at each other in the mirror and laughed, "If it makes us get this playful, it's because this is the lingerie we need..." "Yeah, right?"

Having requested that garment for their body configuration, both girls left the shop with the bag in their hands and continued their tour around the shopping area. They eventually stopped for some ice cream, enjoying the perfect weather of the day.

"You're already calmer in front of so many people... I'm glad to see you like this" Sophie said in a very sweet tone. "Well... even though they watch us for being mutants I think I would panic if you weren't with me... so I prefer it this way" Lucy replied, moving the hand that was holding the ice cream towards Sophie's mouth as if she was feeding her while she laid her head against hers. Sophie's cheeks turned red as she looked away from her, Lucy's tenderness could always take her by surprise, so she just licked the ice cream and enjoyed it without saying anything else.

After finishing their ice cream, they continued on their way looking at different stores until they finally passed a hairdresser, and both stopped in front of the entrance.

"2x1 for mutants?" Sophie said, "Do we count as one or two mutants?"

Lucy just laughed, "Read the fine print, it's the heads that count" Sophie leaned forward "Ohhh... Well, that make sense” then she turned to Lucy "What do you think?"

Lucy looked at her reflection in the glass and then held their hair with bright pink tips, which reached almost to their belly in length, "But I like our highlights..."

Sophie touched her chin thinking "And what if we keep them but we shorten our hair up to here..." she said gesturing with her hand to below their upper shoulders. Lucy looked at her and nodded "We could change the color too... let's see" she said, taking their phone and they both focused on looking for different haircuts.

"This one?" "No... too flashy, how about this one?" "Very boring-" "Oh come on! There has to be a good one” the girls debated for about ten minutes until they finally saw one that left them both in silence.

"That..." said Sophie "...even though I don't like the color"

"What if we do it like that, but with the purple of this tone?" Lucy said. The lower hands of the girls clapped "Sounds good to me" Sophie said and they both went inside with the design in hand.

After a good long wait, the girls came out with their new look and two big smiles. "I feel renewed," Sophie said.

"Same… I hope one day you stop copying my hairstyle...," said Lucy laughing. The three free hands of the girls gestured in under Sophie’s control "Oh come on, you know what happens every time we try to have different cuts."

"Yeah yeah, same haircut for both of us since then. That was a nightmare!" Lucy said, sighing as she remembered days past, when both of them had a different haircut and they each wished for the one the other had leading to a change of hairstyles about six times in a single week.

As night fell, the girls closed the door of their house behind them, sighing somewhat exhausted "What a day..." said Sophie "...our legs are at their limit."

"Pheeew... yes" Lucy said leaving their bag on the table and with another hand playing happily with her new hair "Let's try this on..."

Without answering, Sophie helped Lucy to open the package and take the new lingerie they had bought. They went to their bedroom and took off all their clothes, putting on the lingerie that this time fit their body perfectly.

They stood in front of the mirror posing "Woaah" Lucy said as she changed their pose and even span ked their butt.

"Are you saying 'woaah' for your own body? How narcissistic!" Sophie said laughing. Lucy just pouted and grabbed their phone from the bed, activating the camera.

“It's because of the lingerie! I love how it fits us. Help me pose and let's see if I'm the only one who thinks that…” Lucy said pointing the phone towards the mirror.

Sophie rolled her eyes and assisted with a sexy pose, lifting her new hair with one hand. "You love posting sexy photos, don't you?"

"Hashtag with the best sister in the world" Lucy said, causing Sophie to blush at the exact moment she took the picture "and... perfect!" Lucy said putting their phone aside as their body relaxed. Sophie watched Lucy in the mirror with great affection.

"Hey, what was the package that arrived this morning?" Sophie asked.

"Ah, that? It's a double ended dildo with a vibrator built in," said Lucy, smiling mischievously "Why? Do you want to give it a try?"

"Eh… Yes, please" Sophie said turning their body in search of the package. "That's the Sophie I like, adventurous and always-" Lucy's sentence was interrupted by a kiss from Sophie on her lips "Shhh... less talking and more action~"

They both smiled and carried the package to their bed.




Whew clean, simple, yet sexy