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Story by Leena (@MyLifeIsARPG)

Recovery day 11

My tummy tail is so big and heavy I can’t walk anymore. The doctors tried to explain what was happening to me. They said its basically a sort of “slug foot.” Slugs essentially slither on their bellies as a matter of locomotion. Their whole body is, essentially, just an extension of their belly.

That’s what was happening to me. All these new systems were forming in my belly and they had nowhere to go, and now this belly, this.. tail… this slug tail… was going to be my new method of movement.

Over the next few days I’ll be working with a physical therapist. Shes going to teach me how to start moving using my tail, and how to start using my legs… or what used to be my legs, as new arms.

It’s hard. I have to think about crunching my abs to make this tail move. Plus the feeling of it slithering on the ground is so strange. It’s just… weird and foreign to me. The therapist says I just need to keep at it.

My hands have started to change now too. They are starting to look a bit more like my feet do, the strange elongated talons.

I’m a bit worried to look at myself in the mirror now, partially because I don’t know how changed I’ll appear to be.

Partially because… I might like it.




Wow! I love her new look!


Slug girls, not enough of them


I can see her ending up with her genitals on the open space in front