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Pete had never been a fan of Halloween. He was sprawled on the couch, lazily flipping through channels while everyone outside was trick-or-treating and gorging themselves on candy. Usually he managed to make plans on Halloween, to avoid the barrage of little kids coming to his door, but he couldn’t find any, so he was stuck at home eating cold pizza in front of the TV.

“I should have made plans earlier,” he said, sipping a beer. “Maybe I should have asked Allison out..”

Allison was a new girl at work, a pretty red haired mutant with four breasts and four arms. He had been getting close with her over the past week. He was going to ask her on a date tonight, but rumor had it that she already had plans. Maybe she was one of those people who really got into the Halloween spirit.


Pete’s phone was ringing, which was odd. Everyone seemed busy tonight and he certainly wasn’t expecting anything. He considered letting it go to voicemail, but he was bored enough to deal with telemarketers.


“Hello Pete? It’s Allison. I hope you don’t mind that I got your number from the work database.”

Needless to say, that took Pete by surprise. He bolted up on the couch, sitting upright and fumbling with his phone which was previously lazily leaned against his ear.

“Pete? Hello? Are you there?”

“I’m here I’m here. Sorry, just wasn’t expecting you to call.”

Allison giggled on the other end of the line. “Hey so, if you don’t have any plans tonight, you can come over to my house-“

“I’LL BE THERE!” he blurted out. “Ahem… I mean… Sure, I’d love to come over,” he said after composing himself.

It didn’t take long for Pete to arrive at Allison’s apartment. He put on an old pair of plastic fangs and an old coat. A quick, cheap, vampire costume that he could take off if Allison wasn’t wearing one.

He rang the doorbell but no one answered. HE rang it again.

“Silly, you are supposed to say ‘Trick of Treat’,” said Allison’s voice from the other side of the door.

“OK, OK, Trick or Treat,” he said playing along.

The door opened and he was greeted with a surprising sight. Before him was Allison, dressed in only a thong and some patches over her nipples. But what was most shocking was that Allison was holding her head in her bottom pair of hands. The top of it was off and it was filled with candy, like one of those plastic jack-o-lanterns you see at the store.

“Tadaaaaa” Allison said. “Betcha didn’t know that I had an NBM mutation too!”

“Wow, are.. you OK?” Pete said, looking at the candy inside her head.

“Of course I am! Although I can’t believe your more interested in candy than my boobs,” she shook the candy around a bit, making it rustle, and making her boobs jiggle as well.

“Believe me, your body was the first thing I saw but… I mean it’s not every day you get to see someone with candy inside her head.”

“Thanks! It took me all day to hollow the stuff out. The hardest part was getting the hinges on to make a makeshift lid. I think I’ll stick with it for a while. It’s useful to store things.”

Pete reached out and took a piece of candy with a smile. Allison smiles back as he unwrapped it and began chewing.

“I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while but I didn’t know how. I definitely didn’t want to do it at work. I figured Halloween was the best day, what with everyone all dressed up and the weird becoming normal.” She blushed a bit. “I was supposed to tell you before we went home for the day but I forgot! I’m sorry”

“Well it’s easy to forget when you have a hollow head,” the dumb pun caused them both to erupt into joyful laughter.

“Why don’t you come in and I can show you what else I can do,” she said with a smile.

“That sounds, WOAH!” Before Pete could react Allison pulled him inside and shut the door behind him. This was going to be a good Halloween.



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