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A month had passed since the accident that disintegrated half of Roger's  wife and he rushed home to see if there had been any improvement.  His wife was a special kind of NBM who has more in common with plants  than animals, so the doctors recommended that he treat her like a plant  and she would regenerate herself. 

But when Roger came home, he saw something he wasn't expecting. Sitting  on his backyard and sunbathing, was his wife's sexy legs. However, buds  had sprung up from her hips and two of these had grown into large  flowers with his wife's face on each.  

"Roger, what did you do ?! Why is there a copy of me here?" said one of  her heads. 

"Copy?!, You must be the copy.", said the other annoyed. 

"Ladies, relax please" Roger said, "Actually, I think it was my fault."

Both girls looked at him strangely. "Explain!" they said in unison.

"Since you were taking a long time to regenerate, well... I used a  little chemical fertilizer"  

"That must have affected my mutation," said one of the girls. The other  of one moved her stem towards her and gave her a kiss on her cheek,  "Easy, at least we're alive"

"So you are not mad?" asked Roger. The girls slowly stood up trying to  coordinate their only pair of legs and then walked over to Roger.  "We'll try to adjust, but for now... we'd better go to bed. It's been a  month without sex."

"As you wish my flowers," Roger said and the trio headed towards their  bedroom.



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