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Written by Leena (@MyLifeIsARPG)
Commissioned by OniDestiny

Mutants are now a normal facet of life. Making up around fifteen percent of the population, they are more plentiful than people who have red hair. We have come a long way from the old mutophobic days of the past, but some people… some people never change.

I submit to you the case of one Mila Petrov, a woman who has staunchly refused to adapt to the new way of the world. Mila has come from a long line of mutophobes, and genuinely believes that mutants are unnatural.

Unfortunately, Mila is also quite wealthy, and wealthy people don’t always need to play by society’s rules. Her family comes from quite old money and owns several businesses from manufacturing to trading. She herself became a CEO of an investment brokerage and financial planning company at a ludicrously young age. Blame nepotism if you want, but she has never wanted for anything.

And unfortunately, comfort breeds closed mindedness, and she is by far the poster child for that. She staunchly refuses to let mutants work at her company. In fact, she won’t even let anyone with an active mutant gene work there. She requires genetic screening tests for all of her employees, a practice that has been several times deemed illegal, but she has enough money to make her legal woes go away.

Anyone found to have a mutant gene is promptly fired. This has made her quite the target for lawsuits, but once again, money tends to make those go away.

In fact, Mila is so dedicated to her worldview that she is willing to let the company suffer for it. She refuses to invest in mutant owned businesses, or any businesses that employ mutants. Being that mutants are so common in our society, this severely limits who she can do business with. Unfortunately, this tends to create an echo chamber effect, where she only ends up interacting with other people who share her extremely bigoted worldview.

If this only affected her business, that would be one thing, but Mila carried her bigotry into her day to day life. She was, as the kids say these days, a major Karen. On her nicer days she would simply refuse to make contact with mutants, crossing the street if she saw them coming and avoiding stores that had mutant customers. If she had to shop in places with mutant employees, she would refuse any help from mutant attendees. She would not go to registers with mutants behind them.

This was all on her nice days. She had also been known to cause a public scene if she was forced to interact with mutants too much. She once simply walked out of a store with several pieces of clothing because there were only mutants at the register. She said it was “against her personal beliefs” to have to interact with them and so she just would have to take them and pay later. The cops could do little since she was such a well-known name. A few legal threats got them to back off.

Sometimes she would even be outwardly hostile to mutants. You might have been lucky enough to catch her on a YouTube or TikTok video, shouting at mutants about what freaks they are, screaming at fast food places, spitting on mutants that get to close to her, or even getting into physical fights. Luckily, she has calmed down over the years, and now just has a more satisfied passive scorn.

If it was not clear by now, she was not a good person. And she was about to get a fairly hefty dose of karma.

It happened on a day like any other. Mila was going to the mall to check out the latest in designer fashion from all the upscale retail stores and, once again, she was dodging mutants left and right. But it was only a matter of time until one would get too close. A young woman with three legs came to browse at the same rack she was looking at.

“Excuse me!” she said in voice just a bit too loud for public. “Oh, I’m sorry, did I bump into you?” the woman said.

“No, but I was here first, so please move along,” Mila said, turning up her nose. “There’s enough room for both of us,” the young woman replied, quite confused.

“I did not come here to get harassed by the likes of you freaks,” Mila said with a grunting harrumph. “Now move along or do I have to call the manager?”

The young woman simply moved on, cheeks red, not wanting any trouble. The many patrons of the store turned to look at her, ogling the scene she was making. Many shook their heads in shame.

Mila would move on, bundling up far more clothes than any one person needed, and paying for them at the register. She then walked out, bags in hand, before stopping in her tracks.

Another mutant, dressed in a grey suit with a striped tie, wearing a wide brimmed fedora pulled down to partially hide her eyes was right at the entrance. She positioned herself almost specifically to make it hard for Mila to get around. She had legs that split at the knee and arms that split at the elbow, giving her four feet wearing jet black high heels, and four hands with perfectly manicured nails tipped with black nail polish and sharpened almost to a point.

“EXCUSE ME!” Mila said raising her voice again.

“You know, you really should be nicer to people,” the mutant said. “I don’t need a lecture, out of my way!”

Mila barreled through the mutant, forcefully pushing her out of her path. The mutant stumbled back before patting down her suit and dusting herself off. She chuckled under her breath. “She’s going to be a tough one.”

Mila’s next stop was a high-end cosmetics store which usually carried her perfume of choice. Of course, she found a reason to get upset there as well.

Plastered up on the storefront was a poster. “Showing solidarity in mutant pride,” it said with several major brands logos around it, several of which were brands that she loved. Of course, this was enough to get her hot under the collar.

She walked right up to the customer service department, cut to the front of the line. and said, “Excuse me, but can you please take that poster down?”.

“I’m sorry?” the representative said. She was human, which was enough to get Mila to talk to her, but she still seemed very confused as to why a random customer would take such offense to their storefront advertisements.

“The poster, about mutants, I don’t appreciate your ideology being shoved down my throat,” Mila said. “If you want me to continue shopping here I would thank you to keep your politics out of your

business.” Ironic considering her entire business was run by her own personal politics.

“Uhm, I’m sorry miss, but I don’t control that,” the customer service representative said. “In fact, none of us do. We just get ads along with whatever products we are selling. It’s part of the stock agreement.”

“Well, you can always choose not to stock those products!” she said, feeling as if she had cornered the representative in a “gotcha” moment.

“That’s not up to us ma’am,” the representative said, holding back a sigh. “Corporate decides what to stock and what ads to run with them.”

“Well you should stage a protest against corporate then!”

“Lady,” said the representative losing her composure. “I get paid eight dollars an hour, corporate won’t listen to me.”

“Why I never. It’s kids like you these days that are ruining our society! You don’t care about anything!” Mila was getting red in the face.

“I don’t care enough to risk my job over a poster.”

“Listen, if you do not take that poster down right now, I will have to ask to speak with your manager.” “… No…” the representative said.

“No!?” Mila said, in shock.

“No. My manager is in the back doing more important stuff right now, and I’m not going to call her out here for this. It’s just not something any of us can or will do.”

“Now listen here you little-“

“Ma’am, please come with me.” A large mutant in a security uniform stepped up to her. She was six feet tall, made of pure muscle, had bull horns on her head, and a hefty pair of hooves on her feet.

“Don’t touch me!” Mila said when the security officer came close. “I’m leaving, but expect a strongly worded letter to be sent to corporate. You haven’t heard the last of me!”

Mila walked out of the store in a huff and as she did, she passed the very same mutant she pushed over before, the one in the fedora and suit. The mutant gave her a smirk and a tip of the hat as she walked past.

Mila was fuming by the time lunch came around. Mutants were everywhere. No matter what she did she couldn’t avoid them. It was driving her insane. They made up such a minority of the population. This was HER world, a HUMAN’S world. She wished they would all just go to Port Solei and leave the normal people alone.

It didn’t help that today was a particularly busy day at the mall. Even in the food court mutants were everywhere. Normally she would take her food to a table as far away from the mutant crowd as possible but it seemed like she couldn’t avoid them today. She went to a sandwich shop, got some soup in a bread bowl, and begrudgingly sat down to eat at a table. She did her best to just put the idea of mutants being around her out of her brain.

It would have worked except…

“Mind if I sit here?” It was the mutant from before, the one in the suit with the bifurcated limbs. “Actually I do… I’d rather not associate with your kind?” Mila basically spat out.

“My kind? Italians? Snazzy dressers? Tall people?” She said, pulling out a seat and sitting down across the table.

Mila grumbled and shoved some bread into her mouth. “You know what I mean…”

“I know you’ve been givin’ mutants a hard time today. Oh, where are my manners. Bianca Ludovica. Nice ta meetcha”

She extended her two right hands to Mila for a handshake. Mila simply stared and scoffed. “I don’t appreciate this harassment.”

“Harassment? No, no, no, honey you got it all wrong. I ain’t here to harass nobody. I just wanted to know why ya got bees up ya dress?”

“Excuse me?”

“You know. Glass in ya shoe? A raccoon in ya hat? Why are ya so annoyed? You’ve been goin off on everyone ya come across.”

“Going off,” Mila scoffed again. “Listen here you, mutant thug you. This is my city. I’ve been here for generations. My family owns the most powerful businesses in town. This mall wouldn’t EXIST if it

weren’t for me and my family, and I deserve the ability to peruse its wares without having to speak to genetic deviants like you!”

“Oooooooh a rich girl, eh? Something tells me you don’t got a lotta mutants in your family,” Bianca said, leaning back in her chair. “Or hey, what do I know? Maybe ya did and ya just ran em out of town, eh?” Bianca laughed a hearty gravely laugh. Mila was disgusted.

“My family has had no such genetic diseases-“

“Oh diseases?” Bianca said with amusement. “We are diseases now are we?”

“Are you trying to start a fight?” Mila asked. “Because I will cause the authorities.”

“Lady, lady, please. I’m civilized just like you are. No need to throw hands. I just want to have a little talk.”

“This talk isn’t going anywhere…”

“Oh I think it is. Ya see, I just want to know why you seem to hate us mutants so much. We aren’t all that different from you. Sure, we may look a little different, but looks ain’t everything. We got mutants everywhere. In schools. In government. Hell, ya seem to notice we are all over this mall, with how much effort you are spendin’ dodgin’ us.”

“I do not hate mutants!” Mila exclaimed, shocked beyond belief. “Oh, sure sounds like ya do.”

“No. I merely think mutants should stay with their own kind. There is a world designed for humans and a world designed for mutants and mixing them together makes it more difficult for both of them.”

“Phhhheeeeew. Lady you are a piece of work. You do know that sounds exactly like the racist shit that people said back in the Jim Crow days, right?”

“This is different?” “And how is that?”

“Mutants aren’t a race. They are a genetic deficiency. And it’s better to keep them separate or else…”

Bianca leaned in with a mischievous smirk on her face. “Go on… say it... You afraid that if mutants and humans keep bangin then there’ll only be mutants left in a couple years.”

“I didn’t say that,” Mila said looking away.

“Nah, but your face did.” Bianca leaned in closer. “Got anythin’ else for me? Maybe some “master race” rhetoric?”

“Are you calling me a Nazi?” Mila said disgusted.

“Hey hey hey, babe. You said that, not me,” Bianca said, backing up and putting her hands up defensively. She got up from her seat with a smile “I think we are done here. I heard everything I need to hear. I do wanna leave ya with some friendly advice though. Be nicer to mutants, for your sake not theirs.”

“Is that a threat?” Mila said.

“A threat? Lady I don’t make threats. Just consider it friendly advice.” And with that, she walked away.

Mila grumbled. This was the worst day she’d had in a while. She went back to eating her soup, content to finish it off and head home, to get away from all the mutants surrounding her.

Of course, she didn’t notice the small vial of mutagen that Bianca slipped into her soup.

It started shortly after lunch. Mila was getting ready to go home, when an intense stomach cramp washed through her body. You could audibly hear her stomach grumbling, and it nearly made her fall off her feet. She turned and started walking to the bathroom before the same pains pulsed through her again, gurgling practically resounding through the mall. She felt beads of sweat form on her brow. Her whole body felt hot.

She made it about halfway to the bathroom before pains started pulsating through her again. Her heart was beating fast. Her body felt almost numb. She let loose a small moan as she shivered and shuddered. She started stumbling and eventually dropped all of her bags.

A young mutant with a long neck came up to try and help her. “Excuse me miss, are you OK?”


In her fit of rage she felt something bizarre happen. Her spine started to crunch. She actually felt her torso start to collapse in on itself. It made her waddle on her legs, and gasp for air.

“Ngggh w-what’s going on, what… GAAAAAH!”

CRUUUNCH! Again she compacted inward. Her torso was shrinking rapidly, folding inside her dress which was quickly becoming too loose to wear.

“M-my body. H-help!” She reached out an arm and SCREAMED as the space between her fingers began to rip. You could hear a sickly tearing sound as her arms started to pull themselves apart. Her hands split down the middle as new fingers grew in their place, almost as if her arms were duplicating themselves. In fact, they were, as she felt the seam grow further and further up her arm to her shoulder. She felt her arms pull apart altogether, splitting into four.

She gasped at the sight. She knew she didn’t have an active mutant gene. How? How could this be happening to her of all people?

“Call an ambulance!” she screamed! “Someone, anyone, help!”

She pleaded for assistance but… no one seemed to budge. Instead, a circle of people began to form around her as she shrunk out of her dress, her torso continuing to melt away. She was quite shorter now, losing feet and inches by the second. At this point her breasts were practically on her hips, and she felt them migrating down, hanging off near her thighs.

“No… no! I don’t want to be a mutant! I don’t want to NNNGH!” Her words stopped coming out as she felt her head start to melt away. Her neck crunched and compacted on itself. Her chin began to stick to the flesh of what once was her torso, but now was what little waist she had left. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, as her head itself started to lose all definition. She felt her eyes start to travel through her body, as if moving through her flesh.

The only thing that came out of her were strange, distorted moans. Her dress had completely fallen off and her panties had fallen around her ankles. Her eyes continued migrating, down, through her breasts. She felt a bizarre squeezing sensation as they reached her nipples, her eyelid flesh merging with her nipple flesh. She felt them blink at the tips of her breasts, which were growing larger by the minute.

“Help!” she cried. No one moved. Her hair just fell off, in big clumps, as the last remnants of her skull melted away. Her ears and nose merged into her body while her mouth started to push down, right between her legs. At the same time, her vagina slurped and slid up a bit, nestling right between her breasts. Her shoulders crunched, joining to her hips. She had become a peculiar mutant. One might call her an SWB but she had no head. She was just legs, a mouth, eyes on her breasts, and four arms at her hips.

“Please help somebody!” Nobody moved.

“I need help! Anybody! Somebody!” Nobody moved.

She tried to scream again, but couldn’t. Her mouth felt numb. She knew she still had it, but it just wasn’t working. She wasn’t used to its new position. All she could do was mumble.

The scene was enough to make everyone feel awkward, and you know how it is. The more people that are standing by the less likely people are to give help. She was left mutated, with a crowd watching her, not knowing what to do.

Although, she knew that some of the crowd simply wasn’t moving on purpose. She saw some of the mutants she mistreated, simply staring, pointedly doing nothing to provide assistance. She had burned her good will with them.

And then, someone stepped forward. She tried her best to focus on them with eyes bouncing up and down on her amble breasts. First, she saw a pair of black heels. Then, the lower hem of a grey suit.

She knew who it was.

“Well well well. Look who we got here,” said Bianca. “Looks like you need some assistance. Luckily

enough, I’m a generous mutant, and I know just where to take you. We’re gonna meet some of your mutant sisters.”

Mila’s hand was grabbed by one of Bianca’s who quickly began leading her out of the mall. She wanted to scream for help but only mumbles came out.

“Let’s show you what being a mutant is really like.”




How does she hear anything?