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Story by Leena (@MyLifeIsARPG)

Recovery day 9

Things have changed quite a bit. My tummy tail is now long enough that it drags on the floor when I walk. Walking itself is… actually pretty hard. My feet don’t really work like feet anymore. They look like some strange combination between talons and hands. The toes are so long they might as well be fingers. The feet themselves are so long they look… almost like another section of my leg. They don’t even bend the way I want them to.

I’m now constantly sweating the same green oozey stuff that came out of my breasts. The doctors say it’s natural. They took x-rays, found I’m developing a lot of new organs, and one of them basically converts water in my body into this ooze. It does keep me cool though, and clean. Any dirt just washes away with the slime.

They allowed me to be a bit more active today, wish supervision. The hospital has a small garden that patients can visit to get fresh air. They wheeled me there in a wheelchair. It was nice to feel the sun on my skin again.

Oh yeah… my skin. About that. It’s been changing as well. It’s turning more… green? Maybe it’s just getting stained by the slime I secrete.

I met another girl there undergoing a similar procedure as me. Her name was Molly. She was… well she was certainly extreme.

She was all legs. Eight legs. Long, Luscious. Each one tipped in a half hand half foot. They came out of the sides of her torso and bent upward, almost like a spider or an insect. Out of either end of her torso was a neck and a head. She had short wavy black hair, and three eyes on each face. Out of her back, were breasts, eight breasts in rows of two. She scuttled around the garden on all eight of her legs, both of her heads were always smiling. She was nearing the end of her treatment.

I asked her if she was afraid. Her body was so different, after all. She said she was, at first, but she was more happy to be healthy.

“That’s what any medical procedure is…” she said. “Things suck a little bit right now so that they can suck a lot less in the future. I’d rather be a healthy mutant than a sick human.”

We had a good conversation. She talked about all the things she wanted to do when she got out of the hospital. She was really excited to buy clothes for her new body.

Maybe this isn’t going to be so bad.




Molly is absolutely lovely!


Un ejemplar extraordinario. Me la imagino con medias y tacones en las cuatro piernas centrales, para usarlas para caminar y dejar desnudas las piernas de los extremos para usarlas como manos.