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My dear Patreons, how I already warned in my Discord, today my grandfather passed away, who was a very important person for me.

He raised me the first few years of my life. He taught me to draw and he was possibly my first hero. Although already in this last stage, due to work and the pandemic, I could not see him so often, he was still very special in my heart. This last year his health had deteriorated very fast and finally he today he left.

I'm taking a short hiatus of two days, and I'll be back to work this weekend. I do this because I don't feel good enough to draw right now, but I need to do it again soon as that keeps my mind busy.

Hope understanding from him.



Take the time you need to heal. We'll be here when you're ready.


Don't force yourself to work, take the time you need to grieve and remember.

Tom Kauffman

Take whatever time you need - we'll still be here.

J.E. Melton

Grief comes to us all, we must endure it. Please take the time you need to honor your grandfather.


I lost my grandfather recently as well. Remember to eat. Avoid Disney movies. Take your time. You have a lot of support here.


Watching Big Fish also helps. While it is also about a loved one dying, it really does help with dealing with it.


I lost mine a couple of days too. I am with you and wish you all the time you need to process and heal from your loss. He will always live in your memorys!