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The bright of the sun coming through the window woke me up against my will. I slowly opened the eyes on my main head, rubbing them with my hands to clear my vision. I lifted myself off the bed, noticing that half of it was empty.

"Has anyone gotten up yet?" I thought, still half sleep. I sat on the edge of the bed, staring into infinity for several seconds and combing my hair. I arched my back and stretched my six arms in different directions as I yawned.

As I tried to wag my tail, I noticed that it was being held and that I could not actually breathe for it. As I turned over my shoulder, my face turned completely red. On the other side of the bed, Sophie and Lucy were still asleep and holding my other head with their arms, pressing it right between their four breasts.

The sensations on my other face immediately overwhelmed my mind. The softness around my face were not pillows, but the big and soft breasts of them. I slowly turned around so as not to wake them up, supporting myself with two of my arms as I brought the other four closer to the sleeping twins.

They were breathing slowly, looking sound asleep. Little by little, I held their hands and pulled them away to release my tail, which once free moved to my side. I stared at the girls, sleeping as if nothing had happened. I looked at myself and laughed silently. It did not bothered me to be there, it was actually quite comfortable.

I carefully covered Sophie and Lucy with the sheets and made my way to the kitchen in my pajamas. There was Jessica, preparing breakfast and already dressed normally. "Good Morning!" she said to me in chorus with her heads, in an energetic tone.

"Good morning ... did you got up so early?" I asked. I approached her, attracted by the good aroma of the food.

"Not so much, about half an hour ago..." she told me with one of her heads "...I took a shower and I was hungry so I started preparing something for all of us..." she finished the sentence with the other.

“Should I wake up the girls? They're still sleeping soundly…” I asked her as I leaned on the kitchen counter, right next to her.

She turned her left head towards me, focusing the other in the tasks. “Oh no need… it's not the first sleepover I've had with them. They will wake up soon or I hope so…” she told me, looking at my tail "It is quite noticeable that you have recently mutated...” she can’t hold her laugh “…do you only comb the hair on one of your heads?"

I immediately raised my tail, looking at myself. With an embarrassed smile, I began to comb the hair of my tail, fixing the mess. "There are things I still haven't gotten used to..." I said with my tail.

Jessica just smiled and nodded “You will get used to it, believe me… I have experience with that. In a short time you will completely forget what your life was like before the mutation...."

“I see.. you will be like my teacher…” I gestured with two hands, as if I was drawing the title of a book in the air “The Art of Having Two Heads….” I nodded with both heads “Yes, definitely a top seller!”

We both started laughing. "Well, here’s a first lesson…” she said pointing up with a finger “never tell anyone how many times you kiss yourself per day! They better not know, or you will sound like a pervert..."

My faces immediately turned red "K-Kiss myself?" I said trying to hide it. Jessica dropped her utensils and turned, folding her arms. "Seriously, Antonella..." "Are you trying to trick your teacher?" she told me, switching the head that speaks.

"Eehh ..."

"How long did it take you to try?" "Two minutes? Three?" she asked firmly.

"I-I... uh..." I looked down with both heads "I didn't checked... the time, but I think it was a few seconds after my tail formed..."

Jessica sighed and then laughed aloud. "See? It's inevitable... "" ...I don't think there is a mutant with more than one head that hasn't tried that"

"And what about you?" I asked. She immediately tensed and after thinking about it she told me with a smile "Your teacher will have her secrets... I won't tell you!"

"Won't you tell her what?" Sophie's voice made us turn toward the kitchen entrance, where the conjoined twins were standing, barely. Lucy had her eyes closed, leaning her head against Sophie's. They looked very cute, although they seemed very tired and their hair was a mess.

"Pfff... jeez, girls... cover yourselves!" Jessica said approaching them to adjust their pajamas, which were so disheveled that a couple of their breasts were exposed. The vision reminded me of my dream from the last night. Everything came back to my mind in movie detail. I took a step back, trying to clear my mind as my libido soared through the roof. I could almost see the three girls in front of me naked like in my dream and curiously, Sophie and Lucy’s breasts were exactly as I imagined.

Sophie patted Lucy's cheek "Lucy... wake up, we're on our feet... you are making it more difficult for me..." Lucy opened her eyes and immediately moved the other three arms to sway, noticing that she was standing in the kitchen "AHH! I told you not to bring me to strange places while I sleep!"

"But I did tell you and you went back to sleep!" Sophie said laughing. Lucy just pouted, looking at Jessica and me. "Oh, good morning girls..." her nose twitched, enjoying the smell of breakfast and she moved their body towards the kitchen.

"Sophie, control your sister... breakfast is not ready yet..." Jessica said. The body of twins stopped short and a hand touched their shared stomach. "I don't blame her, we're very hungry…" Sophie said.

I was still lost in thought, watching the scene. The memories of the dream did not leave my mind for a second, and my heart was beating very fast. "I-I... I'll go take a shower while breakfast is ready..." I said, walking back towards the bathroom.

The girls looked at me curiously, noticing my strange behavior, but they let me go without asking. As I entered the bathroom I closed the door behind me, lifting my tail to the side of my head and looking at myself in the mirror. I was agitated, and so flushed on both faces.

I find it hard to believe that my libido is so easy to raise. It may be a product of my mutation, my imagination, or simply that that dream felt too real and detailed.

I shook my heads, clearing my mind and walked to the shower, taking off my pajamas in the process. The shower seemed quite spacious, rectangular and fully glazed. I stepped inside and turned on the water, regulating its temperature and letting it run through my body as I relaxed.

I lifted my tail, looking at my own face as I began to wash her hair. Water vapor began to surround me. The sensation of the hot water on my shoulders felt like massages as it moved down my six breasts and reached my crotch. I raised my multiple arms, letting the water wet each of them while massaging my neck with a pair of hands.

I closed all four eyes, getting lost in my thoughts. My six hands moved on autopilot, washing my body, going over my breasts and reaching for my vagina to clean it, although the cleaning turned into caresses and rhythmic movements. After that dream, I really need to break free a bit.

I patted my head with one hand, planning what I should do. An idea came to my mind instantly, remembering a trick I used a few days after mutating to separate the consciousness from of my heads. Sighing deeply and concentrating for a few seconds, I managed to separate my main head from my tail. I could still feel her and even see with her eyes, but I could no longer decide what to do with her, that was in charge of my other 'me'.

"Let's have some f-" said my tail, although I immediately interrupted her, covering her mouth. "Shh... don’t let them hear us... let's do it quietly," I said with a wink.

MY tail nodded, confirming it with a blink of her eyes. I released her slowly and instantly felt like I was losing control over my body. I knew it was my tail taking the lead, but I allowed her to do whatever she wanted.

My body turned and my back arched. Four of my six breasts were pressed hard against the shower glass. Two of my hands held me while two others played with my two free breasts and the remaining two went towards my pussy. I was under the absolute control of my tail, who lift herself behind me watching the action.

Having my tail under control makes it feel like someone else is masturb ating me, even if it's my own hands. It was as good as having sex, if not better. My body was reacting faster than usual, climbing fast to the climax.

I began to relive the dream in my mind. My lower hands began to stimulate my clitoris with force while they put two fingers inside my vagina. My tail came up behind my head, kissing my neck passionately.

"I’m doing it okay? I know it feels good…" she whispered in my ear. I couldn't answer, the pleasure was increasing more and more. The sensations of the shower glass against four of my breasts, my fingers digging into the two remaining breasts and my vagina being strongly stimulated as my other head kissed my neck from shoulder to cheek. Everything closed in a perfect circle that made me reach the climax in just a couple of minutes.

"I-it's coming... here we go" my tail said in a sensual way as the climax hit me hard, running through my entire body. I fell to my knees on the ground with my entire body shaking. My tail relaxed on my shoulder, as we breathe fast, catching our breath.

"That was quick..." I said quietly. "If we took longer, the girls would be suspicious...," my tail answered with a smirk. I saw her closing her eyes and breathing deeply, filling my own lungs with air. I got the message and relaxed, closing my eyes too. Slowly, I felt my consciousness come together again and the control over my body and my tail returned to me.

"That was very intense," I thought, laughing as I continued to shower normally.

In a few minutes, I got out of the shower and dried myself completely. Looking around, I noticed that I had not brought any clothes when I decided to shower. I slowly opened the bathroom door and poked my tail through it. Watching the girls at the table, talking and laughing.

"Girls! I forgot my clothes in the bedroom. Can someone do me the favor?" I said with shame. Jessica raised her arms behind her heads, relaxing her pose as Sophie and Lucy laughed.

"Go pick them yourself..." Sophie said, "Don't be ashamed, we're among friends..." Lucy said with a mischievous smile. Jessica just nodded with both heads.

My expression could not hide the embarrassment I was feeling, but then I looked down at my body and smirked. I walked out, covering my rows of breasts and my groin with several arms and still had one free to gesture to the girls.

“Awww… not fair!” Lucy said pouting. Jessica rolled her eyes “Seriously… who need clothes when you have six arms, right?”

“Ha! I win this time…” I said as I cross in front of them, towards the bedroom. “And I will hide your clothes next time you shower as a punishment!” I finished with my tail as I went out of sight. I stopped with the bedroom door closed behind me and relaxed my arms.

“Every day here is so fun…” I said with a big smile.




Antonella 😍❤️