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First part  

After a few minutes, we arrived at Crystal’s building. It was old, but well maintained, and the atmosphere was calm and pleasant. My excitement could cut through it like a knife.

Who would have thought this blind date would end so well. Crystal was smart, funny, kind, and even, apparently, a mutant. I didn’t want to come off as a total creep, but I have a bit of a mutant kink myself. Yet she looks completely normal to the outside eye, so I could only fantasize about what was under her clothes.

While I sat there in my lustful thoughts, Crystal was looking more and more uncomfortable by the second. She looked up to me and started to speak. “Hey I…” but she soon cut herself off.

“What’s wrong,” I said trying to push down the sexual fantasies and let my better nature come out on top. “If you are uncomfortable we don’t have to do this…” I lied. I REALLY wanted to do this.

She shook her head and gave me a nervous smile. “No, it’s not like the situation’s going to change. Today, tomorrow, I’m still me.”

She opened the door to her apartment and invited me in. It was a modest apartment, very well arranged and comfortably decorated with soft colors, tasteful art, and a few hanging bookshelves. I didn’t have much time to appreciate it, though, as I felt Crystal grab my hand before I could take even a few steps in.

“I want to be honest with you Alan…” she said, her cheeks beat red.

Another secret? I thought being a mutant was the biggest secret you could have. My mind wandered with possibilities. “You already told me you’re a mutant…” I said like a doof.

“No, I mean, yes… it’s about that… it’s just… we weren’t alone on our date tonight…” She stepped back and pulled her jacket off setting it aside. Then she grabbed her sweater and began to pull it over her head. Not a few minutes into her apartment and she was already doing a striptease. Soon, her breasts were bare in front of me, smiling back. Yes, smiling! Instead of nipples they had large, plump sets of lips.

“G-good evening, Alan, it’s my pleasure,” her right breast said. Its voice was similar to Crystal’s, maybe a little higher.

“I’m glad we could finally meet,” said the left. It seemed to move on its own accord, dipping slightly to simulate a bow. It was like they had a mind of their own.

“Alan, these are my sisters,” Crystal said. “This is Lilly,” she gently cupped her right breast. It seemed to be trembling, as if it were nervous. “And this is July,” she cupped her left breast which had a much bigger and confident smile.

“I confess… this isn’t what I expected…” I said, slightly in shock.

Crystal sighed a bit. I could tell she had been in this situation before. “Look, I understand if this is too strange for you…”

“No! Nonononono,” I said cutting her off. “I mean, heck, I got to date three beautiful girls at once. I can’t speak for anyone else but to me that’s a deal!” I tried my best to sound cool. I didn’t, but at least my attempts seemed to put the girls at ease.

“See,” July said, “I told you he’d like us.”

Crystal blushed, “We can talk to each other without, you know, actually talking, and July has been raving about you all night. We all like you a lot Alan.”

She walked toward me seductively, her breasts licking their lips. She gently guided me to the couch, caressing her sisters. My erection couldn’t have been more obvious.

“It looks like he likes it,” July said, “well how about this?” She turned to her sister and suddenly locked lips with her, the two breasts giving each other a deep French kiss. Crystal began to moan, feeling the erotic tension in the room. I could only imagine what she was truly feeling as her breasts licked and sucked at each other’s mouths.

After a few seconds they broke the kiss, leaving Crystal out of breath.

“Do you like what you saw?” Crystal asked.

“I… have no words,” I said dumfounded, all the blood from my brain now rushing to my cock.

“I’m glad,” smiled Crystal. “I think it’s about time we retreat to the bedroom.”



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