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"Are you okay honey?" I asked the wonderful girl I was dating as we impatiently waited for the elevator. We had been together for a while and tonight was the night that we were finally ready to get… intimate.

"Y-yeah, I'm just very hor… I mean excited," Rita said with a nervous smile. "It's just... never mind, forget it"

"What is it?”

"It's just that… I ran out of a medication that I was taking," she answered, obviously downplaying.

"What kind of medication?” I asked. I didn’t want to put anyone in danger

"Remutaxin… but don't worry, it won't hurt if I don't take it today,” she said with a nervous smile.

“Remutaxin? Isn’t that meant to control mutations? Are you a mutant?” I asked her, trying not to sound too startled.

“Y-Yes. I wasn’t hiding it or anything. It just never came up. The doctors expect I could mutate any day now so I take the medication to keep it controlled,” she explained.

“It doesn't bother me at all! I’m just worried about you taking an inhibitor. Aren’t those dangerous?  What dose did your doctor gave you?” I asked. She paused without answering. A bad sign. "Are you self-medicating?"

“Come on Jake, it's not that bad. They told me I might grow horns and that’s not the type of “horny” I’m interested in. Please… I'll be fine; the only thing I want right now is to have an intimate night with you.”

She looked at me with bright pleading eyes. I couldn’t say no. "OK ok… you win, but tomorrow we talk about it, OK?” It admittedly didn’t take her long to convince me that passion is more important than safety.

The elevator arrived and the two of us went inside. Her building was new and many of the apartments were still empty. There was a lot of privacy, so she wasn’t kidding when she said we could be “as loud as we want.”

As we went upstairs, I noticed Rita was starting to blush. Her cheeks and cleavage were beat red. Her breaths were short pants and sweat was beading up on her forehead. She whispered in my ear “Oh my god… I really want to do it. I just can’t wait, I just want to…. AGH!”

Suddenly Rita backed up, shivering. Her eyes went wide. Her flesh started rippling. Sick slurping sounds filled the elevator. She was mutating, right in front of me!

Her breasts grew ripping through her tight blouse. She now had four massive breasts exposed to the world. A second pair of arms grew below her original ones like branches growing from a tree and another pair grew from behind her original shoulders, as if she were spreading her wings. Three small horns from her head, one on her forehead and two at the sides. Her teeth sharpened, her ears pointed, and I noticed a bulge growing in her pants that made her cry out in a perverse pleasure. Finally, two tendrils grew from her back and it was hard to tell if they were tails or tentacles. It was a sight to see.

Rita was barely able to stand with all the extra weight on her body. I managed to grab her by an arm to keep her from falling. She was struggling not to pass out. She must have been in shock.

"Oh my god Rita, this is so much more than horns," I said, "I think we better go to a hospit..."

“No!” she shouted at me, more aggressive than usual. “Today we are going to have sex one way or another... I'm fine, just… AGHH, oh god it’s happening agaAAAIN AAAAAAAAGH!”

Rita reached a hand down her lower back hunching over in pain. Her spine pushed against her tailbase which ballooned out, a whole second torso growing. It shredded her pants as a second pair of legs grew out behind her, another set of tentacles protruding from her other set of hips.

Her transformation slowed down as the elevator stopped on her floor. I practically had to help carry her out of it, assisting each of her new limbs as she struggled to move them for the first time. I never felt so happy to be on a floor so empty. I didn’t want to have to explain a naked mutant to a nosy neighbor.

“Wait for me here while I go to get help. I'll call the ER and explain that you mut… ”, I couldn't finish when I was caught by Rita's tentacles that lifted me with incredible. She had two tentacles immobilizing my legs, the other two holding me on my waist and hers second set of her upper arms holding my arms. Her eye’s glowed with an inhuman red hue.

"Nope… today we are going to fuck and NOTHING IS GOING TO PREVENT IT," said Rita, as she walked to her apartment. I could feel a strong almost inhuman heat coming from her. Her vaginas were literally leaking, leaving a wet trail wherever she walked. Whatever the transformation did, it was making her hormones, her sex drive, go out of control.

Rita entered her apartment practically taking me like a prisoner. I’m usually not a huge fan of BDSM but, there was something undeniably arousing about the whole situation.

“We're going to have a great time Jake,” Rita said with a growl “I have a virgin pussy that I want you to ravage, and a cock that I’m going to ravage YOU with!” More deep throated growls escaped her throat like a lion eyeing up its prey.

"Rita, stop!” I said, my morality getting the better of me. “I want this as much as you do but I need to know you are OK.”

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm f…” Rita didn't finish as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her shock brought her to her senses and her tentacles loosened, lowering me to the floor.

"Oh my god, I AM A MONSTER," she said, tears welling up in her eyes. I rushed to her side to hug her.

"You’re not a monster,” I said kissing her gently. “You’re the sexiest thing I have ever seen.”

“I… I'm sorry. I practically kidnapped you and… oh… oh god… I don't know what happened to me,” Rita said. Her animalistic behavior obviously disturbed her.  "This is terrible? Why did I go so crazy? Did the pills do this?"

“I’ve seen mutations before but this one was very extreme and fast.  It’s like the pills were stopping up a bottleneck and it finally popped.”

Rita took time to move each of her new limbs and tentacles. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I can barely control these… things and… I mean how am I going to live like this? Hell, I don't think any of my clothes fit me and I don't have 2 pairs of the same shoes either,” she said as she stroked her new legs. "And the paperwork, the doctors visits…”

“If you want, I can help you. I’m not gonna leave you alone after all this,” I said, trying to reassure her.

She smiled at me and took my hand in one of hers. "Thanks Jake. I'm so sorry this ruined our first time."

"Wait,” I said with a laugh, “Now you don’t want to do it?”

Rita looked at me in surprise. "W-wait, are you still in the mood?"

“I repeat, I really think you are the sexiest being on the planet. And, I'm still very horny,” I said.

"Believe me, not more than me," Rita said with a mischievous smile as she spread her body over her bed, exposing her breasts and genitals. Her tentacles waved and her arms extended inviting me. "There are many things I want to try, so what are you waiting for?"




Oh my my my, sexy times ahead


Hope to see more of this story