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The morning passed slowly in the ice cream shop. I suppose that despite the heat, people had flocked to the beach. It had been several minutes since any customers had come in when Cherry came back from one of her many trips to the bathroom.

She was my co-worker in this small place. A red-haired humantaur with certain dragon characteristics, she had a lizard tail and horns like those of oriental dragons, and some red scales that covered her forearms, her tail, the sides of her face, and her four legs. She was a very nice girl and we had become great friends in this last two months.

"Ugh, this is so boring," I said while stretching. “We should do something to entertain ourselves. Maybe you could melt some ice cream using your fire breath."

"You know I don't have fire breath, I'm not a real dragon," Cherry said, annoyance heavy in her voice.

My eyes drifted over to Cherry’s legs as I leaned back against the counter for a short rest. I loved her legs. We were close, and I had a feeling she knew how much I admired her beauty, but I was still hesitant to let it show how much I did. As my eyes slid down her legs, they landed on a bit of ice cream that had dripped there when we were moving the containers earlier. Without even thinking I grabbed a napkin and bent over to wipe it off. The moment I touched her leg though, she moaned and a small stream of “ice cream” dropped her rear pair of legs. I was paralyzed by surprise, but Cherry was redder than ever and dashed to the bathroom as quick as she could.

I replayed what happened in my mind as I cleaned up the small puddle that had dripped onto the floor. I felt bad to have caused Cherry such discomfort. She came walking back to the counter when I was tossing the napkins in the trash bin and stood next to me in silence. We were both a bit embarrassed and weren’t sure what to say. I broke the silence and spoke first.

"I’m sorry, Cherry. I shouldn't have touched you. I should have asked first,” I said.

She looked at me somewhat surprised by my words. They seemed to calm her a little. "Hey Ted, it’s ok. I know you were just trying to help, and the truth is, it was rather my fault.” She took a deep breath before continuing, "I think I owe you an explanation."

"You don't need to explain if you feel uncomfortable," I replied.

“No, it’s ok. I trust you. I prefer to tell you, actually.” She was silent for a moment while she collected her thoughts, and then took a deep breath before speaking again. “Between my back legs, in addition to my vagina, I have a penis. A human one. It’s nothing very spectacular, and I've had it since I was 16 years old,” she told me while she leaned against the counter.

“Well, you’re not the first futanari girl I have met. It’s not something so strange, really,” I tried to reassure her.

"I know, the point is that for a while I have been... well…you know," she blushed and looked away. She couldn’t say the actual words.

It took a moment for me to put the pieces together. "Oh, you mean having sex with yourself?" I asked. It was my turn to blush. She just nodded.

“I started trying it because, trust me… every girl with both parts has tried it at least one time. It turns out that my second torso is very flexible and the sensation of both fucking and being fucked at the same time is very intoxicating, so to speak," she said, still unable to meet my eyes.

“Well, one way or another, it's just a form of mast urbation. That's not bad, as long as it doesn't affect your day to day or hurt you,” I told her.

“Now do you realize why I run away to the bathroom so much? I go, I try to reach my climax as quickly as possible, I clean up, and then come back," said Cherry, as if to apologize.

“I don't think it’s good, Cherry. You go to the bathroom about 6 times in the mornings and almost as much in the afternoon," I said. "Why don’t you just take a few actual breaks? Maybe you need to do it so much because you are always rushing it. You could have a half-hour break in the morning and another in the afternoon and really enjoy it,” I told her, also somewhat blushing from just imagining the situation.

"Wait, r-really?! It doesn't bother you?” Cherry asked, her eyes full of surprise.

“It doesn't bother me, but I do think you should discuss this with a doctor at some point,” I said, touching her shoulder. “And don't worry, I'll even bring some scented candles and some cushions, to help create a better atmosphere if you need it. You’re in charge of lighting the candles though."

"I already told you I don't breathe fire," Cherry said and chuckled a little. "Thanks for understanding Ted."

That afternoon we started our arrangement. Cherry disappeared for half an hour so she could tend to her needs. I could tell when she came out of the bathroom smiling that the arrangement would work out just fine.

"Wow, it looks like you gave yourself a real Happy Hour," I said. "I just hope your ‘lover’ lived up to it."

“Trust me he did. He was very understanding, almost as if he had known me forever,” she said seriously before we both started laughing. When we regained our composure, she came over to my side and asked me, "Ted, do you have anything to do after work?"

“Well, I have a nice outlook of going to fold my clothes and put them away… and clean my refrigerator. So if you have a proposal, I hope it is better than that one,” I replied. I noticed that she blushed a little.

"You know...during my "happy hour", I thought that... maybe my back vagina is a little jealous of the attention I give to my front vagina and... I wanted to know if you could help me with that," she said as her cheeks turned beet red. My own blush was nearly as deep.

"Yes, I think your outlook is much better than mine," I replied. "I just hope I can measure up to your other lover."

"I'm sure you will," she said and immediately gave me a kiss on the cheek before we went back to work.




I wish someday we'll see a pic of her fucking herself.^^