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“EMILY ARE YOU OK!” Paul burst into the room, worried that Emily was mutating again, only to find her naked and with both hands busy at her genitals. Both were momentarily petrified in surprise, until a deep red blush of embarrassment and anger took over Emily’s face.

“PAUL YOU IDIOT!” She said grabbing a pillow and chucking it at him out of frustration. “WE HAVE LIVED TOGETHER FOR YEARS, YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE WHEN I OR GASM!” Another pillow was thrown at him narrowly missing his head. “HOW MANY TIMES TO I HAVE TO TELL YOU, KNOCK FIRST BEFORE YOU OPEN THE DOOR!”

“SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!” Paul said, covering his eyes and dodging the flying bedware. “It’s just, with the whole mutation thing, I just wanted to be sure nothing was wrong and-“


Paul swiftly left the room. He too was feeling confused. He had always liked Emily a lot and her mutation had triggered several powerful feelings in him. Maybe he was a mutant fetishist and just didn’t want to admit it. Maybe he had a warrior complex and seeing Emily’s vulnerability made him want to take care of her even more.

“Well… I’m not going to get that image out of my head anytime soon” Paul said, stuck with an almost por nographic image of his roommate fresh in his memories.



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